- US ARC PH 2010.004.003
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Part of Photographic postcard collection
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Part of Photographic postcard collection
Baldwin Clinic, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the medical clinic in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Mar 25 1943; mailed from Woodville Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. John Torbeck, Rushmore, Minn. "Woodville, Mar 24. Dear Friends -- Well here we are in Wisconsin Are you surprised. Is Alvin home? We hope so, we live 2 miles north of Woodville but go to Baldwin mostly. We are all well & hope you are O.K. We got here 10 P.M. Fri. Mar 8. Had swell luck. Write soon, Albert & Myrtle."
Baldwin Community Hospital, Baldwin, WI
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Baldwin Co-operative Creamery Association, Baldwin Wis.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Baldwin Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard of the Baldwin Evangelical Lutheran Church in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved. A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on EKC paper (used 1930-1950).
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Additional title information supplied by cataloger. Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Additional title information supplied by cataloger. Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.
Bird's-eye view of Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with panoramic view of the village of Baldwin, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Text printed in red on recto: E. C. Kropp, Milwaukee. Unused.
Circuit Court, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, criminal and civil case files, 1850-1929, 1967-1985.
Case files relating to criminal and civil cases brought before the St. Croix County Circuit Court. Cases may include complaints, summonses, warrants, motions, appeals, judgments, and orders. Criminal offenses may relate to cases such as murder, assault and battery, adultery, larceny, fornication, illegal liquor sales, vandalism, and gambling. Civil suits may involve monetary transactions, personal disputes, divorce cases, and other family court-related matters.
Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)
Circuit Court, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, journals, 1850-1888, 1895-1907, 1919-1932.
Records showing the daily proceedings and judgments of the courts.
Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)
First Reformed Church, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
with a spire, bell tower, and lancet windows. Date based on postmark: Apr 3 1953; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to
Garage and hotel, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of Nelson's Garage and the hotel in Baldwin, Wisconsin. From the signs, Nelson's sold Ford vehicles and Fisk tires. Also prominent in the photograph is an electric pole and wires. Text printed on verso: Pub. by Photo Advertising Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark: Jun [3 or 5] [19]21; mailed from Baldwin Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp (Scott 405, first issued in 1912). Message: Addressed to Miss Dora Timmerman, Waterloo, Ia, RFD#5. Well Dora, How's work today? I'm fine. Got here Tues. morn at 9[:]15 and am sure having a fine time. So long, Frieda [?], Baldwin Wis, T. H. Ecker."
High school girls Glee Club, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Baldwin High School Girls Glee Club in 1914. Date from note on the verso. Other handwriting on verso includes "Miss Mae Peabody, Baldwin, Wisconsin, St. Croix County." Mae (or May) Peabody attended Baldwin High School for only one year, and is probably in this photograph, but there is no indication which girl she is.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Part of Photographic postcard collection
House Built By John C. in Baldwin Wis
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Note: House built for Chas. Settergren in Baldwin, 1910, by John C. Wernlund.
Lovers' lane, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Baldwin, Wisconsin, with a 1900s automobile driving away from the camera. Houses are difficult to see because of the deciduous trees. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis, and used as a divider: Co-Mo Quality. Message:
Main Business Section, Baldwin, WI
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Main Street looking east, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of Baldwin, Wisconsin, main street. Business include a Phillips 66 gas station, ... Modern streetlights line the street. (Dan's copy is postmark 1967)
Main Street, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the main street in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso, as the divider: "Como." The Co-Mo Company produced postcards out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Date based on postmark: Aug 11 1931; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vande Zande, East Main St., Waupun, Wisconsin "Dear Folks, We had a fine trip and are enjoying our visit in the cool weather. Plan to be back Thursday. Tomorrow is the S.S. picnic so we will be able to visit with several friends. Chris Weinhend's [?] have to go back next Tuesday, so we are glad we can visit with them here. Lots of love, Chris & Bertha."
Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved. A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on EKC paper (used 1930-1950). Unused.
Reformed Church, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Date from postmark: Aug 5 1953; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; carmine red 2c Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to
Residence section, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Baldwin, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Only the bottoms of the houses can be seen because of the full trees along the boulevards. Text printed on verso: Real Photo Post Card, Hansen Photo Co., Withee, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Jul 1914; mailed from Bald[win] Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Rev. A.T. Laman, 343 E. Ione St., Muskegon, Mich. "Dear [Bro.?] L., - Will you please inform me on what date installation is to take place? Want to announce date next Sunday. 'The Leader' has it that laddren pastor & people. So that correct? Having good time. Hope you are. Sincerely, C. Vd Schoor, Baldwin Wisconsin"
St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court minutes, 1878-1974.
Provides a brief summary of cases heard before the Circuit Court. Includes the names of defendants and plaintiffs as well as the judgment in each particular case.
Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)
Street scene, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Treasurer, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, tax and assessment rolls, 1857-2005.
Record of taxes assessed and paid on real estate and personal property. States names of owner, description of land, number of acres, assessed valuation, amount of each tax, total taxes, date paid, and by whom. Assessment rolls are present for various local units of government for scattered years.