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A. D. Andrews. Papers, 1861-1883.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 357
  • collection
  • 1861-1883

Papers of a River Falls, Wis., medical doctor concerning his Civil War service as a surgeon with the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers and his later appointments as examining surgeon for pensions and as regent of state normal schools, and his election as a state senator; including his official documents and letters.

A history of Clifton Hollow, circa 1972.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 157
  • collection
  • circa 1972

A history of Clifton Hollow, a settlement in northwestern Pierce County, Wisconsin, 1849-1898, written by Mrs. Wheelock who was born there; mentioning lumber and grist mills, a lime kiln, and a school, church, and Templar's lodge.
Included is the 16-page original and a later 5-page revision which includes some additional information.

A pageant of fairs, 1969.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 396
  • collection
  • 1969

A script prepared by Mrs. McKenney for a pageant presented at the 1969 Polk County, Wis., Fair; depicting the history of fairs, particularly the Polk County Fair first held in 1861, and describing the educational and entertainment features which included exhibits, horse racing, baseball, carnivals, and food stands. ?b Suggestions are given for floats to be prepared by area 4-H clubs which illustrate aspects of the history.

A. Rosenberger letter, 1883.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 118
  • collection
  • 1883

Letter, September 22, 1883, to John Downer, River Falls, Wisconsin, from A. Rosenberger, superintendent of Ellsworth, Wisconsin, schools, listing the subjects of examinations required for teaching certification.

A short history of the Walker farm, 1975.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 244
  • collection
  • 1975

Essay by Walker, a Wisconsin State University-River Falls student, describing the development of his family's farm located adjacent to River Falls; including information on the stone quarry operated on the farm, on commercial growing of cabbage, potatoes, and cucumbers, and on eventual division of the property for home lots and other uses.

Aaron Dahlberg biography, undated.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 148
  • collection
  • undated.

Biographical information on Aaron Dahlberg, a Swedish immigrant to Trade Lake, Wisconsin, and information on the history of the Northwest Wisconsin Electric Company which developed from several small electric companies that he operated.

Abbie S. Leavitt. Papers, 1859-1866.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 57
  • collection
  • 1859-1866

Teacher contracts, 1859-1863, between Abbie S. Leavitt and various school districts in the Town of Clifton, Pierce County, Wisconsin; teacher's certificates for the same period; the marriage certificate of Miss Leavitt and George W. Cairns, 1866; and ephemera.

Abner Morse papers, 1876-1877.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 374
  • collection
  • 1876-1877

Incoming correspondence to Abner Morse, lawyer, newspaperman, and prominent citizen of River Falls, Wis., mainly concerning Republican politics and his campaign for probate judge in 1877 in Pierce County. Also included are a few letters pertaining to business and biographical information.

Academic Program Review Records, 1962-2009

  • UWRF Series 216
  • collection
  • 1962-2009

This collection contains academic program audits and reviews for undergraduate and graduate programs at UW-River Falls. Information includes, but is not limited to; course statistics and test results, alumni surveys, self-study tools, correspondence, and resumes of faculty.

Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Addie Gwyneth Ludwig genealogies, undated.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 189
  • collection
  • undated

Genealogical charts of the ancestry of Addie Ludwig, Ottumwa, Iowa, whose maternal ancestors lived in Pierce County, Wisconsin; including mention of the surnames Caster/Custer, McBride, Hanvelt, and Pierce.

Admission & Registration Statistics, 1965-1971.

  • UWRF Series 23
  • collection
  • 1965-1971.

Admission Statistics include Applications received for Fall Quarter; Summary of Applications; Distribution of High School Rank Percentiles for New Freshmen by Sex and Resident Status; New Transfer Students; Returning Students. Registration Statistics include Reports to the Board of Regents and U.S. Office of Education; Enrollment of Foreign, Graduate, and part-time students; Enrollment by College and High School, Summary and Student Lists; Enrollment by Classes, Student Lists.

Office of the Chancellor

Adoptive Families of Western Wisconsin records, 1976-1993.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss EZ
  • collection
  • 1976-1993

Records of the Adoptive Families of Western Wisconsin consisting of newsletters, brochures, chapter information, and by-laws. Also included are financial records, grants, meeting minutes, and the treasurer's report. Records are also included documenting the organization's name change from OURS of Western Wisconsin to Adoptive Families of Western Wisconsin in 1986.

Agnes Walker Pelton papers, 1858-1970.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 238
  • collection
  • 1858-1970

Papers of Pelton, daughter of Henry C. and Harriet Reed Walker, consisting primarily of material regarding family life with some biographical details. Included also is an 1858 cemetery deed to Greenwood Cemetery in River Falls, Wisconsin
Born in River Falls, Pelton graduated from River Falls State Normal School in 1920 and taught school in Chetek prior to her 1923 marriage to Rex M. Pelton and subsequent residence in Great Falls, Montana.

Agrifallian Society Records, 1959-1968.

  • UWRF Series 183
  • collection
  • 1959-1968.

The River Falls Agrifallians Society was organized on January 8, 1959. Agrifallian Society was the official name given to the club, which consists of Bachelors of Science non-teaching students in agriculture. The purpose of the society is to promote fellowship and to further acquaint students with professional and vocational opportunities in the field of agriculture. -Description from Society History This collection consists mainly of meeting minutes but also contains the constitution, election records, and photographs.

University of Wisconsin--River Falls. College of Agriculture. (1921)

Aid Society Norden, Hudson, Wisconsin, Records, 1912-1993.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss ER
  • collection
  • 1912-1993

Organizational records of the Aid Society Norden, a mutual aid society constituted by Scandinavian immigrants in 1886 and devoted to providing sickness and death benefits to members. The records consist of articles of incorporation and dissolution, constitution and bylaws, financial records, membership books, and meeting minutes.

Aid Society Norden (Hudson, Wis.) (1912)

Ainsworth Saunders letter, 1862.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 348
  • collection
  • 1862

Civil War letter, June 17, 1862, to David P. Saunders of River Falls, Wisconsin, from his cousin, Private Ainsworth Saunders, Co. B, 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, camped near Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Albert C. Stuntz diaries, 1858, 1863-1869, 1882.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 45
  • collection
  • 1882

Diaries kept by Albert C. Stuntz, recording his work as timber agent for school and university lands in the upper St. Croix Valley, Wisconsin; surveyor on Indian reservations at Lac du Flambeau and Lac Court Oreille in 1863; state assemblyman, 1865; and county surveyor of Green County, Wisconsin, 1882. Accompanied by a transcript.

Albin S. Pearson letters, August 31, 1961

  • US ARC River Falls SC 343
  • collection
  • 1961

Letter from Pearson, St. Paul, Minnesota, to members of the Hudson High School Class of 1911. Pearson gives brief biographies of himself and his brother Fritz, mentions details regarding the lives of classmates, and attaches copies of two letters by another classmate, Donna (Mrs. James T.) Geddes of Battle Creek, Michigan.

Albinus and Frank B. Webster papers, 1871-1945.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss CJ
  • collection
  • 1871-1945

Papers of Albinus Webster and his son Frank who farmed in the Town of Kinnickinnic, St. Croix County, Wisconsin; consisting of brief daily diary entries, account books, genealogical charts, and other items.
The diaries contain information on all aspects of farm life and management, community life, agricultural trade, and prices. Frank Webster was considered a progressive farmer, known for integrating new farming methods, and his diaries include detailed descriptions of agricultural practices.

Alexander Turner diary, 1849.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 134
  • collection
  • 1849

Copy of Turner's 1849 diary recording events during his family's crossing of the Atlantic while immigrating from Edinburgh, Scotland, to Dodge County, Wisconsin; plus additional biographical information.

Alfred Anderson. Notebook, 1904.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 141
  • collection
  • 1904

Photocopy of a notebook, containing mainly songs and poems, kept by Anderson, a Norwegian immigrant living in Amherst, Wisconsin, in 1904.

Alleho School records, 1892-1957.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 28
  • collection
  • 1892-1957

[1] School District Records (1924-1957) containing minutes of school board meetings, accounts of receipts and expenditures, resolutions, school censuses, financial statements, and teachers' contracts; [2] Treasurer's Book (1929-1957) showing receipts and expenditures; and [3] School Registers (1892-1943) including attendance records, reports of pupils' standing and work accomplished, daily programs, record of visitors, and state reading circle records.

Alonzo Miller papers, 1863-1865

  • US ARC River Falls SC 22
  • collection
  • 1863-1865

Typescript copies prepared by the National Park Service, of a short entry diary, January 1, 1864-July 24, 1865, and letters, November 22, 1863-July 14, 1865, of Alonzo Miller, a private in Co. A, 12th Wisconsin Infantry. Materials concern camp life, the Atlanta, Savannah, and Carolina campaigns, including the battles of Kennesaw Mountain, Ezra Church, and Jonesboro, and the capture of Bentonville, N.C. Also present are the texts of two songs by L. Grennan, "The veterans are coming," and "The great Ulysses." Not available on the microfilm are transcripts of a May 2, 1864, letter and brief diary entries, 1863-1865, and a photograph of Alonzo Miller.

Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority records, 1979-1988.

  • UWRF Series 160
  • collection
  • 1979-1988.

The Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority existed on the UW-RF campus from 1979 to 1989, and later it then became Lambda Delta Phi. The collection consists of activity files, constitutions and bylaws, correspondence, minutes, a pledge book, rush information, photographs, and scrapbooks that detail different activities of the sorority.

Alumni Association Records, 1879-

  • UWRF Series 42
  • collection
  • 1879-2002

The Alumni Association is composed of graduates from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. The purpose of the group is to promote greater activity among the alumni at commencement, homecoming, and other special functions, to encourage sociability among former students, to create a closer understanding between the college and the community, and to further the interests of higher education in the community.

Assistant to the Chancellor

Alumni Bulletin - Falcon Features, 1935-Present

  • UWRF Series 210
  • collection
  • 1935-Present

Beginning in 1934, the River Falls Alumnus was published and distributed to the graduates of the River Falls State Teachers College. The Alumni Bulletin was first compiled by the Public Relations committee in conjunction with the regular college bulletin published by the Board of Regents and ran until about 1958. In the Spring of 1952, the River Falls Foundation began publishing, the alumni newsletter, Falcon Features which continues to run today. Alumni newsletters were intended to keep alumni informed with updates to the campus physical plant, faculty, and curriculum. It also serves as a directory for alumni to keep in touch, including personal notices such as marriages, deaths, and career changes.

University Advancement

Alumni in Armed Forces, 1941-1945.

  • UWRF Series 44
  • collection
  • 1941-1945

This series contains information on River Falls graduates who served in the two World Wars. The letters to Pep Hanson were donated by LaVern Delorit in 2000. She was the daughter of Pep Hanson and the wife of Richard Delorit, long-time agriculture faculty member and interim university president from 1967-1968. See UWRF Series 29 (Student Army Training Corps).

Assistant to the Chancellor

Amelia Hrdina Motl letter and memoir, 1918, circa 1966.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 276
  • collection
  • circa 1966

Memoir, circa 1966, by Amelia Hrdina Motl describing her childhood, school and college years, all spent in the River Falls, Wis., area, and her experiences while teaching in Grantsburg and Danbury, Wis.; plus a copy of a March 1918 letter from Harold S. Johnson, a former student, in which he describes his daily routines aboard the battleship Mississippi during World War I.

American Association of Teacher's College,

  • UWRF Series 16
  • collection
  • 1924-1953.

The River Falls State Teachers College joined the American Association of Teacher Colleges in 1924. The organization began nationwide accrediting in 1927, and continued in the role until superseded by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education in 1948. (See UWRF Series 14) The purpose of the American Association of Teachers Colleges was to make more effective the administration of teacher-training institutions and to disseminate information. Included among the materials in the series are a 1929 inspection report of the River Falls State Normal School with related courses; annual reports from the school to the Accrediting Committee, 1930-1949; bulletins and correspondence, including AATC membership lists; and miscellaneous questionnaires including a variety of interesting materials, among them student cost, library and curriculum surveys.

Office of the President

American Association of University Professors, River Falls Chapter records

  • US ARC River Falls Mss AR
  • collection
  • 1950-1971

Records including a chapter constitution, minutes, correspondence, financial records, membership lists, salary surveys, and program materials; plus papers from the state and material parent associations.

American Association of University Professors. River Falls Chapter (Wis.) (1950)

American Association of University Women, River Falls Branch, Wisconsin, records, 1935-2014.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss DT
  • collection
  • 1935-2014

Records of the River Falls Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), including business records, reports, publications, files on community service activities, history of the branch, photographs, scrapbooks, sound recordings, and videotapes. Cards listing members include addresses and dates of membership, college attended, and degree earned. There is also a nearly complete run of the monthly publication of the branch bulletin, "The Falls Notes" (1973-2014). Also detailed are various programs and conventions in which the River Falls Branch participated.

American House, Town of Erin Corners, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, ledger and genealogical notes, 1869-1890 and ca. 1969.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss CV
  • collection
  • 1869-1890, circa 1969

Business account ledger, 1869-1890, kept by Peter Meath, proprietor of the American House, a combined store, saloon, hotel, and boarding house. An index to the names appearing in the journal is included plus a brief biography of Meath and notes compiled by Catherine B. Heiting on the descendants, 1800-1969, of John and Mary Coleman Meath.

American Legion. Fletcher-Pechacek Post 121 (River Falls, Wis.). Auxiliary and Post records, 1922-1997.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss AJ
  • collection
  • 1922-1997

Records documenting the activities of a local post of the American Legion, mainly its Auxiliary, including community service projects, aid for veterans and their dependents, post building bonds, and promotion of the annual "poppy drive." The collection contains minutes, reports, correspondence, financial records, and scrapbooks including photographs and news clippings.

American Red Cross. Polk County Chapter (Wis.). Records, 1940-1950.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss CW
  • collection
  • 1940-1950

Records of the Polk County Red Cross, principally correspondence between chapter officers and volunteers and materials received from the national Red Cross. The records concern the making of knit garments and surgical dressings for use by the armed forces, and peacetime activities of the chapter.

Ames Laboratory School records, 1939-1980.

  • UWRF Series 74
  • collection
  • 1939-1980.

The first three boxes of this series deal with the practice reports of student teachers at the predecessor lab school located in North Hall. Boxes 4-6 contains correspondence, scrapbooks, reports, and other information concerning the lab school.

Anders Jensen Stortroen letters, 1858-1862.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 413
  • collection
  • 1858-1862

Typed translations of 3 letters written to friends and family in Tonset, Norway by brothers Anders and Ole Stortroen, immigrant residents in Martell Township, Pierce County, Wisconsin; including detailed information on farming, building houses, pay rates and prices, the availability of churches and schools, and references to the Civil War.

Andrew Malgren family genealogical items, 1779-1925.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 319
  • collection
  • 1779-1925

Photocopies of genealogical charts, illustrations, and written description of the history of the Andrew Malgren family of Hudson, Wisconsin, compiled by Swanson. Other surnames treated in the genealogy, 1779-1925, include Plato, Persson, Lindstrom, and Erickson.

Andrew Monteith papers, 1789, 1806, 1844-1867, 1894.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss AX
  • collection
  • 1894

Papers concerning members of the Andrew Monteith family who immigrated to Grant County, Wisconsin, from Scotland; consisting of letters, tax receipts, genealogical information, and a hymnal, "The Missouri Harmony." Included are negative photostat copies of a few Civil War letters from his sons, Samuel and Robert, both serving in the 7th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers; church certificates (1852) of David and Andrew Monteith from the Parish of Penningham, Scotland; and a letter (1862) from David Monteith describing his trip from New York via Panama to San Francisco and Washington Territory to mine for gold.

Andy Johnson. Statement, 1980.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 74
  • collection
  • 1980

An account, written in 1980, of Johnson's experience pledging the PEX fraternity at the University of Wisconsin-Superior in 1977, detailing the violent and dehumanizing acts perpetrated on the pledges by members.

Angel Hill School records, 1942-1960.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 102
  • collection
  • 1942-1960

[1] Teacher's Register (1953-1957) with names of teachers and pupils, attendance record, remarks concerning the promotion and progress of students, and a register of visitors; [2] Financial Records indicating the balance in the district's bank account (1942-1960), and a Cash Disbursement and Receipts Ledger (1954-1960) which shows the names, amounts, and dates of financial transactions; and [3] Annual Report (1960) which has information on enrollment, school district expenses, and financing.

Anna Corcoran. Diaries, 1918-1939.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss EO
  • collection
  • 1918-1939

Five diaries of Anna (Caruthers) Corcoran (Mrs. W.P. Corcoran) who lived near River Falls, Wisconsin, documenting rural life and agriculture in the years 1918, 1922, 1923-1925, 1926-1928, and 1934-1939. The diaries provide insight into family relations especially her relationship with her husband's parents and brothers. Subjects documented include her day to day activities and the activities of others in her household, including trips to town, daily chores, and various social activities.

Results 1 to 50 of 1202