Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Aerial views



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Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Aerial views

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Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Aerial views

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Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Aerial views

1 Archival description results for Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Aerial views

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Greetings from Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial image of Frederic, Polk County, Wisconsin. The title continuation on the verso reads: Frederic, Wisconsin. A friendly city of 900 people -- Located in the [heart?] of Wisconsin's fishing area. Many resort accomo[dations] are nearby. Text printed on verso: "Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the G. R. Brown logo. Date from postmark: Jun 3 1971; mailed from Frederic, WI; 13¢ US Air Mail, "Let Freedom Ring" Liberty Bell stamp (Scott C62). The 13¢ denomination was issued on June 28, 1961 (untagged) and on February 15, 1967 (tagged). Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shaefer, 63 Germany. "God's Country, so beautiful -- the lakes, streams, woods and farms -- reminds me of Home -- Honest -- More later, ___."