Identity elements
Reference code
Name and location of repository
Level of description
YMCA Camp Icaghowan mess hall, located on a 40-acre island on Lake Wapogasset, near Amery, Wisconsin
- [post 1945] (creation)
1 photograph : black and white print on postcard ;
Name of creator
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
Real-photo postcard with image of the two story mess hall in wooded area. "All rights reserved, A. Pearson Co. Inc. 2014 NO 3rd St. Minneapolis 11, Minn." YMCA Camp Icaghowan is located near Amery, Wisconsin, on a 40-acre island on Lake Wapogasset. Camp Icaghowan was started by the Minneapolis YMCA to help support their work to build the “body, mind and spirit” of young people. Icaghowan opened in 1909 on a 15-acre site on Green Lake near Chisago City, Minnesota. In the early years, campers would travel to camp by street car, horse drawn wagon and hiking. As the popularity of camp grew, the Minnesota site became too small. In 1945, the YMCA bought the current 120-acre site on Lake Wapogasset near Amery, Wisconsin. The special feature of the new site was that 44 acres of the property is an island. The island and mainland property is connected by a narrow land bridge built in 1903 by the Wallace Family. Like most camps of the early 1900s, Icaghowan started as a boy’s camp but welcomed girls in 1970.
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use elements
Conditions governing access
Physical access
Some wear to edges.
Technical access
Conditions governing reproduction
This item is made available by the University Archives & Area Research Center, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, for personal, educational, and research purposes in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of Copyright Act of 1976. Other uses may require permission from the copyright owner.
Languages of the material
Scripts of the material
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Acquisition and appraisal elements
Custodial history
Cataloged by Veronica Olson, 03/12/2013
Immediate source of acquisition
Purchased from eBay on May 20, 2012. Seller: 2dogtreasures
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information
Related materials elements
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related archival materials
Related descriptions
Notes element
Specialized notes
Alternative identifier(s)
Description control element
Rules or conventions
Sources used
A. Pearson Co. Inc., 2014 No. 3rd St. Minneapolis 11, Minn.