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Photographic postcard collection
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1st Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the First Lutheran Church building in Clear Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin. The building is surrounded with mature deciduous trees; also seen are electric lines and a pole; residential houses are on either side of the church, and a sign at the curb that says "School" [something]. The church building has a bell tower that is mostly obscured by the trees. Date from postmark: Oct 23, 1936; mailed from Clear Lake, Wisconsin; postage stamp is missing. Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Message: Addressed to Mrs. H.C. Luer [Hattie Hanson Luer], 710 No 18th Ave East, Duluth, Minn. "Dear Folks - we had a nice trip down. Got here about 12-30. Had a nice dinner and left almost right away for church. Then went to the farm after the funeral [of Thomas Severson, Dena and Gudnie's father]. Had supper and visited for awhile. Then came back to Dena's [Dena Severson Hanna]. She tells every body I am here for the winter. Gudnie [Gudnie Severson Hanson]." Post script: "This is Dena's church and where I will be going. Clear Lake Wisconsin Box 91."

4th of July at John Till's, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a group of eight men, two women, one child, and a dog standing outside of a house. The house has a banner that reads "4th of July at John Till's" and the porch American flags decorate the house and one of the women holds a flag. Most of the men's faces are blacked out due to shade. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used between 1904 and 1918); Till moved to New Richmond in 1908. Unused.

6th Street School fire, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the fire at the Sixth St. School in Hudson, Wisconsin, on February 18, 1917. Title handwritten on verso, possibly by the donor (Willis H. Miller). Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

Aerial view looking South, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image showing the city of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking toward the southwest. The post office and opera house are labeled. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Date from postmark: Jul 2[1], 1909; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. G.A. ???, Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, Co. A 10th Batt. "We are going out to ???? to ??? ???. I have her looking for a 'nasty' card to pay you and Mr. B- back but I haven't been able to find one. We are having a fairly good time. Had a card from Jess ??? ???. You get busy and write a letter when you get home and tell up everything. Sara."

Aerial view of city on postcard with poem, Elmwood, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an image from an overlook showing Elmwood, Wisconsin. Rhyme printed on recto: This town is first rate the scenery's great, And I'm certainly feeling fine, So I won't take you to task but just simply ask Why don't you drop me a line?" Date from postmark: May 29, 191-; mailed from Elmwood, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Florence Gehring, Juneau, Dodge Co., Wisconsin

Aerial view of El Paso, Pierce County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial view of El Paso, Pierce County, Wisconsin, showing commercial buildings, houses, barns, and outbuildings. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark (1915) and message (Jan. 1, 1915). Message: Addressed to Miss Ada Nickelson, Henning, Minn., "Beldenville Wisconsin, Jan. 1st, 1915. Am home, and may be here another month, two weeks any way. Had a quiet and cold Christmas. Thanks for your Christmas card. An inland village our nearest town shown on other side. A Happy New Year, A. W. H."

Aerial view of Milltown, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial view of Milltown, Wisconsin, and surrounding farm land. Date from postmark: Aug 5 1940; mailed from Cumberland, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Horace Mann stamp (Scott 869). Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. F. Adamek, Algonquin, Ill. "Dear Friends, Best regards from Milltown and Cumberland, Wisconsin from Anthonia Stuchlik."

Aerial view, Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with aerial image of the city of Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin, with a lake in the background. Publisher: Danielson Drug Co., [Amery, Wisconsin]; printer: United Art Publishing Co., New York City. Date from postmark and message: Jan 6 & 7, 1908; mailed from Clayton, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Selma Olson, City Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn., 2nd floor. "Clayton, Wisconsin, Jan. 6, 1908. Dear Selma, How are you on he New Year. I am going to the city again next Thurs. I will be down some time before long to see you. I have had a nice time but no sleigh rides, we don't ge any snow up here, its too bad. I hope Mrs. Seburg and you are both better. With love, Helena."

Aerial view, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial image of the village of Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin. The county courthouse can be seen in approximately the middle of the card. Date from postmark: Aug 19 1940; mailed from Balsam Lake Wis; green 1¢ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow stamp (Scott 864). Message: Addressed to Mr. Herman Hendrickson, Paxton, Ill. "Sun. morn. We got here at 8:30 Sat. nite. It rained real hard all the way from La Crosse to Red Wing, never saw so much water on the road in all my life. Everything is green and crops good all the way from Dwight, Ill. up here. Grass is as green as in the spring. 530 miles to Gusta [Augusta?]. Wes."

Aerial view, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image showing bird's-eye view image of Glenwood City, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jul 24, 1911; mailed from Glen[wood City Wis]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. J. Schutz, 350 Bradley, St. Paul Minn. "Glenwood City Wisconsin Did you get back. Did you have a good time. Weather [__] rains most every day. Short in news. With love, Mrs. Lord."

Aerial view, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real picture postcard with an air view of Hudson Wisconsin. The Elk Lodge, Main Street, United States Post Office, the Opera Hall and a number of other buildings and landmarks can be seen. Number on the front: 32 Correspondence on verso.

Aerial view, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of New Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. The bird's-eye view is looking northwest. Prominently featured are three large, white houses, each with a small barn; a white church; further back is a (probably red) barn with stone foundation and cupola; a grain elevator; more churches (steeples only); a large cloud of steam, perhaps from an approaching train; and to the upper right, a tall smoke stack. The written title is typical of New Richmond photographers Winter and Sherman. Date from postmark: Aug 20 1909; mailed from New Richmond Wis; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Although the postcard is postmarked, it is not addressed to anyone and does not have a message.

Aerial view, Prescott, Wisconsin

Aerial postcard image showing Prescott and some surrounding farm lands, the river, and some of Minnesota. Text on verso: Prescott, Wisconsin. Located where the beautiful clear sky blue water of the St. Croix River empty into the mighty Mississippi River. Also on verso: Photo & Pub. by G. R. Brown Co., Rt. 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701; plus their logo.

Aerial view, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial view of Spring Valley, Wisconsin. Date from hand-written note on verso: "Taken when Mabel was a little girl - Early 1900's." Printed on Azo paper with four triangles, all pointing up. Unused postcard.

Aerial view, St. Croix, Wisconsin

Real-photo, white-border POST CARD with aerial image of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, and the St. Croix River, dam, and powerhouse. Date from postmark: Oct 18, 1936; mailed from St. Croix Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Benjamin Franklin stamp. Message on verso: Addressed to Mr. R. V. Morrison, Union St., R.F.D. #3, Bangor, Me. "Dear Pa: Got here about 2 p.m. Sat. Had swell trip & no trouble. Charles is feeling better, Are going to stay here a few days. She wants us to stay a month. Love, Bud."

Aerial view, Village of Clear Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing Clear Lake, Wisconsin, probably from a hill. Title supplied by cataloger. Date from postmark: Nov 5, 1909; mailed from Clear Lake Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. The postcard is addressed to Mrs. Nellie St. Clair, Donaldson, Wisconsin, from Mrs. C.E. Gale, Clear Lake Wisconsin; there is no message. On the front Mrs. Gale identified several places, including the Einor Hardware Store, Aunt Estere['s house], and the Hazen House.

Aerial view, Yellow Lake, Wisconsin

Photochrom-style postcard showing the unincorporated village of Yellow Lake, with the lake of the same name in the background. Title continued on verso: Yellow Lake, Only a few miles N.W. of Webster, Wisconsin. Popular lakeside resorts of this sandy beached, good fishing lake are: Hughes Hi Haven and Golf Course, Ike Walton Lodge, Yellow Lake Lodge, Pine Haven Resort, Shady Glenn and South Shore Resort. Text printed on verso: "G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the logo for "Sun-Johnson Printing, Inc. Eau Claire, Wisconsin." Date from handwritten note on verso: July 8, 1963. Postmark is: Jul 3, 196[-]; mailed from Webster, Wisconsin; purple 4¢ Lincoln stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Lottie M. Naibert, Portland, Oregon. "Tuesday July 2nd, Cool, windy, sunny. Hi L.M. -- Here we are -- trying to get some much needed rest & relaxation from all the strenous [sic] days of May & June. It was so hot Sat. when we drove up -- T. 96, Sunday too - but yesterday cooler & today real cool. Dave & Elmer are like a couple of kids - having fun in the boat. No catch as yet - but soon I hope. Wrote Hank yesterday - card to Alga today - Exchange greetings also & manage to keep busy cooking & visiting. I baked pancakes this am., good too. Cabin is [?] and comfortable. Have had no reply to my last letter mail'd June 16th. Lillian & Elmer." Printed by Johnson Printing, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Air-view of Frederic - Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing Frederic, Wisconsin, from the air, with a lake in the upper right. Date from postmark: Feb 12, 1915; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.

Alfalfa in Polk County, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with an image of a man--W.F. Mowey of Balsam Lake--standing in an alfalfa field, and another image of a stick in an alfalfa field showing 36 inches. "Big yields of this 'King of Forage Crops' on our splendid dairy and stock farms. Baker Land and Title Co., St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin." Printed on Kruxo paper (Kruxo used as divider 1911-1922). Unused.

Along the shore, greetings from Milltown, Wisconsin

Typical Curteich "Greetings from ..." linen postcard, this one from their "Inland Lake Scenes--10 Subjects" line. The image is of a generic lake shore scene with two canoes and plenty of trees along the shoreline. Date from postmark: 1940; mailed from Milltown Wisconsin; green 1¢ George Washington stamp (placed upside down). Printed on verso: "Genuine Curteich-Chicago, 'C.T. Art-Color tone' Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.)." Date comes from the Curteich numbering system (see note). Message: Addressed to Mr. Clyde Tillery, 5624 W. 65 St., Chicago, Illinois. "Dear Kids, On our vacation. Having a good time. We are at Half Moon Lake about 350 miles from home. Caught lots of fish but just one big one. Love Opal."

Amery railroad depot and elevator

Real-photo postcard with image of the train depot in Amery, Wisconsin, railroad tracks, a grain elevator, and electric poles. Title supplied by cataloger. This is an address-only on the verso postcard, therefore the message is written on the front in the wide white border on the top and to the left of the photograph. Date from postmark: Aug 2, 1906; mailed from Amery Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Ruth E. Peterson, 2410 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. "Dear Ruth, Received your letter. Will write you soon. We are all well. Vernon is getting so big. What does this picture remind you of. Hattie sends love. Yours ever, Katie. [P.S.] Be sure to come and see me when you get back."

Apple River dam, Somerset, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Northern State Power Company dam in Somerset, Wisconsin, along with the bridge over the Apple River, and a number of buildings and houses. Date from postmark: Aug 11 1952; mailed from Somerset Wis; carmine-red 1¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Sophie Marzec, 3231 Fourth Avenue, Sioux City 6, Iowa. "Hi, a little better, on our way, Mom & Dad."

Apple River near the power plant at Somerset, Wisconsin

Real photo postcard showing the Apple River near the power plant at Somerset, Wisconsin. The power plant is not in the photo. Publisher: Excel P.C. Co., Milwaukee. Postmarked Aug 15, 1942, Somerset, Wisconsin Correspondence on verso: addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder ("Granny & Grandpop"), Manitowoc, Wisconsin, from Anita.

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