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87 Description archivistique résultats pour Photographies

87 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Bruce E. Foster family papers, 1791-2014

  • US ARC ARC 2023.010
  • 1932-2007

Family papers collected and collated by River Falls businessman and historian Bruce Earl Foster (1932-2007), great-grandson of early River Falls resident Judge Joel Foster.
Foster was born September 6, 1932 in River Falls, Wisconsin, to Letha (nee Chinnock) and Earl Hunter Foster. The last of three children, Bruce graduated from River Falls High School in 1954 and obtained a bachelors degree in history from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in 1958.
Foster worked as a professional Scout Leader for the Boy Scouts, sold life insurance for Metropolitan Life, drove a school bus, and operated an animal shelter for Pierce and St. Croix counties, which he later expanded to include grooming services. In his personal life, Foster was an avid fisherman, and involved in numerous social organizations in Pierce County throughout his life. He married Joy Rasmussen in 1961 and they had two children, Judie (1962-) and Andrew "Andy" (1968-).

Sans titre

Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties

  • US ARC ARC 1999.001
  • Collection
  • 1860 - 2005

Miscellaneous photographs and postcards, mainly duplicates and photocopies of originals, displaying places, people, businesses, buildings, and scenery in the four county region (Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties) of Wisconsin.

Sans titre

Music Department subject files, 1914-1991.

  • UWRF Series 67
  • Collection
  • 1914-1991

Music Department subject files comprised of newsletters and programs; a historical file containing student handbooks, scattered newspaper clippings, certificates, and sheet music; papers involving the revision of "River Falls Rouser," originally composed by Neil Reed; correspondence regarding band uniforms; documents, photographs, sheet music and miscellaneous materials of Bohuslav J. Rozehnal; papers relating to the organization of the University's first band festival, "Cascade of Melody," held in the fall of 1969; class assignments for Nicholas Jadinak; and information about the band and choral programs, recitals, and clinics.

Sans titre

Council of Presidents, 1928-1971.

  • UWRF Series 17
  • Collection
  • 1928-1971.

The Council of Presidents is an informal organization of the current Presidents of the old Wisconsin State Universities which although without formal policy-making powers, act as a group to influence the Board of Regents to adopt policies considered most appropriate for the welfare of the universities. In a sense, the organization has been in existence as long as the Normal School system, as communications between Presidents to effect agreements and strategy in order to influence the Board of Regents have been in existence as long as there have been presidents; the Council is still in existence today. An increased budget and building allocations, curriculum expansion, and salary increases have been among the Council’s goals over the years.

Sans titre

Women's Recreation Association Records,1950's-1970's.

  • UWRF Series 179
  • Collection
  • 1950's-1970's.

The Women’s Recreation Association (WRA) mission was to provide “women students with the opportunity to participate in healthful recreational activities and to promote good sportsmanship and fellowship. In WRA, a woman has an opportunity for service and leadership through diverse activities.” There were numerous team and individual sports that participate in tournaments. To compete, various teams were organized and entered by sororities, residence halls, or other independent groups. Sports included; volleyball, field hockey, basketball, bowling, swimming, gymnastics, badminton, track and field, and tennis. Female faculty advisors, including Emogene Nelson, serving as advisors, instructed the WRA activities. (Information compiled from WRA brochure.)

Sans titre

The "R" Club Records, 1937-1951.

  • UWRF Series 193
  • Collection
  • 1937-1951.

Founded in 1918, originally named the “N” Club for “Normal”, was later renamed The “R” Club in 1923. Its mission was to promote the best interest of the school and to develop a spirit of cooperation and goodwill between the faculty, students, and the “R” Club (1937 constitution). In 1975, women were integrated into the “R” Club. Today The “R” Club is active in fundraising efforts for the UWRF Athletics program.
This collection contains 3 volumes of ledgers that contain the club information, including but not limited to, advisors, officers, member list, dues and fees, meeting minutes, oath, constitution, and by-laws. This collection also contains a brief compiled history of the “R” Club and lists of female award winners.

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Student Memorabilia Collection

  • UWRF Series 226

This is an artificial collection of various donated materials from Alumn, accumulated during their time as a student at UW-River Falls. Materials in this collection document student life and activities during the students academic career.

Semi Centennial Celebration Records, 1924.

  • UWRF Series 211
  • Collection
  • 1924

This collection includes the planning and promotional materials for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the River Falls Normal School.

Sans titre

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