River Falls people photographs, circa 1840s-1970s

Boys baseball team in River Falls, circa 1975 Elli or Li Slater and father with fish, circa 1950 Unknown Jensen on right, circa 1960 Alice Herum on left and snapshots of ladies in River Falls, circa 1910 Man and boy on horse and buggy in wooded area, River Falls, circa 1910 Two couples at table with food in River Falls, 1898 Shoppers on Main Street in River Falls, circa 1976 Christmas tree shoppers on main Street in River Falls, December 1976 Fisherman inspecting fishing lure inside store in River Falls, May 1977 Parisioners in River Falls, circa 1976 Unknown man photographed at Pingrey's Art Gallery in River Falls, undated Fortune, George and his dog in his famous Ford car, circa 1910

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River Falls people photographs, circa 1840s-1970s


  • undated, circa 1840s-1970s (Ustvarjanje)


1 folder.

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COLLECTION STORED, ALL or IN-PART, AT ARC: Collection can be requested for transfer through the Area Research Center (ARC) Network, consult Reading Room Staff.

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Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright may have not been transferred to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

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