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9 Archival description results for Teaching

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Dawson, Lawrence H.

  • 1978-05-15

Mr. Dawson talk about his ealy life and his experiences growing up in the depression and war economy. He also discusses his career as a teacher and superindentant as well as his opinions on government.

Foster, Mrs. Earl

  • 1978-05-17

Mrs. Foster talks about her early education and her relationsuip with Mr. Foster. She details her family history and the family history of her husband. She also brings up businesses in River Falls.

Wharton, Miss Cara

Miss Wharton became a faculty member in the Music Department at the River Falls State Normal School (now the University of Wisconsin-River Falls), River Falls, Wisconsin, in 1925. Most of the interview deals with her teaching career there, from 1925 to 1955. She discusses students, music programs and contests, the Music Department, am her teaching methods and experiences. She also has some very interesting memories of fellow faculty members she knew at River Falls, including Marvin Geere, Olen Junkman, James I. Mallott, and C.O. Stratton, to mention only a few. Miss Wharton also discusses changes that have occurred in the town of River Falls, Wisconsin, within her memory. A collection of the Wharton Family papers were donated by Miss Wharton to the State Historical Society, and are currently reposited at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Area Research Center.