River Falls Normal School



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River Falls Normal School

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River Falls Normal School

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Short, Mr. Fred

Fred Short, a 1910 graduate of the River Falls State Normal School, discusses his uncle, Emery Short, and his grandfather, J. A. Short, who were engaged in the milling and roalroad busnesses in Wisconsin. His father, C.P. (Commodore Perry) Short, was a farmer and a freight haulder.
Short attended the River Falls Normal School from 1898 to 1910, including eight years in the campus or Model School, and four years at the Normal itself. His first teaching assignment was at New Richmond, WI. Short joined the faculty of Norris Inorporated, a private school for "problem boys," near Milwaukee, WI, in 1931; he was still associated with the school, where he taight indistrial arts, at the time of the 1971 interview with Wyman.
Short tells of his days at the River Falls Normal and at Norris. He also discusses his recollections of his youth in the City of RIver Falls, his involvement in the Boy Scouts, and of Ku Klux Klan activities near Barron, WI, in the early 1920s.

Thayer, Mrs. Amelda

Mrs. Thayer discusses her memories of Spring Valley, Wisconsin, in the early 20th century, including the operations of the iron smelter and her father's foundry-machine shop located in that city. Her father emigrated from Germany at the age of 19, settling in Menomonie, Wisconsin. He moved to Spring Valley in 1903, the smelter located there being the drawing card for his building of a foundry-machine shop . Mrs. Thayer reminisces about the mines at Cady Creek am in Gilman township that fed the smelter, and the smelting process as she remembers it. She discusses Spring Valley as it was at the turn of the century, remembering businesses located there, including lumber mills, the local opera house, retail establishments, and the thriving saloon business. She goes into sane detail concerning her father's foundry business.

Mrs. Thayer also speaks briefly about her two years of Teacher Training at the River Falls Normal School, in River Falls, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Educational Exhibit, 1893.

  • UWRF Series 126
  • collection
  • 1893

This series contains 25 photographs taken of the interior of the Normal School during the presidency of J. Q. Emery, 1889-1893. The exhibit was shown at the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893 in Chicago.

River Falls State Normal School