Elementi o identiteti
Ime in lokacija skladišča
Nivo popisa
Ellsworth Home Study Club. Records, 1913-1955
- 1913-1955 (creation)
0.6 cubic feet (2 archives boxes)
Elementi vsebine in strukture
Obseg in vsebina
Records of an Ellsworth, Wisconsin, women's group including constitution and by-laws, minutes, yearbooks, financial records, news clippings, and a small amount of correspondence. Activities of the group included discussion of history, civics, and literary topics; presentation of papers and original literature written by members; and charity work including sponsorship of a French World War I orphan.
Sistem ureditve
Pogoji elementov dostopa in rabe
Pogoji, ki urejajo dostop
COLLECTION STORED, ALL or IN-PART, AT ARC: Collection can be requested for transfer through the Area Research Center (ARC) Network, consult Reading Room Staff.
Fizičen dostop
Tehnični dostop
Pogoji, ki urejajo reproduciranje
Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright may have not been transferred to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
Jeziki gradiva
Pisave gradiva
Opombe o jeziku in pisavi
Pripomočki za uporabo
Elementi glede pridobitve in ocene
Historiat fonda
Neposreden vir, od katerega se gradivo prevzema
Podatki o vrednotenju, uničenju in načrtovanju
Dodatno pridobivanje gradiva
Elementi povezanih materialov
Obstoj in lokacija izvirnikov
Obstoj in lokacija kopij
Sorodna arhivska gradiva
Povezani opisi
Element o opombah
Strokovne opombe
Alternativen/-ni identifikator/-ji
Element nadzorovanega opisa
Pravila ali dogovori
Uporabljeni viri
Krajevna gesla
Imenska gesla
- Ellsworth Home Study Club ()
- Ellsworth Home Study Club. (1913) (Tematika)