Burnett County, Wisconsin. Board of Supervisors. Proceedings, 1874-1958, 1969-1980.

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US ARC Burnett Series 30

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Burnett County, Wisconsin. Board of Supervisors. Proceedings, 1874-1958, 1969-1980.


  • 1874-1958, 1969-1980 (creation)


9.0 cubic feet (3 record center cartons, 10 archives boxes, and 3 volumes)

A tartalomra és szerkezetre vonatkozó elemek

Tárgy és tartalom

Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors including minutes of Board meetings, resolutions, committee reports, reports of county officers and commissions, financial reports, and communications to the Board. The 1877-1881 volume is a photocopy of the original. (The original volume was charred in a courthouse fire prior to 1887, so it was photocopied for preservation and then discarded.) Volume A is an exact transcription of official proceedings as published in the Burnett County Sentinel. (The original volume for some of these years was destroyed in the courthouse fire.).

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COLLECTION STORED, ALL or IN-PART, AT ARC: Collection can be requested for transfer through the Area Research Center (ARC) Network, consult Reading Room Staff.

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Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with 17 U.S.C. Copyright may have not been transferred to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

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