School opens, Football season opens vs Augsburg, Rodeo, Homecoming football vs La Crosse, George R. Field Inauguration, WRFW on the air, Presidential Election, Rodli commons, student demonstration at Oshkosh, Basketball season opens, wrestling season ... »
School opens, Football season opens vs Augsburg, Rodeo, Homecoming football vs La Crosse, George R. Field Inauguration, WRFW on the air, Presidential Election, Rodli commons, student demonstration at Oshkosh, Basketball season opens, wrestling season opens, swimming season opens, Julian Bond, Apollo 8, Nixion Inauguration, Winter Carnival, Fine Arts Festival, Veterinary School, Grassroots Politics Conference, Foundation Week, Faculty Frolics, Journalism Day, Track season opens, Eisenhower dies, 18-year-old beer referendum, baseball season opens, World Affairs Forum, Student Rebellion, Commencement.