World War II



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World War II

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World War II

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World War II

14 Archival description results for World War II

Only results directly related

Dawson, Lawrence H.

  • 1978-05-15

Mr. Dawson talk about his ealy life and his experiences growing up in the depression and war economy. He also discusses his career as a teacher and superindentant as well as his opinions on government.

Junkman, Bill

Mr. Junkman, who grew up in River Falls, gives his remarkable account as a soldier in World War II. Junkman joined the local National Guard and soon found himself fighting the Japanese in the Pacific theatre, enduring three years of difficult combat. He was discharged from the National Guard after 29 ½ years of service. Additionally, he briefly discusses life, before and after the war, in River Falls.

Knowles, Senator Robert P.

Senator Knowles begins the interview discussing his early life in River Falls, Wisconsin, including his memories of local businesses and Ku Klux Klan activities. He talks about the prohibition, the depression, and life in River Falls during this period. He discusses at length his time at the River Falls State Teacher's College and ends the interview detailing his recollections of World War II, Pearl Harbor, and his time in the Air Force.

Savola, Mr. Matt

Mr. Savola has been an active participant of labor unions and propent of the rights of American workers since an accident that afflicted his father. He participated in an I.W.W. protest in Iron River and aftewards became a C.I.O. timber workers' orginizer. He also later worked for a copper mining company, Mackard Motor Car Company, and field work for cooperatives. He was a member of the Communist Party for which he was a district coordinator.