- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_393
- 1950's-1990's
Student Organization
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Student Organization
Equivalent terms
Student Organization
Associated terms
Student Organization
55 Archival description results for Student Organization
Agrifallian Society Records, 1959-1968.
- UWRF Series 183
- collection
- 1959-1968.
The River Falls Agrifallians Society was organized on January 8, 1959. Agrifallian Society was the official name given to the club, which consists of Bachelors of Science non-teaching students in agriculture. The purpose of the society is to promote fellowship and to further acquaint students with professional and vocational opportunities in the field of agriculture. -Description from Society History This collection consists mainly of meeting minutes but also contains the constitution, election records, and photographs.
University of Wisconsin--River Falls. College of Agriculture. (1921)
Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority records, 1979-1988.
- UWRF Series 160
- collection
- 1979-1988.
The Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority existed on the UW-RF campus from 1979 to 1989, and later it then became Lambda Delta Phi. The collection consists of activity files, constitutions and bylaws, correspondence, minutes, a pledge book, rush information, photographs, and scrapbooks that detail different activities of the sorority.
- UWRF Series 104
- collection
- 1906-1909.
The Areopogus Society was formed in 1906 on the River Falls campus. The main purpose of the society was for the intellectual and moral advancement of its members.
Association for Childhood Education International, 1948-1969.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_296
- 1948-1969.
Association of Women Students, 1913-1969, n.d.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_325
- 1913-1969, n.d.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_355
- 1970's
Black Student Organization, 1969-1977.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_399
- 1969-1977.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_406
- 1920's.
Campus Ministry, 1960's-1970's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_385
- 1960's-1970's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_381
- 1950's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_297
- 1955, 1967
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_330
- 1953-1980's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_394
- 1967-1968.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_305
- 1920's-1969.
Foundation Committee group photo, 1955.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_030-14
- item
- 1955
l to R Catherine Hooley, Annette Peterson, Shirley Engleman, Charles Brill, Ronald Wunrow
Foundation Committee group photo, 1968.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_030-15
- item
- 1968
G.O.P. "Girls on Promotion" 1929-1932.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_310
- 1929-1932.
Greek Life records, 1951-2011.
- UWRF Series 203
- collection
- 1951-2011.
This collection is comprised of records relating to Greek societies on the River Falls campus. This collection mostly contains records of Fraternities and Sororities, at local and national levels. Also included are some academic and honor societies. Most of the Greek organizations were focused on civic involvement, leadership, and life-long friendships, others also focused on specific subject areas such as Agriculture. The records in this series include but are not limited to, constitutions and by-laws, meeting minutes, events and activities, member lists, and correspondence.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_300
- 1967
Honorary Societies, 1943-1969.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_301
- 1943-1969.
International Relations Club, 1940's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_395
- 1940's
Jan Christoferson and Carol Johnson Practicing their duet for Swimming' Jazz, 1976.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-015
- item
- 1976
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_302
- 1913-1991.
Legislative Action Committee, 1965-1969.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_309
- 1965-1969.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_303
- 1880-1913.
Lutheran Student Association, 1950's-1970's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_384
- 1950's-1970's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_299
- 1943-1955.
- UWRF Series 94
- collection
- 1895-1911
The Normal Badger was the predecessor to the Student Voice. It was first published in 1895 by the Athletic Club and in 1897 by the Literary Society. In 1899, it was published by the school as a whole. For reasons not clear, it ceased publication until 1907. By 1912, the Badger evolved into the school's annual, the Meletean.
River Falls State Normal School (Wis.) (1895)
Officers of Student Foundation Committee on South Fork Bridge, 1965.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_030-16
- item
- 1965
1965 Meletean
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_304
- 1941-1948.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_397
- 1991
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_298
- 1959-1969.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_396
- 1958-1994.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_322
- 1915-1995.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_324
- 1929, 1950.
Student Foundation Committee group photo.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_030-13
- item
- 1967
Row 1: Gary Anderson, Clay Helverson, Candy Wasielenski, Sue Richardson, Wayne Weiss Row 2: Doug Volkmann, Jon Pederson, Maggie Monroe, Sam Hough, Sally Wagner, Chuck Feltes, Chuch Westphal
Student Groups - Unidentified, circa 1950's-1970's.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_405
- circa 1950's-1970's.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_093-12
- item
- circa 1980's
Student Voice
Student Religious Organizations, 1950's-1990's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_383
- 1950's-1990's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_400
- 1950-1962.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401
- 1920's-1960's.
Syncopators in the Karges pool.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-016
- item
- no date
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-012
- item
- no date
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-011
- item
- no date
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-010
- item
- no date
Syncopators perform in water show, circa 1970's.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-014
- item
- 1970's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_401-017
- item
- 1962
Meletean, 1962.
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_295
- 1960's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_398
- 1958-1959.