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4 Archival description results for Mining

Only results directly related

Savola, Mr. Matt

Mr. Savola has been an active participant of labor unions and propent of the rights of American workers since an accident that afflicted his father. He participated in an I.W.W. protest in Iron River and aftewards became a C.I.O. timber workers' orginizer. He also later worked for a copper mining company, Mackard Motor Car Company, and field work for cooperatives. He was a member of the Communist Party for which he was a district coordinator.

Larrieu, Clara

Mrs. Clara Larrieu was born in 1884 in the Spring Valley, Wisconsin, area, before the establishment of the Village of Spring Valley. She was, at the time of this interview, the oldest living Spring Valley resident, and she has many valuable recollections concerning the rapid growth of the community during the 1890's and the iron minine and smelting industries which contributed to the town's rapid growth at the turn of the century. Mrs. Larrieu also supplies some information about lumbering operations in the area.

The interview provides a lively description of Spring Valley as a mining "boom" tmm complete with imported labor, and thirteen saloons. In addition, Mrs. Larrieu details biographical infonnat ion about her husband who held various jobs in the Spring Valley area, including work in a veneering mill, in a lumber mill, and as a Spring Valley postal worker from 1917-1951.