McCarthy Movement



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Gore, Mr. Leroy

This interview deals with the "Joe Muse Go" recall movement of the mid 1950's, which was directed against Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy and coordinated by Mr. Leroy Gore. At the time of the recall campaign Mr. Gore was the editor of the Sauk-Prarie Star located in Sauk City, Wisconsin.
Mr. Gore was born in Iowa, and graduated from the university of Nebraska in 1928. Following his graduation, he worked on three country-weekly newspapers and at an adversiting agency until 1947, at which time he purchased the Spring Valley Sun, a weekly published in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. After running this paper for five years, he sold it and aquired the Sauk-Prarie Star in October of 1952. Mr. Gore sold the star in Feburary of 1955, worked for a labor daily in Iowa for some time, eventually returning to Wisconsin to begin the publication of the Wisconsin Tales and Trails magazine. He later became public relations director for a private company, at which time he worked for twelve years, until his retirement.

Darr (Democratic Convention)

This transcript is a public discussion panel composed of Richard Darr, Ted Fetting, Carl Pemble and James Smart. All of these men were involved in and assisted the McCarthy campaign. The discussion directed at the panel, bring into question the events that occurred inside and outside of the Democratic National Convention, as well as the actions of the police before the convention.