Mr. Savola has been an active participant of labor unions and propent of the rights of American workers since an accident that afflicted his father. He participated in an I.W.W. protest in Iron River and aftewards became a C.I.O. timber workers' orginizer. He also later worked for a copper mining company, Mackard Motor Car Company, and field work for cooperatives. He was a member of the Communist Party for which he was a district coordinator.
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3 Archival description results for Lumbering
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- 1967-03-23
Part of University of Wisconsin-River Falls Oral History Project interviews, 1969-circa 1996.
Mr. Lindh offers some keen insights into the early logging business and his association with the Socialist Party in Wisconsin. A good, well put together interview. Mr. Lindh is extremely alert for an eighty year old man.
- 1970-06-30
Part of University of Wisconsin-River Falls Oral History Project interviews, 1969-circa 1996.
In this interciew, Mr. Etcherson relates a kind of history of the logging industry for the student who is interested in the early logging and lumber industry in Wisconin.