Mr. Savola has been an active participant of labor unions and propent of the rights of American workers since an accident that afflicted his father. He participated in an I.W.W. protest in Iron River and aftewards became a C.I.O. timber workers' orginizer. He also later worked for a copper mining company, Mackard Motor Car Company, and field work for cooperatives. He was a member of the Communist Party for which he was a district coordinator.
- ...
- International
- International Education
- International relief -- Germany River Falls (Wis.) Germany Wisconsin -- River Falls
- International Students, Minority Students,
- International Workers of the World
- International; Culture; Events
- Interstate Park (Wis.) Old Man of the Dalles (St. Croix Dalles, Wis.) Rivers--Wisconsin--St. Croix Falls Rock formations--Wisconsin--St. Croix Dalles St. Croix Dalles (Wis.) St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)
- Interstate Park (Wis.) Parks--Wisconsin--Polk County--1940-1950 Rivers--Wisconsin--St. Croix Falls--1940-1950 Rock formations--Wisconsin--St. Croix Dalles--1940-1950 St. Croix Dalles (Wis.)--1940-1950 St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)--1940-1950
- Interstate Park (Wis.)--1900-1910 Isaacson & Tangen, publisher Pulpit Rock (St. Croix Dalles, Wis.)--1900-1910 Rivers--Wisconsin--St. Croix Falls--1900-1910 Rock formations--Wisconsin--St. Croix Dalles--1900-1910 St. Croix Dalles (Wis.)--1900-1910 St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)--1900-1910
- ...
- Alpha Zeta
- Alumn
- Alumni
- Alumni Development Department
- Alumni Event
- Alumni Hall of Fame Wall
- Alumni; Portrait; Campus; Class; Presentation;
- Alumni; Portraits; People
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Abrahamson, Martin; Adelman, Craig; Albrecht, Arlen; Anderson, Jerry; Benson, David; Blanh, Harold; Schlagenhauf, George; Blegen, Don; Bloom, Grace; Born, Orlen; Briken, Everet, Matte, Fred; Cowler, Ozzie, Belfiori-Trautman, Joanne;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Christianson, Norman; Caldwelll, Douglas; Corcles, Arnold; Christianson, Shirley; Clymer, Theodore; Cornelison, Jesse; Daniel, Louis; Danielson; Davison, John; Davison, C.E.; Field, George; Doughrty, William (bill); Blank, Nook; Schlagenhauf, George; Dodge, Anna; Dawson, Lawrence;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Eichingerr, Roy; Engler, Ensign, Raymond; Kleinpell, Eugene; Erlanson, Ray; Field, George; Kettelkamp, Benny; Dumske; Gleiter, Theodore; Green Gretched; Greenhill, Gailon;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Haldake; Halls, Halsey; Hanley, Frances; Hartman; Hendrickson, Wayne; How Man Wong; Herstum, Al; Thompson, Reece; Huelscamp, Jane; Hunt, William; Jacobson, Wwillard; Jaffkes, Ben; Janisch, Matilda; Janolimek, John; Jenson, T.J.; Jenson, Reynold; Johnson, Edward and Gerlrude; Kacy, Marion Sylvester; Kessler, Mark; Kharrazi, Hamid; Kliszcz, King, John, King (Morton) Joyce; Knowles, Robert; Knowles, Warren; Setterquist, Theoedore; Phalen; Krane, Floyd; Kuss, Roger; Hanna, Elza Lou;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Larson, Dick; Laue, James H.; Luberg, Dean LeRoy E.; Luebker, Mark; Lunde, Doris; MacLeod, John; Martin, Don; Sobottra, Charllotte; McAnderson, Martin, MaAleaney, Maude; Midboe; Mommsen; Nelson, E. Strehlow; Olson, Manley; Page, Don;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Palmberg, La Verne; Parkhurst, Helen; Patin, Doug; Peabody, Alan; Pederson, Christine; Peters Ericson, Vallie; Peterson, Ron; Prucha, E.J.; O'Brien, Prucha, Francis P.; Quandt, Hale; Rendler; Reque, John; Rock, Edward.P.; Rodli, Keith; Palmberg, P.; Benson, David; Berggren John; Delorit, Richard; Brandenstein; Ronningen, Thomas R.;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Sakrison, Roy; Sanford, William; Sanderson, A.M.; Prucha, E.J.; Schilling, Wayne; Schmidt, Harold; Schoedel, Don; Schulte, Carol (Holden); Shepards; Short, Fred; Smith, Dean; Smith, Jamie; Smith, James; Slocum, Burl; Soli, Orlan; Sterling; Stratton, William; Stoddard, Neil; Summer, Ken; Swenson, David; Symes, Kirby; Seifert;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Vento, Bruce; Anderson, Ray; Berg, Robert; Walburg, Scott; Wales, Adda; Walsh, Agnes Alicia; Weaver; Weiss, Wayne; Wigen, Elmer; Wilmont, Hampton; Woodward, Verne; Johnson, Willmer C.; Lamphere, Lyle; Wurtz, Keith; Wynveen, Robert; Wystock;
- Alumni; Portraits; People; Zahradka, Louis; Zierath, Juleen;
- Alumni Reunion
- Alumni Reunion; People; Falcon Features
- Alvarez, Linda
- American Fleet
- American Indians
- American Marketing Association
- American Nazi Party
- American Politics
- American Red Cross -- 1910-1920 Automobiles -- 1910-1920 Military uniforms -- American -- 1910-1920 Outdoor photography -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth --1910-1920 Parades & processions -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth --1910-1920 Soldiers -- American -- 1910-1920 Uniforms -- American Red Cross --1910-1920 World War, 1914-1918 -- Wisconsin -- Pierce County
- American Red Cross. Spring Valley Branch (Wis.) -- 1910-1920 Armistice Day (Spring Valley, Wis. : 1917) Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley -- 1910-1920 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley -- 1910-1920 Effigies -- 1910-1920 Electric lines -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley -- Poles and towers -- 1910-1920 Outdoor photography -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley --1910-1920 Parades & processions -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley --1910-1920 Spring Valley (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1910-1920 Street lights -- Wisconsin -- Spring Valley -- 1910-1920 Uniforms -- American Red Cross --1910-1920 William Grab Shoeing Shop (Spring Valley, Wis.) -- 1910-1920 World War, 1914-1918 -- Wisconsin -- Pierce County
- American Red Cross. Woodville Branch (Wis.) -- 1910-1920 Electric lines -- Wisconsin -- Woodville -- Poles and towers -- 1910-1920 Fall Festival (Woodville, Wis. : 1917) Outdoor photography -- Wisconsin -- Woodville --1910-1920 Parades & processions -- Wisconsin -- Woodville --1910-1920 Uniforms -- American Red Cross --1910-1920
- American Society of Equity -- National Wool Growers Department Lawyers -- Wisconsin
- American Soldiers
- Amery (Wis.)
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 Apple River (Polk County, Wis.) -- 1900-1910 Rivers -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Grain elevators -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 Brick churches -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Church buildings -- Wisconsin -- Polk County -- 1900-1910 Congregational church buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Steeples -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 Dwellings -- 1900-1910 Residential streets -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Two-story houses -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Wooden-frame houses -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 Electric lines -- Wisconsin -- Poles and towers -- 1900-1910 Grain elevators -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Railroad stations -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Railroad tracks -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 High school buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1910 Schools -- Wisconsin -- Polk County -- 1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1920 Apple River (Polk County, Wis.) -- 1900-1920 Mills -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1920 Railroad trains -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1920
- Amery (Wis.) -- --Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1920 Canning peas -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1920 Canned vegetables industry -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1920 Cannery workers -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1900-1920
- Amery (Wis.) -- --Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1910-1920 Canning peas -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1910-1920 Canned vegetables industry -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1910-1920 Cannery workers -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1910-1920
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1920-1930 Automobiles -- 1920-1930 Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1920-1930 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1920-1930 Hotels -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1920-1930 Main Street (Amery, Wis.) -- 1920-1930
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1950-1960 Brick churches -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1950-1960 Catholic church buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1950-1960 Church buildings -- Wisconsin -- Polk County -- 1950-1960 St. Joseph Catholic Church (Amery, Wis.) -- 1950-1960
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1960-1970 Automobiles -- 1960-1970 Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1960-1970 Camping trailers -- 1960-1970 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1960-1970 Main Street (Amery, Wis.) -- 1960-1970 Streetlights -- Wisconsin -- Amery -- 1960-1970
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1970-1980 Dexter Press, Inc. (West Nyack, NY), printer Emil Fremming Color Cards (Chetek, Wis.), publisher Fabri-Tek, Inc. (Amery, Wis.) -- 1970-1980
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1970-1980 Dexter Press, Inc. (West Nyack, NY), printer Emil Fremming Color Cards (Chetek, Wis.), publisher Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin). Amery Service Center -- 1970-1980
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1970-1980 G.R. Brown (Eau Claire, Wis.), distributor Golden Age Manor (Amery, Wis.) -- 1970-1980 Natural Color by Mike Roberts (Berkeley, Calif.), publisher
- Amery (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- School buildings -- Wisconsin -- Amery Schools -- Wisconsin -- Polk County --
- Amery (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc. Business districts--Wisconsin--Amery Christmas decorations--Wisconsin--Amery Commercial buildings--Wisconsin--Amery Danielson Drug Co. (Amery, Wis.) Electric lines--Wisconsin--Amery Herman the Printer Main Street (Amery, Wis.)
- Amery (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--1900-1910 Apple River (Wis.)--1900-1910 Bridges--Wisconsin--Amery--1900-1910 Bridges--Wisconsin--Polk County--1900-1910
- Amery (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--1900-1910 Boathouses--Wisconsin--Amery--1900-1910 Lakes--Recreational use--Wisconsin--Polk County--1900-1910 Rowboats--Wisconsin--Polk County--1900-1910
- Ames
Results 201 to 250 of 4986
International Workers of the World
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Hierarchical terms
International Workers of the World
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International Workers of the World
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International Workers of the World
1 Archival description results for International Workers of the World
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
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- 0