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Simon family genealogy, 1973.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 375
  • collection
  • 1973

Photocopy of a 175-page typed genealogy (covering 1846-1977) of the descendants of John Henry Simon, born in Iowa in 1851, and his wife Marian Anna Christine Ungrue, born in Hanover, Germany in 1846; compiled by Mrs. Beisch, a granddaughter. Additional surnames mentioned include Cook, Kelly, Lee, Sheridan, and Swank.

Siverling family reunion booklets, 1965 and 1974.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 249
  • collection
  • 1965 and 1974

Siverling Family reunion booklets containing genealogical information on the descendants of Stephen Siverling (1834-1921) and Theresa Hattamer (1848-1906), residents of Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

Small potatoes: boyhood memories of the depression decade in River Falls, 1988.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 417
  • collection
  • 1988

Reminiscence by George Foss describing growing up in River Falls (Wis.) during the Depression between the years 1932 to 1942. The memoir includes his recollections of his Dad losing his job in 1932, various jobs his Dad had during the following decade including the WPA., everyday life in River Falls, businesses and events in and around the city, what it meant to be poor, jobs he had in his teen-age years, and his home and school life and recreational activities. Included are photographs of Foss and other members of his family.

Social Science and History Department Files. 1954-1966.

  • UWRF Series 70
  • collection
  • 1954-1966.

The Social Science Department, which existed until the academic year 1965/66, was the predecessor of the departments of Economics and Business Administration, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology. During the period covered by this series, the chairmen of the department were Drs. Walker D. Wyman (until mid-1962), Charles J. Graham (1962-1963), and Edward N. Peterson (1963-1965/6). When the department was broken up, Dr. Peterson became chairman of the History Department.

This series is a composite, containing files on Dr. Wyman, Graham, Peterson, and James T. King of the History faculty. These materials were received in several accessions; many of the folder headings were created at the time of archival processing. Particularly significant materials are found in the Charles J. Graham correspondence folders. Valuable Materials for institutional history are also found und the heading "Social Science Department/Division," "Faculty Council," and "Graduate Program and Committee." See especially the 11-page report, The Development of the Department of Social Science (December 1964), under the heading "Social Science Department/Division."

College of Arts and Sciences

South Fork Ladies Aid Society history, circa 1963.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 26
  • collection
  • circa 1963

A handwritten history of the South Fork Ladies Aid Society, Pierce County, Wisconsin, from the time of its organization in the 1880's to about 1962.

South Fork Telephone Company records, 1910-1984.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss DR
  • collection
  • 1910-1984

Records of a cooperative telephone company in Pierce County, Wisconsin, including minutes of meetings, financial records, stock certificate stubs and blanks, maps, a record of pole locations, Public Service Commission documents, agreements with other phone companies, and brief correspondence.

South Rush River School records, 1869-1957.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 72
  • collection
  • 1869-1957

[1] Clerk's Record Books (1904-1913 and 1922-1956: 5 volumes) containing annual budget form showing receipts and disbursements, auditing committee reports, financial statements, teachers' contracts, minutes of school district and board meetings, and school censuses; [2] Teachers' Registers (1869-1874, 1889-1894, 1905-1915, and 1921-1953: 12 volumes) containing the names of pupils, attendance, and daily programs; [3] School censuses and annual reports (1924-1925 and 1937-1957); [4] District Treasurer's book (1872-1935) containing a record of receipts and disbursements; [5] Teacher's Annual Reports (1940-1947) containing pupils' names and grades; and [6] Clerk's tax papers (1945-1946 and 1949-1953).

Soviet Seminar program records, 1972-1979.

  • UWRF Series 164
  • collection
  • 1972-1979.

The Soviet Seminar consists of studying in the Soviet Union for university credit. The program was begun in 1969. Dr. Stephen Feinstein of the History Department has been an active coordinator with the program. The series includes an information booklet, publicity/promotional materials, photos and a few tapes of seminars.

Speech Department Subject Files, 1963-1983.

  • UWRF Series 71
  • collection
  • 1963-1983.

This is an artificial series created from Speech Department materials, John Oostendorp materials, and other sources, containing a variety of departmental correspondence; class records; proposal and workshop materials; budget information; annual reports, and other miscellaneous materials Speech Department.

Spirit Lake School records, 1875-1947.

  • US ARC Burnett Series 20
  • collection
  • 1875-1947

[1] School District Records, 1877-1946, including minutes of annual meetings, board proceedings, register of officers, treasurer's bonds, teacher's contracts, order register, clerk's report and financial statement, teachers register, and tax certificates; [2] Clerk's Papers, 1909-1947, including annual reports of the clerk and teachers showing dates, name of teacher, names of district officers, school census, summaries, enrollment statistics, financial statements, school library and general statistics, and reports of school district auditing committees; [3] Treasurer's Book, 1877-1929, showing receipts and disbursements and a register of school district officers; [4] School Registers, 1875-1947, containing pupils' names, sex, ages, grade and attendance records, school programs, subjects and grades, visitors' record, and teachers' comments on pupils; and [5] Township Library Loan Record, 1906-1913, showing number and title of book borrowed and returned, borrower's name, and accession list.

Sports Information Office - Subject Files, 1920-1989.

  • UWRF Series 140
  • collection
  • 1927-1989.

`The Sports Information Office is a branch of the Assistant Chancellor's office in charge of public relations for the various interscholastic sports at UWRF. The office also keeps much of the information regarding the teams, games, coaches, and related materials. This series contains news clippings, program booklets, statistical information, and miscellaneous team rosters. See the online Collection Inventory for more detailed information.

Jim Thies, Sports Information Director, 1976-2015.

Spring Grove School records, 1904-1957.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 67
  • collection
  • 1904-1957

Volume 1: School register (1907-1913), containing the Daily Program including teacher's comments and reports, Record of Attendance, incomplete list of graduates, and Visitor's Record. Loose papers consist of teacher's yearly reports (1911 and 1913), teacher's contract (1904) and a letter from the superintendent (1917). Volume 2: School District Record (1910-1957) containing minutes of school board meetings, register of orders drawn on treasurer, annual reports of the district board, annual school censuses, teachers' contracts, and account of current expense memoranda. Volume 3: Treasurer's Book (1920-1957) including receipts and expenditures register of clerk's orders paid by treasurer.

Spring Valley Iron and Ore Company records, 1902-1934.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss BI
  • collection
  • 1902-1934

Records of the Spring Valley Iron and Ore Company, an iron mining and manufacturing firm in Pierce County, Wisconsin, including correspondence between owner Frederick H. Foote and manager Charles Brown, financial records, and miscellaneous legal documents concerning land sales and a legal suit.

St. Bridget's Catholic Church records, 1890-1950.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss DC
  • collection
  • 1890-1950

Records of the first Catholic church in the River Falls area consisting primarily of financial records and of cemetery burial permits (1932-1950).

St. Croix Bridge Company records, 1911-1917, 1941, 1951.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss AL
  • collection
  • 1951

Original record book, April 24, 1911-December 13, 1917, and November 14, 1951, of the St. Croix Bridge Company, the corporation formed to build a toll bridge over the St. Croix River at Hudson, Wisconsin, with one folder of agreements, 1911-1917, and clippings, 1941.

St. Croix County account books, 1857-1957.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss BC
  • collection
  • 1857-1957

Eight account books from various unidentified St. Croix County, Wisconsin, businesses and individuals, some from the Hudson area.
Included are volumes possibly created by Essie W. Williams, A. D. Richardson, and Richardson & Burhyte.

St. Croix County community histories, 1948.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 312
  • collection
  • 1948

Histories of various St. Croix County, Wisconsin, communities prepared by school children in commemoration of the state's centennial in 1948. Included are the following communities: Deer Park, Happy Valley, Hersey, and Wilson.

St. Croix County Health Center, Wisconsin, farm records, 1953-1989. St. Croix County Health Center (Wis.) 1953

  • US ARC St. Croix series 91
  • collection
  • 1942-1990

Records documenting the management of the dairy herds, primarily its breeding and selling programs. Records include informational brochures, correspondence, awards, and financial reports. The Registered Holstein herd was started in 1917 as part of the Saint Croix County Hospital and later was administered by the St. Croix County Health Center as a publicly owned herd under the name of St. Croixco Registered Holsteins.

St. Croix County rural school histories, 1948.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 299
  • collection
  • 1948

Histories of several St. Croix County rural schools prepared by school children in commemoration of the state's centennial in 1948. Included are histories of these schools: Bell, Cady Lane, Cady Lucas, Camp 14, Carr Creek, Cylon District 3, Dry Run, East Baldwin, Emerald District 5, Highland Ridge, Hutton Creek, Maple Grove, Plain View, Pleasant Grove, Ridgeview, Riverside, Star Prairie, Summit, and Sunny Slope.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin family genealogies, 1982 and undated.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 292 -- River Falls SC 215
  • collection
  • 1982 and undated

Genealogical information on several St. Croix County, Wisconsin families, compiled by Florence Simon. Present are genealogical charts and copies of family documents relating to the Spence-Burrows family (the family of John Spence and Eliza Burrows, including information on the Beebe, Boardman, Bowran, Mackin, Ross, Spencer, and West families); charts and documents relating to the Ross-Patterson family (the families of William and Grace Ross, of William and his first wife, Marion McKay, of James Ross and Sarah Patterson, and of S. K. and Caroline Patterson, including information on the Bradford, Cummings, Gardiner, and Spence families); and genealogies of the Peter Olison Reiton family (1855-1916), the Anders Reiton family (1838-1922), and the Sloan-Newton families (1832-1969), to which Ann Miller of Sandpoint, Idaho, contributed information.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court certificates of ordination, 1851-1982.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 117
  • collection
  • 1851-1982

Record of credentials of clergymen which were required to be filed before being authorized to perform marriages. Entries usually include name, denomination, geographic assignment, and name of authorizing ecclesiastical superior. Copies of official certificates are sometimes attached. Volume 1 contains ordination records, 1855-1885, but also includes orders of the court and record of legal papers filed in court cases, 1851-1853, and a few entries certifying medical degrees for applicants to the Medical Examination Board, 1887-1897.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court criminal record, 1897-1916.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 125
  • collection
  • 1897-1916

Record of Circuit Court criminal actions from initiation to final disposition. Summary record of proceedings taken and papers filed in criminal cases. Each record includes the defendants name and type of crime, lists all papers filed and subpoenas issued, and contains a summary of trial proceedings, verdicts, and sentences.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court minutes, 1878-1974.

  • US ARC St. Croix series 132
  • collection
  • 1878-1974

Provides a brief summary of cases heard before the Circuit Court. Includes the names of defendants and plaintiffs as well as the judgment in each particular case.

Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court naturalization records, 1850-1954.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 62
  • collection
  • 1850-1954

Records of naturalization proceedings in the Circuit Court of St. Croix County. Records include Declarations of Intention (1850-1952); Petitions (1857-1948); Naturalization Records (1857-1906); Certificates of Naturalization (1907-1927); Ancillary Records, (1950-1954); and a card index to Naturalizations (1850-1947).

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court order and rule book, 1860-1873.

  • US ARC C1988/039
  • collection
  • 1860-1873

Records of naturalization proceedings in the Circuit Court of St. Croix County. Records include Declarations of Intention (1850-1952); Petitions (1857-1948); Naturalization Records (1857-1906); Certificates of Naturalization (1907-1927); Ancillary Records, (1950-1954); and a card index to Naturalizations (1850-1947).

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court order books, 1860-1957.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 126
  • collection
  • 1860-1957

Record of orders issued by the Court in civil cases. Entries show names of plaintiffs, defendants, and orders including findings of fact and conclusions of law, which are summaries of cases and decisions, show cause orders, stipulations, sheriffs reports of sale, dates of action, and name of judge. Types of cases include divorce, foreclosure, alimony, and property disputes.

Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court record of officers of the court, 1864-1916.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 121
  • collection
  • 1864-1916

Record of justices, notaries, and court commissioners required to be registered with the clerk of court giving name of officer, date of election, term, and expiration date of term. Volume 1, 1864-1884, consists of two sections: one listing justices of the peace and police justices arranged alphabetically by name of township and thereunder chronologically by date term began, and one section listing notaries public and certificates of appointment arranged by date of filing. Volume 2, 1879-1916, contains: certificates of appointment for notaries public, 1879-1900, and court commissioners and sheriffs, 1879-1916, and includes a name index.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court record, 1868-1949.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 124
  • collection
  • 1868-1949

A daily record of proceedings in civil cases before the Circuit Court including a list of legal documents filed in each case; sometimes the nature of the case; names of defendant, plaintiff, and attorneys; date of case disposition, and cross references to other related court volumes.

Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court summary of convictions in Justice Court, 1906-1966.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 120
  • collection
  • 1906-1966

Summary record of persons convicted in county Justice Courts giving name of defendant, nature of offense, name of court, name of justice, date of conviction, and judgment and sentence of the court. s. 31, 1880 Wis. Stat. required Justice Courts to file a record of convictions in the office of the clerk of circuit court.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Democratic Party records, 1966-1971.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss BK
  • collection
  • 1966-1971

Records, mainly 1970, including minutes, general correspondence, newsletters, press releases, memoranda from the state Democratic Party, state convention materials, and Tenth District Democratic Party materials.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, transcribed interviews, 1973-1974.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss EK
  • collection
  • 1973-1974

Photocopies of transcripts from forty-seven oral history interviews pertaining to Saint Croix County, Wisconsin history conducted as a project of the St. Croix County Extension Homemakers.
Although farm and daily work, recreation, education, and family life were discussed, the interviews focus on description and history of various cities, villages, and townships in the county. These include the cities or villages of Baldwin, Burkhardt, Deer Park, Erin, Glenwood City, Hammond, New Richmond, Pleasant Valley, Wildwood, and Woodville; and the townships of Cylon, Erin, Hudson, Kinnickinnic, Pleasant Valley, Springfield, and Troy. One interview relates to the Mann Valley Cemetery and nearby German settlement.

St. Croix Health Center annual reports, 1976 and 1978.

  • US ARC St. Croix Series 43
  • collection
  • 1976 and 1978

Printed annual reports to the County Board of Supervisors by the St. Croix Health Center. Includes reports of alcohol-drug abuse programs, developmental disabilities programs, mental health programs, and activity therapy, and contains organizational charts and financial reports.

St. Croix Valley Summer Theatre program records, 1966-2007.

  • UWRF Series 58
  • collection
  • 1966-2007.

The St. Croix Valley Summer Theatre began operation in 1966 as the Falcon Summer Theatre. The organization is independent of but operates in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

See UWRF Series 59 (University Theatre); UWRF Series 134 (Sanford Syse Papers) for related materials.

St. Croix-Pierce Bi-County Federation of Women's Clubs records, 1922-1973.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss AT
  • collection
  • 1922-1973

Records of an affiliate of the Wisconsin Federation of Women's Clubs, including the constitution, reports, and minutes of the St. Croix County Federation of Women's Clubs, 1922-1952, and records of the Bi-County Federation from its formation in 1954 to its dissolution in 1973, including correspondence, annual reports and yearbooks of local clubs., and other records.

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church records, 1895-1913, 1932-1966.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 313
  • collection
  • 1932-1966

Membership lists and sacramental records, 1932-1966, of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, including records of baptisms, confirmations, weddings, burials, and communions. A record book, 1895-1913, of the St. John's Youth Group, in German with an English translation prepared by Ursula Peterson, is also included. ?b St. John's Evangelical later merged with St. John's United Church of Christ.

St. Joseph's Home and Hospital Auxiliary records, 1966-1977.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 377
  • collection
  • 1966-1977

Records of a support organization for the hospital and its residents, including bylaws, clippings on activities, announcements, programs, correspondence, financial reports, and ephemera.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church records, 1896-1978.

  • US ARC River Falls Mss DB
  • collection
  • 1896-1978

Records including annual reports, treasurers' reports, records of congregation women's groups and of vestry meetings, and printed histories of the congregation and of the Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire.

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church records, 1884-1979.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 111
  • collection
  • 1884-1979

A photocopy of the book "Statuten und Prottokoll Buch," 1884-1921; a 75th anniversary book, 1949; a statement of belief book for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 1967; a 100th anniversary pictoral directory, 1974; and the constitution and by-laws, 1979.

Stafford School records, 1933-1954.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 65
  • collection
  • 1933-1954

[1] School District Record (1939-1954) containing minutes of school board meetings, resignations of school board officers, teachers' contracts, and financial accounts of receipts and expenditures; and [2] School Registers (1933-1954) showing each pupil's name, grade, age, sex, birthdate, attendance record, and standing, daily programs, record of visitors, and state reading circle records.

Stella Fosmo Herum. Scrapbook, undated.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 210
  • collection
  • undated

Undated clipped articles on the history of Pierce County, Wisconsin, as published in an unidentified local newspaper.

Results 1001 to 1050 of 1202