River Falls, Wisconsin. Assessor. Property appraisal cards, 1934-1945.
- US ARC Pierce Series 56
- collection
- 1934-1945
Field cards compiled by the assessor for appraisal of residential, mercantile, and manufacturing property, showing for each plot, land description, and address, names and addresses of owners and tenants, building plans, and the following additional data: (a) Table of land value factors; (b) Table of building value factors; (c) List of extra or special features, such as fireplaces, chutes, appliances, etc.; (d) List of attached and/or necessary structures; and (e) Summarized value of lands and improvements for each year, 1934-1945. Included are cards for the first, second, and fourth wards of the city.
The table of land value factors lists dimensions; streets and alleys giving access; corner location, if any; distances from center of city, churches, and schools; general character of neighborhoods; and remarks. The Table of building value factors shows whether single, multiple, or commercial occupancy; dimensions; number of stories; type of construction and materials in foundation, basement, walls, roof, floors, and trim; type of heating, lighting, and plumbing; year built; condition of building; style of architecture; and remarks.