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Polk County (Wis.). Clerk
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Clerk, Polk County, Wisconsin, annual directories of public officials, 1923-2009.

  • US ARC Polk Series 3
  • collection
  • 1923-2009

Annual printed directories of public officials having jurisdiction within the county, prepared and published by the county clerk. Directories list national and state officers and legislators, court justices and officers, county board members, county officers and certain county employees, and town, village, and city officers and supervisors. $$b More recent directories also show members of each county board standing committee, and U.S. census population totals for each local unit.
Included are directories for these years: 1923, 1942, 1956, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1970, 1973, and 2007/08-2008/09. Additional directories may have been added since this cataloging.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Assessment records, 1908-1918.

  • US ARC Polk Series 24
  • collection
  • 1908-1918

Records prepared for taxation purposes by the town and village assessor and sent to the county clerk. Includes list of creameries, cheese factories, and milk condensing factories; reports on crops grown and livestock raised; statement of assessments; and dairy statistics.
Records are incomplete.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Maps and blueprints, undated.

  • US ARC Polk Series 25
  • collection
  • undated

Four maps of the railroad rights of way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad in Polk County with adjoining sections and towns; one map of the St. Croix Branch right of way and the St. Croix depots, and one blueprint, probably of the Polk County Hospital.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Real estate sales reports, 1907-1909.

  • US ARC Polk Series 21
  • collection
  • 1907-1909

Selected reports of real estate sales submitted to the clerk by the Wisconsin Tax Commission indicating assessment district, date of sale, grantor, grantee, land description, acreage, consideration given in the deed, and assessed valuations for the years 1907-1909.
These volumes were compiled for computing true values of real estate in each district.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Records of state lands in Polk County, 1859-1917 and undated.

  • US ARC Polk Series 27
  • collection
  • 1859-1917 and undated

Lists of state lands held on contract or patent and lands mortgaged to the state, showing dates of transactions, legal description of land, and in some cases, to whom the land is patented. ?b State lands held by individuals under contract could be taxed but not sold to satisfy delinquent taxes.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk records, 1855-1945.

  • US ARC Polk Series 8
  • collection
  • 1855-1945

Reports and correspondence filed with the county clerk pertaining to his various capacities as recording clerk of the county board, officer of report for towns and villages, and administrator of various county programs. Included are documents and reports presented at county board meetings which often were incorporated into the proceedings of the county board, circa 1880-1919; reports to state and federal agencies including county school reports, circa 1860-1890; taxation reports, 1870-1900; reports on the sale of explosives, 1942-1945, emergency relief, 1930s, and rationing, 1941-1945; the results of a survey of county clerks in Wisconsin, 1927, regarding purchasing duties; scattered correspondence mainly pertaining to taxation and county finances, 1880-1930; a folder of undated maps of various parts of the county; and two letterpress volumes of the clerk's outgoing correspondence, 1899-1905.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Reports on outdoor relief and pauperism, 1880-1920.

  • US ARC Polk Series 19
  • collection
  • 1880-1920

Reports, 1882-1920, of towns to the county clerk giving the number and amount of relief paid by the town to persons not residing at the poor farm; and reports, 1880-1881, of the county clerk to the State Board of Charities and Reform on pauperism, listing number of cases, number of liquor licenses, and costs detailed by town.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Statements of taxes and indebtedness, 1879-1918.

  • US ARC Polk Series 11
  • collection
  • 1879-1918

Statements of taxes and indebtedness filed by towns and villages with the county clerk showing date, local unit, assessed valuation, all taxes levied, and all bonded and other indebtedness incurred and outstanding.
There also are a few Certified Abstracts of Taxes, Statements of Taxes, and Certified Abstract of Indebtedness and Assessed Valuation between 1907 and 1918.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Supervisor of Assessments' annual statistical reports, 1904-[ongoing]

  • US ARC Polk Series 2
  • collection
  • 1904-[ongoing]

Supervisor of Assessments' annual reports to the County Board, printed by the County Clerk under Wis. Laws of 1905, Ch. 523, Sect. 4. Each report contains a table of amount of state, county, school, and local tax revenue, classified by type of tax; a table of total assessed valuation of each county; tables for each town of acreage and assessed valuation of lands and improvements, classified by use; tables showing assessed and recommended full value of real estate (classified by use) and personal property (classified by type) in each assessment district; and general advisory remarks.
County Supervisor of Assessment's annual address to the assessors, 1904, 1906, 1909, 1910.
Reports are present for these years: 1904, 1906, 1908-1910, 1912-1917, 1920-1937, and 1939-1979. Additional reports may have been added since this cataloging.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Tax sale records, 1857-1954.

  • US ARC Polk Series 10
  • collection
  • 1857-1954

Twenty volumes of records of land sold for unpaid taxes, 1857-1933, listing purchaser's name , description of land, purchase price, tax certificate number, date of redemption, redeemer, and remarks; 11 volumes, 1859-1954, recording the assignment and redemption of the tax sale lands; and one volume of accounts of tax certificates, 1885-1913.

Polk County, Wisconsin. Plat map and related papers, 1938-1941.

  • US ARC Polk Series 26
  • collection
  • 1938-1941

One plat map for Polk County, 1938, and related surveyors' drafts and sketches. Included is one folder of technical notes which include descriptions of the exact legal boundaries of villages in Polk County; and lists of cemeteries and of property owned by railroads and schools in the county.