Traditions Committee Notes, 1986, n.d.
- UWRF Series 160-22.B.1.1
- 1986, n.d.
Traditions Committee Notes, 1986, n.d.
Scrapbook, 1982-89 (mostly 1988-89)
Rush Information, 1984-88, n.d.
Parliamentary Procedure Rules and Test, n.d.
Outstanding Member of the Year, 1987
National Greek Information, 1988*
Meetings - Minutes and President?s Notes (Agendas), 1983-88
Greek Organizations and Activities, 1979, 1983, 1987-89, n.d.
Grade Information, 1986-89, n.d.
Correspondence, 1982, 1984, 1988-89, n.d.
Constitution and Bylaws, 1983, 1986-87, n.d.
Canned Food Drive, 1983-84, 1986-87, n.d.
Awards, 1981-82, 1987-88, n.d.
Alumni Relations, 1982-83, 1987-88, n.d.
Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority records, 1979-1988.
The Alpha Gamma Sigma Sorority existed on the UW-RF campus from 1979 to 1989, and later it then became Lambda Delta Phi. The collection consists of activity files, constitutions and bylaws, correspondence, minutes, a pledge book, rush information, photographs, and scrapbooks that detail different activities of the sorority.