Affichage de 312 résultats

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UWRF Subject Files, 1874-Present
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Chalmer Davee Library, 1875 - 2002

Chalmer Davee Library history, program, invite, promotional materials, handouts, brochures, bookmarks, Hmong story cloth, exhibit information, Joanne before banks information, newspaper prints, website prints, flyer, newspaper articles, posters, library guide

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science, 1977 - 2018

College of Agriculture Booklet covers department information, majors, degree requirements, etc. 1984 Horse Science Institute booklet covers in depth class reports for equine classes. Falcon Focus on NAMA covers topics related to the NAMA chapter and was published by UWRF NAMA Chapter and the Ag. Economics Department Newspaper Prints, Website Prints, Program, Handouts, Poster, Brochures, Recruitment Material, Announcement, Certificate, Booklets, Newspaper, Ribbon, Degree Information, Newsletters, Department Information

College of Education and Graduate Studies, 1875 - 2008

Professional Development Opportunities in Education Booklet for new students (2006), Educator Newsletter about Professional Development, Coastlines COST Newsletter (seasonal) about abroad experiences and information (2008 - 2014) Newsletters, handouts, brochures, posters, flyers, exchange information, degree information, newspaper prints, website prints, Dean Information, biographies, department information, newspaper, letterhead, university correspondence,

English Department: Ambergrites, 1971 - 1984

Ambergrites, A Sunken Treasury of Verse, an English Department publication of poetry written by students. Salmagundi Society Newsletter (A.K.A. Ambergrites?) monthly publication, Ambergrites but includes department information pamphlets, newsletters, bank statements, invitation, Student Organization Form, booklets, poems, stories, handwritten works, notecards

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