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Pierce County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court execution docket, 1857-1874.
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Pierce County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court execution docket, 1857-1874.

  • US ARC Pierce Series 19
  • collection
  • 1857-1874

Record of execution of Circuit Court judgments ordering payment of a specified amount with interest and/or costs, showing for each case in which a writ of execution of judgment was issued, the names of plaintiff(s) and defendant(s); party against whom judgment was rendered; amount of judgment, costs, and/or interest due; date writ of execution issued; to what officer of the court writ was issued; to whom delivered; and date writ was returned to the Clerk of Circuit Court. Record also usually contains remarks of the officer who returned the writ, stating whether judgment was satisfied or no property was found which could be seized to satisfy the judgment.