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Pierce County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Supervisor of Assessments' annual statistical reports, 1900-[ongoing]
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Pierce County, Wisconsin. Clerk. Supervisor of Assessments' annual statistical reports, 1900-[ongoing]

  • US ARC Pierce Series 2
  • collection
  • 1900-[ongoing]

Supervisor of Assessments' annual reports to the County Board, printed by the County Clerk under Wis. Laws of 1905, Ch. 523, Sect. 4. Each report contains a table of amount of state, county, school, and local tax revenue, classified by type of tax; a table of total assessed valuation of each county; tables for each town of acreage and assessed valuation of lands and improvements, classified by use; tables showing assessed and recommended full value of real estate (classified by use) and personal property (classified by type) in each assessment district; and general advisory remarks.