Typed transcript of interview with Mr. Hunter was donated in October 2003 by Roger Hunter Knieff. Discussed in the interview is Mr. Hunter’s childhood in the Diamond Bluff area and his family’s move to clear land in southern Burnett County. The main focus of the interview is Mr. Hunter’s activity as a logger in the lumber industry. He describes logging camp life, the men he worked with, as well as the changes he witnessed in the area during his lifetime. Also included is his life as a farmer and other activities he engaged in. The interview is very detailed and informative.
- Apple River (St. Croix County, Wis.) -- 1940-1950 Bridges -- Wisconsin -- Somerset -- 1940-1950 Dams -- Apple River (St. Croix County, Wis.) -- 1940-1950 Dams -- Wisconsin -- Somerset -- 1940-1950 Northern State Power Company Dam (Somerset, Wis.) -- 1940-1950 Somerset (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1940-1950
- Apple River (St. Croix County, Wis.) Rivers -- Wisconsin -- Apple Star Prairie (Wis.)
- Apple River (Wis.)
- Apple River (Wis.) -- 1900-1910 Mills -- Wisconsin -- New Richmond -- 1900-1910 New Richmond (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910
- Apple River (Wis.) Rivers--Wisconsin--Polk County Roads--Wisconsin--Polk County
- Apple River (Wis.) St. Anne Catholic Church (Somerset, Wis.)
- Apple River (Wis.)--1900-1910 Somerset (Wis.)--1900-1910
- Appliance stores -- Wisconsin -- Prescott -- 1930-1940 Automobiles -- 1930-1940 Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Prescott -- 1930-1940 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Prescott -- 1930-1940 Drugstores -- Wisconsin -- Prescott -- 1930-1940 Main Street (Prescott, Wis.) -- 1930-1940 Prescott (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1930-1940 Street lights -- Wisconsin -- Prescott -- 1930-1940
- Appliance stores -- Wisconsin--Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Automobiles -- 1940-1950 Bakeries--Wisconsin--Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Businesses -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Ellsworth (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1940-1950 Hotels -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Lampposts -- Wisconsin -- Ellsworth -- 1940-1950 Main Street (Ellsworth, Wis.) -- 1940-1950
- Appliances
- Aprons--1910-1920 Picnics--1910-1920 Picnics--Wisconsin--Diamond Bluff School children--1910-1920 School children--Wisconsin--Diamond Bluff Toddlers--1910-1920 Women's hats--1910-1920
- Apsouri, Constantin
- Ara Parseghian, Floyd Stahl, Lysle Blackbourn
- Archeology
- Architecture
- Arcola High Bridge (Wis. and Minn.) -- 1920-1930 Bridges -- St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.) -- 1920-1930 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad Company Soo Line High Bridge (Wis. and Minn.) -- 1920-1930 Steel plate deck bridges -- St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.) -- 1920-1930
- Argriculture Science Building
- Arial photographs
- Army
- Army Experiences
- Army Life
- Arrests
- Art
- Art Exhibit
- Art Gallery
- Art; Sculpture; Richard Swensen; Kleinpell Fine Arts Building;
- Art; Sculpture; Richard Swenson; Kleinpell Fine Arts Building;
- Art; Sculpture; Events
- Art; Symbols
- Art-Pottery
- Artwork
- Arya, Usharbudh
- Aschenbrenner
- Assistant Chancellor
- Assistant Chancellor of Student Affairs
- Assistant Chancellor of Student Affairs;
- Asylums -- Wisconsin -- St. Croix County -- 1920-1930 New Richmond (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1920-1930
- Atherton, Lenoard
- Athletic Event
- Athletics
- Athletics Director
- Athletics Karges Center
- Atkins, Virgina
- Atkins, Virginia
- Atlasta Resort (Burnett County, Wis.) -- 1920-1930 Crescent Photo Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.), publisher Lakes & ponds -- Wisconsin -- Burnett County -- 1920-1930 Resorts -- Wisconsin -- Burnett County -- 1920-1930 Twig furniture -- 1920-1930 Yellow Lake (Burnett County, Wis. : Lake) -- 1920-1930
- Atlasta Resort (Burnett County, Wis.) -- 1930-1940 Cottages -- Wisconsin -- Burnett County -- 1930-1940 Resorts -- Wisconsin -- Burnett County -- 1930-1940
- Atoe, Dennis
- Atomic Bomb
- Attitudes towards the War
- Audeeson, Sara
Results 301 to 350 of 4986
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Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Equivalent terms
Associated terms
1 Archival description results for Farmer
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
No. narrower terms
- 0