Typed transcript of interview with Mr. Hunter was donated in October 2003 by Roger Hunter Knieff. Discussed in the interview is Mr. Hunter’s childhood in the Diamond Bluff area and his family’s move to clear land in southern Burnett County. The main focus of the interview is Mr. Hunter’s activity as a logger in the lumber industry. He describes logging camp life, the men he worked with, as well as the changes he witnessed in the area during his lifetime. Also included is his life as a farmer and other activities he engaged in. The interview is very detailed and informative.
- Aerial views--Wisconsin--Plum City--1910-1920 Plum City (Wis.)--Aerial views--1910-1920 Plum City (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--1910-1920
- Aerial views--Wisconsin--Prescott Aerial views--St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.) G. R. Brown Co. (Eau Claire, Wis.), publisher Prescott (Wis.)--Aerial views St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)--Aerial views
- Aerial views--Wisconsin--River Falls--1900-1910 River Falls (Wis.)--Aerial views--1900-1910 Sanderson's Studio (River Falls, Wis.), publisher
- Aerial views--Wisconsin--Spring Valley Spring Valley (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--1900-1910 Spring Valley (Wis.)--Aerial views
- Aerial views--Wisconsin--St. Croix Falls St. Croix Falls (Wis.)--Aerial views St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)
- African American soldiers Riots -- Texas -- Brownsville Brownsville (Tex.) -- Race relations United States -- Army -- Infantry Regiment, 25th Texas -- Brownsville
- Afton, MN
- Agnew, Jack
- Agnew, Jack; Smith, Terry; Liard, John; Hayes, Ed; Collins, Barbara;
- Agricultur Science Building
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- Agricultural Cirriculum
- Agricultural Department
- Agricultural exhibitions -- Wisconsin -- Pierce County -- 1920-1930 Ellsworth (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1920-1930 Horses -- Wisconsin -- Pierce County -- 1920-1930 Pierce County (Wis.) -- Fairs -- 1920-1930 Pierce County Fair (Wis.) -- 1920-1930
- Agricultural implements -- Wisconsin -- Milltown -- 1910-1920 Automobiles -- 1910-1920 Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Milltown -- 1910-1920 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Milltown -- 1910-1920 Dirt roads -- Wisconsin -- Milltown -- 1910-1920 Electric lines -- Wisconsin -- Poles and towers -- 1910-1920 Horse-drawn vehicles -- Wisconsin -- Milltown -- 1910-1920 Milltown (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1910-1920
- Agricultural Laboratory Building
- Agricultural Science Building
- Agricultural Science Buillding
- Agriculture
- Agriculture -- Wisconsin -- Saint Croix County Boardinghouses -- Wisconsin -- Rhinelander Lumbering -- Wisconsin -- Rhinelander Rural schools -- Wisconsin -- Saint Croix County
- Agriculture Building
- Agriculture Department
- Agriculture Economics
- Agriculture Engineering
- Agriculture; Exterior; Construction; Campus Scenes;
- Agriculture Science
- Agriculture Science Building
- Agriculture Science Building Interior
- Agriculture Science Building Interior; North Hall; Library; Al Murray; Lyle Olson; Typing;
- Agriculture Science Hall
- Agriculture, Cooperative -- Wisconsin -- Pierce County Livestock -- Wisconsin -- Cooperative marketing American Society of Equity
- Al Murray
- Alan
- Albee, Edward
- Albert, Earl
- Albertson, Larry
- Albertype Co. Interstate State Park (Minn.) Muller Boat Co. (Taylors Falls, Minn.) Pulpit Rock (St. Croix Dalles) Rivers--Wisconsin--St. Croix Falls Rock formations--Minnesota--St. Croix Dalles St. Croix Dalles (Wis.) St. Croix River (Wis. and Minn.)
- Albrecht, Arlen
- Albro, Ward
- Alfonsi, Paul R., -- 1908- Miller, Willis H -- (Willis Harry), -- 1918-2008 Legislators -- Wisconsin Wisconsin -- Politics and government
- Alfred Isaacson, publisher Bell towers -- Wisconsin -- St. Croix Falls -- 1900-1910 College buildings -- Wisconsin -- St. Croix Falls -- 1900-1910 Polk County Training School for Teachers (Wis.) -- 1900-1910 Public buildings -- Wisconsin -- St. Croix Falls -- 1900-1910 St. Croix Falls (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1900-1910 School buildings -- Wisconsin -- Polk County -- 1900-1910
- Alice in Dairyland
- Allen Weld
- Allen, Bernie
- Allen, Eliz J.
- Allen, M. Acotta, Lorraine
- Allen, Walter
- Allice
- Allsup C.
Results 151 to 200 of 4986
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Hierarchical terms
Equivalent terms
Associated terms
1 Archival description results for Farmer
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
No. narrower terms
- 0