Wall Amphitheatre, 1965-1980's
- UWRF Series 26-UWRF26_085
- 1965-1980's
26 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Wall Amphitheatre, 1965-1980's
South Hall Interior, 1980's-1999's.
South Hall Interior, 1930's-1980's.
South Hall Exterior, 1980's-1999's.
South Hall Exterior, 1930's-1980's.
South Hall Exterior, 1898-1930's.
Residence Halls - West Campus, 1960s-1990s.
Residence Halls - East Campus, 1960s-1990s
Library - Second Floor Expansion, 1978
Library - Exterior, 1995 - 1996
Library - Exterior, 1954 - 1980's
Knowles Physical Education and Recreation Center - Exterior, 1987-1990's
Kleinpell Fine Arts - Exterior Construction, circa 1972.
Karges Physical Education and Recreation Center, 1950's-1970's
Industrial Arts Building, 1950's
Hathorn Parking, circa. 1990's
Ground breaking for the new Normal School building, 1913.
gift of Mrs. E.S. Davidson, "Shepard Photo"
Central Heating Plant, 1950's-1960's.
Centennial Science Hall - Exterior, 1970's-1980's
Campus Scenes - South Fork River, circa 1950's-1980's
Building projects, construction and maintenance files, 1914-1995.
Documentation includes floor plans, bids, specifications, blueprints, historical perspectives, program statements, contracts, utility service, correspondence and receipts related to construction, remodeling, alterations, and additions to campus buildings, equipment, sidewalks, furniture and other campus construction projects. A long-range campus plan from March 1970, and inventories of the River Falls State Normal School from 1914 and 1916 are also included.
University of Wisconsin--River Falls. Office of the Chancellor. (1898)
Agriculture Science Hall, 1960's-1990's