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Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) Automobiles -- 1920-1930 Business district -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- 1920-1930 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- 1920-1930 Dry goods stores -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- 1920-1930 Electric lines -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- Poles and towers -- 1920-1930 Frederic (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc.--1920-1930 General stores -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- 1920-1930 Horse-drawn vehicles -- 1920-1930 Main Street (Frederic, Wis.) -- 1920-1930 With digital objects
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Main Street West, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of several businesses on Main Street in Frederic, Wisconsin. Also shown is a wagon and team with two men; a single-horse buggy from the back off in the distance; five automobiles parked on the right side of the street (one partially blocked from view), and a gasoline pump. Businesses shown include the Frederic Merc. Co. Department Store, the H. & Son General Merchandise & Drugs store (plus Dry Goods, Groceries), and a number of businesses whose signs cannot be read. There is a banner across the street that cannot be read because it is crumpled. Date from postmark and message: Jul 1, 1922; mailed from Frederic Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to A.J. Archambo, 302 Oak Grove, Minneapolis, Minn. "7/1/22 Dear folks: Am here ok. Trip uneventful so far. We rode out in a Ford touring - crowd! Love Bob." Added at the top: "(My add. is c/o Laura Larson, Trail's End, Frederic, Wisconsin)"