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Post Office, Cylon, Wisconsin

Postcard image of the combination post office and L.J. Adgotes Store located in Cylon, Wisconsin. Numerous men, women, and children are outside the building, and a man with a horse is to the side. The brick building has an awning across the entire front, wooden steps, a street lamp, and a hitching post. Unused postally; removed from a scrapbook.

John Till and his assistant, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of "Dr." John Till and his associates from New Richmond, Wisconsin. Till appears to be wearing clothing from his native Austria. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)

H. F. Doolittle, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo advertising postcard with image of H. F Doolittle, a publisher and musician from Ellsworth, Wisconsin, with his percussion instruments in a photographer's studio setting. The text says: "I find the Wonder drums and traps made by the C.G. Conn Co., of Elkhart, Ind. just what I require in every respect." Postcard printed on Azo paper, with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

St. Croix River, Osceola, Wisconsin

Post Card with image showing the bridge over the St. Croix River at Osceola, Wisconsin, and on the bluff to the top right a portion of Osceola. Date from postmark: Apr 18, 1906, mailed from Osceola, Wis; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: addressed to Mr. Carl Sargent, Battle Creek, Mich. "Hello Carl, how are you, I have waited a long time for that letter. We are all well. Sis."

St. Croix River, Osceola, Wisconsin

Post Card with image showing the bridge over the St. Croix River at Osceola, Wisconsin, and on the bluff to the top right a portion of Osceola. Date from postmark: Apr 18, 1906, mailed from Osceola, Wis; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: addressed to Mr. Carl Sargent, Battle Creek, Mich. "Hello Carl, how are you, I have waited a long time for that letter. We are all well. Sis."

Sanatorium, Lake Mallolieu, Hudson, Wisconsin

Collotype postcard image of the Sanatorium above Mallalieu Lake--misspelled Mallelien--in Hudson, Wisconsin. Published for F. R. Crane, Hudson, Wisconsin (no. 1). Logo indicates it was printed by the H. Hagemeister Co. (no. 8293); printed in Germany. Date span from the working life of the H. Hagemeister Co. Unused.

Veteran's reunion, Ellsworth, Wisconsin, 1909

Real-photo postcard with image of the Grand Army of the Republic Veterans Reunion, held in Ellsworth, Wisconsin, on June 9th and 10th, 1909. The musical band (seated in the front row and consisting of men too young to have served in the Civil War), includes a bass drum with the words "Morgan G.A.R. Drum Corps, Minneapolis, Minn." Pierce County events often hired bands from across the state border. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Lower Power House and Falls

Divided-back postcard with image of the lower falls and power house in River Falls, Wisconsin. The image is "framed" in a wood-looking frame and the "matte" has a raised texture. Date from On verso: Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis, logo and the text: No. 4215 Published for Taggart's 'Rexall' Drug Store. Bloom Bros. Co., Pub., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed in Germany.

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