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Frederic (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) A. Pearson Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.), publisher Automobiles -- 1930-1940 Chevrolet automobile -- 1930-1940 Chevrolet trucks -- 1930-1940 Creameries -- Wisconsin -- Polk County -- 1930-1940 Electric lines -- Poles and towers -- 1930-1940 Land O'Lakes Creameries (Wis.) -- 1930-1940 Trucks -- Wisconsin -- Frederic -- 1930-1940 United States. National Recovery Administration -- 1930-1940 With digital objects
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Land O' Lakes Creamery, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Land O'Lakes Creamery in Frederic, Wisconsin. The creamery is a brick building, built in the 1920s by the Frederic Cooperative Creamery. Outside the creamery is a 1936 or '37 Chevrolet Master car on the left and a 1936 Chevrolet stake truck on the right. The truck is used, and has what looks to be an NRA Blue Eagle in the front windshield, showing support for the New Deal's National Recovery Administration. Multiple young men of military age who have not gone off to war, indicate the image is pre-1942. Printed on verso: "All Rights Reserved.--A. Pearson Co., Minneapolis, Minn." Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.