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Clear Lake (Wis.) Polk County (Wis.) A. Pearson Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.), publisher Automobiles -- 1940-1950 Clear Lake (Wis.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- 1940-1950 Business districts -- Wisconsin -- Clear Lake -- 1940-1950 Commercial buildings -- Wisconsin -- Clear Lake -- 1940-1950 Inter-State Lumber Company (Clear Lake, Wis.) Main Street (Clear Lake, Wis.) -- 1940-1950 With digital objects
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Street scene in Clear Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of downtown Clear Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin. Businesses that can be seen include the Inter-State Lumber Company, a bar with a sign for Hamms beer, a farm implement company with a sign for Allis Chalmers, and a building with a Penzoil sign and a Texaco sign. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark: Nov 29, 1948; mailed from Clear Lake Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp (design A276). Message: Addressed to Marcella Karel, Omaha, Nebr., "Clear Lake, Wisc., Dear Marcella, Monday noon. We're on our way to Iowa. Had a swell time. Hope everything is ok with u. We're arriving some time Tues. by car. It is sorta sleeting to-day. Hope the weather stays nice. Love, Mother."