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Photographic postcard collection
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Lower Power House and Falls

Divided-back postcard with image of the lower falls and power house in River Falls, Wisconsin. The image is "framed" in a wood-looking frame and the "matte" has a raised texture. Date from On verso: Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis, logo and the text: No. 4215 Published for Taggart's 'Rexall' Drug Store. Bloom Bros. Co., Pub., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed in Germany.

Photographic postcard collection

  • collection
  • 1962-2019

Photographic postcards mainly related to the 4-county geographic area covered by the Area Research Center, that is, Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties but also include nearby regions, including some in Minnesota. This collection is particularly strong in areas of the region directly surrounding River Falls, Wisconsin. Also includes some photographs of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus, sports, and related miscellany.

Otto, Kathryn

River scene, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the River Falls, Wisconsin, train depot seen from across the Kinnickinnic River. Printed on verso: Pub. for C. T. Ritchey; printed by the Bloom Bros. Co. under their Scenic America logo. Unused.

Steam locomotive and train at the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway depot in Hudson, Wisconsin

Small real photograph print of a steam locomotive and train at the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway depot in Hudson, Wisconsin, adhered to linen POST CARD with poem on the front and a divided-back. Printed on verso: Northwestern Post Card Co., St. Paul, Minn. Date from postmark: Apr 1, 1912; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. T. E. Mulloy, 1495 5 St., Milwaukee Wisconsin "My dear Mrs. Mulloy, Will write you a few lines this P.M. My cousin & his lady has been here for three (3) wks that she has & he comes down every Sat., gose [sic] back Mon. John's home today ..."

Birdseye View from Prospect Park, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo, white-border POST CARD with image of the Date from postmark: Jul 12, 1913; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ George Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. F. Dallas, Cornell, Wisconsin "Have not had a chance to fish here yet, but soon. How is every little thing in Cornell. C. V."

Main Street, Somerset, Wisconsin

Real-photo, white-border POST CARD with image of the main street of Somerset, Wisconsin. Businesses include A.J. Van General Merchandise (dry goods, meats, groceries), . Parked or on the dirt street are several wagons and buggies, and horses. There are two pedestrians, one on the boardwalk on each side of the street. The deciduous trees along the street appear to be just budding out. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up. Unused.

Lol' Kantuck Cottage Balsam, Wis

Real-photo postcard with image looking downhill in the woods at a log cabin with a porch. Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

Apple River, Star Prairie, St, Croix County, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Apple River at Star Prairie, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. A house and another building can be seen on the hill. Text printed on verso: Photograph Post Card from Studio of Eastern Illustrating Co., Belfast ME. This particular stamp was used between 1917 and 1934. Unused.

Clear Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of five people in a rowboat on Clear Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

John Till and his assistant, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of "Dr." John Till and his associates from New Richmond, Wisconsin. Till appears to be wearing clothing from his native Austria. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)

St. Croix River, Osceola, Wisconsin

Post Card with image showing the bridge over the St. Croix River at Osceola, Wisconsin, and on the bluff to the top right a portion of Osceola. Date from postmark: Apr 18, 1906, mailed from Osceola, Wis; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: addressed to Mr. Carl Sargent, Battle Creek, Mich. "Hello Carl, how are you, I have waited a long time for that letter. We are all well. Sis."

Veteran's reunion, Ellsworth, Wisconsin, 1909

Real-photo postcard with image of the Grand Army of the Republic Veterans Reunion, held in Ellsworth, Wisconsin, on June 9th and 10th, 1909. The musical band (seated in the front row and consisting of men too young to have served in the Civil War), includes a bass drum with the words "Morgan G.A.R. Drum Corps, Minneapolis, Minn." Pierce County events often hired bands from across the state border. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

High school, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Glenwood City, Wisconsin, high school. Date from postmark: Oct 21, 1914; mailed from Glenwood. Message: Addressed to Mrs J T Robb, Winona Minn., "Do not write me, Mother until I send you my adress [sic] as I am moving to day. Jay. Got coat & letter." On verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.

Street scene in Clear Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of downtown Clear Lake, Polk County, Wisconsin. Businesses that can be seen include the Inter-State Lumber Company, a bar with a sign for Hamms beer, a farm implement company with a sign for Allis Chalmers, and a building with a Penzoil sign and a Texaco sign. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark: Nov 29, 1948; mailed from Clear Lake Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp (design A276). Message: Addressed to Marcella Karel, Omaha, Nebr., "Clear Lake, Wisc., Dear Marcella, Monday noon. We're on our way to Iowa. Had a swell time. Hope everything is ok with u. We're arriving some time Tues. by car. It is sorta sleeting to-day. Hope the weather stays nice. Love, Mother."

Methodist Episcopal Church, Hammond, Wisconsin

Postcard image from the right front of the Methodist Episcopal Church building in Hammond, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: No. 8, Pub. for C. -----, Hammond, Wisconsin Made in Germany. Someone, probably Willis Miller (the donor), at a later date wrote in ballpoint "burned May 1909." Message: Addressed to Mr. Arden Sloan, Whitefish, Montana. "Just a few lines and excuse scribbling as the cook burnt her hand & it is might sore, so now come this way & I will give you a job. To-day was wash-day & of course rained this P.M but just a dandy rain & I had got thru. -- I have been cook 2 weeks to-night. Yes. Spent 4th in Baldwin, or most of it. B & I, & we took her home at night after fire-works. What kind of a time did you have? Did you get my 4th of July card? ... "

Methodist Episcopal Church, Hammond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard image from the left front of the Methodist Episcopal Church building in Hammond, Wisconsin Postcard is addressed to Miss Blanche Sloan, no street or city; message says merely "keep this for me." Someone, probably Willis Miller (the donor), at a later date wrote in ballpoint "old Methodist church, burned May 1909."

First Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the First Presbyterian Church in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Written on verso by Julie Boals: "Do you recognize the old Big River Church bell you & Bill Morrow used to ring? They gave it to our church." Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ).

Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Skycrest Motel in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Title continuation on verso: "Skycrest Motel-River Falls, Wisconsin. 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free T.V. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your Host," Text printed on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused postally, although appears to have been removed from a scrapbook.

The new Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of what is now called North Hall, on the campus in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Bloom Bros. Co. "scenic" logo. Date from postmark: Jul 14 1915; mailed from River F[alls] Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Anna Christenson, Prairie Farm, Wisconsin "I suppose you are working as hard as ever. You had better take a rest. I am enjoing mine first rate. Do you still get rain every day? Ada."

St. Croix River, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an image of the St. Croix River and in the distance the toll bridge at Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Sep 21, 1917; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruister, Box 32 Crichton Sta., Mobile, Ala. "This is the cheapest tall bridge I've ever gone over in a car - 5¢. Uncle, Sep. 21."

Willow River Falls, Hudson, Wisconsin

Color postcard with image of people standing in front of the Willow Falls near Burkhardt in rural St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 8, 1907; mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Minnie Nagel, Bryant, Clinton Co., Iowa; "8/8/07, You will get this when you get back from Chicago. Emil." [Emil was Minnie's older brother.]

Third Street, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with an image of Third Street in Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Dec 2, 1907; mailed from Stillwater, Minn.; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Text printed on verso: E. A. Hardinig [sic], Hudson, Wisconsin No. 1. Made in Hermany [sic: Germany]. Message: Addressed to Mr. A. F. Ostendorf, St. Paul, Minn., School of Agriculture; "Holo Ale - I received your most welcome letter and will ans[wer] today. We got confirmed sunday [sic] and I am glad to [sic] for it is getting so cold. My - I was to a party last night, we had a fine time - came home at three o'clock. [??]s. Elsie M. Marty."

Stacking alfalfa in North Dakota

Postcard with hand-tinted image of harvesting hay in North Dakota, using horses and a __. Date from postmark: Mar 30, 1910, mailed from Jamestown, N. Dak. Message on verso: No address. "Dear Brother,

Welch's Point resort, Eau Galle, Dunn County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with three images of Welch's Point resort, located near Eau Galle, in Dunn County, Wisconsin. Hand-printed on the front is: 8 furnished cottages; 22 boats, live baits; one mile north [of Eau Galle] on east side. The largest photo in the collage shows portions of five cottages, picnic tables, some people, and parked automobiles; another photo shows closer views of two cottages, people, and automobiles; the third shows Lake Eau Galle. Date from the automobiles. Printed on Azo paper with four squares (used 1926-1940s). Unused.

Martell Lake, McKinley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Martel Lake, near McKinley, Wisconsin. Sitting in the forefront is a boy with his suspendered back to the camera; trees line the opposite shoreline. Date from postmark: Jul 31, 1917. Message: Addressed to Mr. John Rose, Loraine, Wisc., "July der last '17. Hello John, I spose you looked for me all Sunday dident [sic] you, but I couldent [sic] possibly get out there had co and it was so doggone hot almost roasted. we went in bathing in Bentzines Lake at night could see the blood suckers a foot long in the moonlight. I am sorry I couldn't come over. Quite a rain storm we had hey what?? Roy [or Ray] Olson."

Rush River Dam, Ellsworth Electric Light Company

Real-photo postcard with an image of the Rush River Dam. Date taken by photographer: 1908. Postmarked Jan. 20, 1908; mailed in Ellsworth. 1-cent stamp. Message: Addressed to Anna Anderson, Cylon, Wisconsin "We have lights from here now. Lights from the dam, or other wise known as I lights. Dora." Printed on Azo paper with four triangles, all pointing up. See for a postcard using the same source image.

Opera house, Woodville, Wisconsin

Real-photo, white-border POST CARD with image of the opera house in Woodville Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 24, 1917; mailed from Woodville, Wis, green 1¢ George Washington stamp. Message on verso: Addressed to Mr. Louis Blilie, 455 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn.

Post-flood damage, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of post-flood damage in Spring Valley on the night of September 17, 1942. This is possibly a Northwest railroad trestle torn out by the flood waters. Title supplied by cataloger. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

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