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B. H. Dingman New Richmond (Wis.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--1910-1920 Residential streets--Wisconsin--New Richmond--1910-1910
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New Richmond Wisconsin, looking east

Real-photo postcard with image showing a residential area of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking east. The trees are bare and there are patches of snow. Text on verso: B. H. Dingman, Publisher, Plymouth, Wisconsin. Date from message: 6-29-12; postmarked Jun 29 [no year]; mailed from New Richm[ond] W[is.]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Max Koenemann, 650 Barry Ave., Chicago, Ill's. "Dear Sister, I have been on the road for the past 6 months but will go back to St. Paul tonight, it is very Hot out here. Love to all, your brother, Arthur."