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Anna Kathrina Bezler Dicke. Autobiography, 1924.

  • US ARC River Falls SC 130
  • collection
  • 1924

Autobiography written by Mrs. Peter Heinrich Dicke; including recollections of her youth and schooling in Eschenbach, Germany, her 1849 immigration to America, and her subsequent employment and marriage to Pastor Dicke.

Main Street, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main street in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso, as the divider: "Como." The Co-Mo Company produced postcards out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Date based on postmark: Aug 11 1931; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vande Zande, East Main St., Waupun, Wisconsin "Dear Folks, We had a fine trip and are enjoying our visit in the cool weather. Plan to be back Thursday. Tomorrow is the S.S. picnic so we will be able to visit with several friends. Chris Weinhend's [?] have to go back next Tuesday, so we are glad we can visit with them here. Lots of love, Chris & Bertha."

Floyd May restaurant, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of 12 men and a boy standing outside what is, supposedly, Floyd May's restaurant in Hudson, Wisconsin. One of the men has on a white apron (Floyd May?) and the man next to him has a baseball and glove. Title handwritten on verso. Also written on the verso in a different hand is "Baseball Team, Hudson, Wisc." Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Golden Rule store after fire, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the rubble left after a fire destroyed the Golden Rule store in Glenwood City, Wisconsin. The writer wrote on the front where her brother Frank was in the picture. Date from postmark: Mar 16 1909; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. J.P. Madison [Ruby], 372 -- 1st St., Portland, Oregon. "Glenwood, Wisconsin, Mond/16, '09. Dear Sister, Rec'd your card some time ago & am sorry to think that I did not answer before. This is the ruins of the store where Frank worked. It was pa's birthday last Thur. & Henry sent him a picture of Dorothy. It is about 3 ft. long & about a foot wide. with six different sittings. It is a beauty. Tilda has a cold & Agnes is sick from vaccination & I have tonsilitis. The others are all well & hope you are the same. Please write soon, your Sister[-in-law], Anna [Madison]."

Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the three-story brick hotel located in Hudson, Wisconsin. The hotel has a corner sign, a covered entrance, and a barber shop. Outside the hotel is a street lamp and fire hydrant. Printed on DOPS paper (used 1925-1942). Unused.

Wolf Creek Roller Mills, Wolf Creek, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Wolf Creek Roller Mills, Englin & Monty, which was located in Wolf Creek, Wisconsin. A man and three boys are on the bridge over the creek. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangle pointing up (used 1907-1918). Unused.

Baseball team, Joel, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Joel, Wisconsin, baseball team. The photograph shows nine men in baseball uniforms and caps, plus a coach and a bat boy. Title from hand-written note on verso. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangle pointing up (used 1907-1918). Unused.

Greetings from Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial image of Frederic, Polk County, Wisconsin. The title continuation on the verso reads: Frederic, Wisconsin. A friendly city of 900 people -- Located in the [heart?] of Wisconsin's fishing area. Many resort accomo[dations] are nearby. Text printed on verso: "Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the G. R. Brown logo. Date from postmark: Jun 3 1971; mailed from Frederic, WI; 13¢ US Air Mail, "Let Freedom Ring" Liberty Bell stamp (Scott C62). The 13¢ denomination was issued on June 28, 1961 (untagged) and on February 15, 1967 (tagged). Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shaefer, 63 Germany. "God's Country, so beautiful -- the lakes, streams, woods and farms -- reminds me of Home -- Honest -- More later, ___."

New bridge over St. Croix River, Highway 12, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the bridge crossing the St. Croix River at Hudson, Wisconsin. The photo is looking east from the Minnesota side to the Wisconsin side. Date from postmark (Ag 27 1962) and message (27.7.62); stamp has been removed. Message: "Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schafer, Mannheim 68, Richard Wagnerstr. 13, Germany. Aus Hudson, Wisc. senden wir Euch Herzlich Grüße. Ursula u. Kurt gefällt es gut hier. Aber unser Urlaub ist kurz, nur 5 Tage. Gruß Lisa. Auch Renate." Translation: "Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schäfer, Richard Wagner Street 13, Mannheim 68, Germany. We send greetings from Hudson, Wisconsin. Ursula and Kurt like it here very much. But our vacation is very short, only 5 days. Greetings! Lisa and also Renate."

The Kinnickinnic, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Kinnickinnic River near River Falls, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Jun 2 1910; mailed from Prescott Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Cecilia A. Koppes, Hastings, Minn. "Have wanted to see you ever since you got to Hastings, but have felt so [---] for so long haven't gone any where. If you will let us know sometime times when you are not busy and have no plans, will spend the day with you. Am just beginning to feel more like myself. With love, Barbara."

Congregational Church, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Congregational church building in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. The building has a steeple with belfry and spire. Date from message: Aug. 25th, 1906. No stamp or postmark on verso. Message: Addressed to Mr. George Courtney, Pine River, [Waushara County], Wisconsin "River Falls, Wisconsin Aug. 25th, 1906. Kind regards to all the Courtneys. Oliver Peirce."

North Hall, State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of what is now called North Hall on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School (1874-1927). North Hall, built in 1914, is covered with ivy and has awnings on the second floor windows. Date from message: 5-26-23; mailed May 26 [1923] from River Falls [Wisconsin]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Agness St. Martin, Arkansaw, Wisc. "Sat. 5-26-23. My Dear Mother. Just a few lines to let you no [sic] we are all well, and would dearly like to no [sic] how you are, cant [sic] you get someone to write a few lines for you to me. Hope you are well. With love, Josie."

Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Presbyterian Church building in Ellsworth, Pierce County, Wisconsin. The building has a steeple with belfry and spire; stained glass windows; and Victorian Gingerbread trim on the portico, with fretwork spandrels around the belfry. Date from postmark: Mar 4 1913; mailed from Bay City Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Ruth Nelson, 681 Jenks St., St. Paul, Minn. "Mon 3/13. Dear Ruth, I must not forget to send you a card as I promised to do. Well I'm busy house keeping now and getting along fine. How are you gettin along, good I hope. I wish you was down here for a few days, we certainly would have a jolly time. How is every thing at the factory you and Beatrices[?] Write me a long letter and tell me all the news. With love from Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Bay City Wisconsin R 1. Bay City, Wis, Route 1."

Number 3: farmhouse, barn, and 80 acres of land for sale, 4½ miles from town, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with two images, side by side on a postcard, advertising a farmhouse, barn, and 80 acres of land for sale near Grantsburg, Wisconsin, in the mid-1910s. Date from postmark: Aug. 27, 1914; mailed from Grantsburg [Wis]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on Kruxo paper (name as divider used 1911-1922). Addressed to Morgan Hoff, Grantsburg, Wisc. No message.

River near Milltown, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of an idyllic river scene, possibly near Milltown, Wisconsin. Otter Creek and Rice Creek are the closest streams. Hand-written in pencil on the verso: Mrs. Keostan, Milltown. Printed on CYKO paper (used 1904-1920s).

Depot, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the train depot in River Falls, Wisconsin. Besides the depot building, there are passenger cars (The North Western Line), a steam locomotive, workers either loading or unloading, carts and horse-drawn carriages. A portion of a grain elevator can be seen behind the depot and a house behind the passenger cars. The image is inside a slightly raised oval, which is framed with a raised printed wood-grain frame; the white area between the oval and the frame has a crackled texture, perhaps simulating leather. Text printed on verso: Published for Taggart's 'Rexall' Drug Store. Printed in Germany." Printed by the Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis under its Quality logo.

Young people near Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with a faded image of eight young people (six women and two men) posing on farm-like equipment. The postcard was mailed from Grantsburg, Burnett County, Wisconsin, and the message seems to indicate that the photograph was taken in the area. Printed on the verso is a large logo for Acme Post Card. Date from postmark: May 16 1914; mailed from Grantsburg Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. Elmer Carlson, Grantsburg, Wisconsin. "May 15, 1914. Will ans. your most welcome card I received yesterday. How are you? O.K. I spose, same here. This card is not very nice but I sent it for fun. Send a picture of yourself when you take one. I am going to have my picture taken later & I'll send you one. From T.A.S. ans. soon."

Trade Lake at Cedar Point, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of several cabins at Cedar Point on Trade Lake, in Burnett County, near Frederic, Wisconsin. The still water in the lake provides a perfect mirror image. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Date from postmark: Aug 30 19216; mailed from Grantsburg Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph La Pour, 2044 Douglas Ave., Racine, Wisconsin "Having a good time. This is a beautiful place. This picture is of our cottages. We females caught 15 blue gills yesterday. Frances & Chas." (Possibly Frances and Charles Vosika, also from Racine.)

Wood Lake Resort cabins from hill on Wood Lake, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of several cottages in the trees on Wood Lake, in Burnett County, near Frederic, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 15 1953; mailed from Frederic, Wisconsin; carmine-red 2¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to: Mr. Herb Link, Pearl City, Illinois. "Dear Bro, Greetings from Wisconsin & a Happy Birthday to you. Eat an extra dish of ice cream for me. Carrie [?], Pete, Jack."

Residence section, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Baldwin, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Only the bottoms of the houses can be seen because of the full trees along the boulevards. Text printed on verso: Real Photo Post Card, Hansen Photo Co., Withee, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Jul 1914; mailed from Bald[win] Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Rev. A.T. Laman, 343 E. Ione St., Muskegon, Mich. "Dear [Bro.?] L., - Will you please inform me on what date installation is to take place? Want to announce date next Sunday. 'The Leader' has it that laddren pastor & people. So that correct? Having good time. Hope you are. Sincerely, C. Vd Schoor, Baldwin Wisconsin"

Apple River dam, Somerset, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Northern State Power Company dam in Somerset, Wisconsin, along with the bridge over the Apple River, and a number of buildings and houses. Date from postmark: Aug 11 1952; mailed from Somerset Wis; carmine-red 1¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Sophie Marzec, 3231 Fourth Avenue, Sioux City 6, Iowa. "Hi, a little better, on our way, Mom & Dad."

Federated Church, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Federated Church building in New Richmond, Wisconsin. The wooden building has windows on two stories, in the basement, and a small third-floor moon window; the windows on the first and second floors a stained glass. The building has two sets of steps in the front of the building, a bell tower and possibly a spire (is cut off the top of the picture). Next door is a residential house. Deciduous trees on the boulevard provide shade. Date from postmark: Sep 10, 1947; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Newhold, 126 Uruland Ave., Rutherford, N.J. "We are having a grand time. Last night we had cocktails by the swimming pool and dinner later and to-night we are going to a swanky night club for dinner. My poor diet. Love, Phyllis & Victor."

Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard. Date from postmark: 1948 Message: Addressed to Lucille Ann Davis, 5116 Walnut St., Omaha, Nebr. "Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. This is a very beautiful spot with

Store, Luck, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of cigar and candy counters, each with a woman behind the counter. Printed on Azo paper with four squares (used 1924-1949). Message: Not addressed. "Dear Herbert, Your letter received this am. Made us laugh, we enjoyed it much. We are having such wonderful time. Luck is getting to be some town as you can see, plenty of pretty girls, and all the nice drinks you want with it. What more could you [ask]."

Postcard mailed to Barneveld, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a man on a ladder working on a streetlamp. Date from postmark: Aug 19 1948; mailed from South St. Paul Minn.; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to [has been redacted], Barneveld, Wisconsin "Hi folks-- I told you I didn't know when we'd go. Left home at 6:00 last nite. Got to Black River Falls at 10:00 last nite & stayed there. Left there about 7:00 this morning & should soon be in St. Paul. Nice & cool riding. How is it haying? I'll drop you a card later when it isn't so bumpy." [Signature also redacted.]

Catholic church and school, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Catholic church building and school in New Richmond, Wisconsin. There is a small building in between the two, possibly a house, and there are people moving toward it and into it. The school is two-story brick with a mansard roof and a rounded belltower with large cross. The church is also brick, with lancet windows, and a steeple that has a belltower and spire. Date from postmark: Jan 8 1910; mailed from New Richmond Wis; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. John O'Brien, Brule, Wisconsin "Would have answered your card before but was busy getting ready to come here. Will write later. Delia."

Postcard mailed from Maiden Rock, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Nov 27 1908; mailed from Maiden Rock Wis; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to F.J. Britzke, Brownsville, Wisconsin, RRx3. "Thanksgiving day 08. Hello Fritze. Isn't that your first name? Won't you please tell me. I always like to know my friends' first name. I have eat so much I can hardly breath and I cooked the dinner all myself. Delphie."

Excelsior Lumber Factory, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Excelsior lumber factory in Grantsburg, Wisconsin. Stacks of cut lumber surround the buildings. Text printed on recto: E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Date from postmark: May 13 1916; mailed from Grantsburg Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. C.H. Selken, Rosholt, SD. "Dear Mamma:-- This is one of our factories here at Grantsburg. We also have a pickle & starch factory, a saw & flour mill & Crex Carpet Co. Ware House. Have you got your house cleaning done? I haven't. How are you all? I suppose your garden is all made. Tell every body Hello from us. As ever, Lizzie."

High School, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the public high school in Grantsburg, Wisconsin. The two-story building has a bell tower. Text printed on recto: E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Date from postmark: May 28 1911; mailed from Grantsburg Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp.. Message: Addressed to Miss Cleo Workman, Centerville IA, R.R.No.4. Dear Cleo, I will at last ans. your card, this is the school I go to. Do you take many rides now? I ride several time[s]. I rode to the river over 6 miles from here. Well good by. Ans. soon, from Eunice. xxxx"

Long Lake dock and row boats, Webb Lake Township, Burnett County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Long Lake with a dock and rowboats, located in Webb Lake township, Burnett County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jul 13, 1955; mailed from Spooner, Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Harry Phillips, 717 Krause Ave, Peoria Ill., c/o W.E. Brandt. "July 13, 55. Hi son & daughter. On way home, will see you soon. Is way the pier looks now. Love, see you soon, Dad & Mom."

Eastman's Resort, Danbury, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a cottage in the trees at Eastman's Resort near Danbury in Burnett County, Wisconsin. The cottage has a front porch and beside it is what might be a wooden flag pole with rocks around it making a circle. Printed on Azo paper with four squares in the stamp block (used 1924-1949). Unused.

Cottage no. 4 at Welcome Inn Resort, Webster, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing a cottage in the woods at the Welcome Inn Resort near Webster in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: 1958; mailed from Wisconsin; purple 3¢ Lady Liberty stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Unangst, 1633 First Ave. SE., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Dear friends:-- This is where we are fishing. Hope Mrs. Unangst you are home & feelings real good. The Nickolases.

Happy landing! -- and welcome! : Boogaart's Resort

Linen postcard with comic image of a man in a helicopter waving at a woman on the ground. Text printed on verso: No. 930, New Comic Locals, 20 Designs. Date from postmark: Jun 2 [194?]4; mailed from Danbury Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Perkinson's, 318 Lord Ave., Carpentersville, Illinois. "Mon. 27th. Hello & yes, 25 lbs. no big ones yet. Dad['s] back is very bad when nite comes. Don't know when we will be home. Lots of Blue Gills. Having a nice time. I. & B. won't let us pay any rent. We don't know when we will be home, & may or may not stop. Mother & Dad."

Trail's End Resort near Danbury, Burnett County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with tinted image of a creek and trees at the Trail's End Resort near Danbury, Burnett County, Wisconsin. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused; although the names "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weh" are written in the address area, but nothing else is written on the verso of the card. shows a Walter and Emma Weh living in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, at the time.

Results 1 to 50 of 7154