- UWRF Series 1-1.1987-16.C.4.13
- 1974
Part of UWRF Administrative subject and correspondence files, 1896-ongoing.
7154 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of UWRF Administrative subject and correspondence files, 1896-ongoing.
Zion Lutheran Church, Osceola, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with two images of Zion Lutheran Church in East Farmington, Wisconsin. The larger image is of the outside of the brick church, and the smaller inset photo is of the inside of the church looking toward the altar. Printed on verso: "Zion Lutheran Church~East Farmington, R. I, Osceola, Wisconsin~ Regular Worship every Sunday at 10:30 A.M~ Sunday school at 9:30 A.M ~ you are always wecome at Zion." On verso: "MWM Color-Litho 'Butsheen' Finished, Made only by MWM Co., Aurora, MO." Unused.
Part of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties cemetery indexes
Zion Covenant Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Zion Covenant Church from outside, showing two stories. Text on verso: "All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc. 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn." Unused.
Part of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties cemetery indexes
Zastrow Motors in River Falls, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Zane Heifner. Letters, 1949, 1951-1955.
Letters received by Heifner, Boyceville, Wisconsin, many of which came from women who had obtained his name from the Diamond Circle, a "lonely hearts" club; also letters to his daughter Lois.
Yukon Delta children's stories, 1968-1969.
Nine stories concerning mythical "little people" written by Yukon Delta Eskimo children and collected by Bitney, a student in folklore and an elementary teacher at Mountain Village (Alaska) Day School during the 1968-1969 school year.
Youth Program - Aspirations for Higher Learning, 1983
Youth Leadership Congress, 2005, 2008-2009
Part of Photography Services - Digital Photographs, 1999-2011
Youth Conservation Corps, 1970-1972
Part of Pigeon Lake and Clam Lake Field Station records, 1959-2009.
Young people near Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with a faded image of eight young people (six women and two men) posing on farm-like equipment. The postcard was mailed from Grantsburg, Burnett County, Wisconsin, and the message seems to indicate that the photograph was taken in the area. Printed on the verso is a large logo for Acme Post Card. Date from postmark: May 16 1914; mailed from Grantsburg Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. Elmer Carlson, Grantsburg, Wisconsin. "May 15, 1914. Will ans. your most welcome card I received yesterday. How are you? O.K. I spose, same here. This card is not very nice but I sent it for fun. Send a picture of yourself when you take one. I am going to have my picture taken later & I'll send you one. From T.A.S. ans. soon."
Young Democratic Club, River Falls minutes, 1960-1961, 1967.
Young Democratic Club (Wisconsin State University, River Falls)
You Know I Don't Dig Shakespeare, n.d.
Part of University Theatre, 1902-1983.
You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running, 1948
Part of University Theatre, 1902-1983.
You Go, I Go Homemakers Club, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, records, 1948-1986.
Records of an affiliate of the Wisconsin Extension Homemakers Council, formed to promote home and community life; including secretary's books, program materials, and miscellany (in Box 1) and a scrapbook, 1948-1986 (in Box 2).
You Go, I Go Homemakers Club, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, records: Box 2 (oversized)
Part of You Go, I Go Homemakers Club, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, records, 1948-1986.
You Go, I Go Homemakers Club, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, records: Box 1
Part of You Go, I Go Homemakers Club, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, records, 1948-1986.
You Can't Take it With You, 1948
Part of University Theatre, 1902-1983.
You Can't Hide My Falcon Pride
Part of 3D item collection
You Can't Hide My Falcon Pride
You are invited ... Taggart's Drug Store, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Full title: "YOU are invited. 'Come in the evening or come in the morning. Come when you're looked for or come without warning. A thousand welcomes you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come here, the more we'll adore you.' And if you can't come, Phone 157. Taggart's Drug Store, River Falls, Wisconsin" Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. Taggart's Drug Store, Importers & Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp box: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents (used 1905-1909). Unused.
You and Teaching: Handbook of Design for Teacher Education, 1953.
Prepared Cooperatively by members of the professional division, Ann Dubbe and T.W. Clymer.
Yoga in the Falcons Nest, 2009
Part of Photography Services - Digital Photographs, 1999-2011
YMCA-YWCA scrapbook and financial records
River Falls State Teachers College. (1940)
YMCA Camp Icaghowan, Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Post Card with image of Unused.
YMCA Camp Icaghowan, Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
YMCA Camp Icaghowan mess hall, located on a 40-acre island on Lake Wapogasset, near Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the two story mess hall in wooded area. "All rights reserved, A. Pearson Co. Inc. 2014 NO 3rd St. Minneapolis 11, Minn." YMCA Camp Icaghowan is located near Amery, Wisconsin, on a 40-acre island on Lake Wapogasset. Camp Icaghowan was started by the Minneapolis YMCA to help support their work to build the “body, mind and spirit” of young people. Icaghowan opened in 1909 on a 15-acre site on Green Lake near Chisago City, Minnesota. In the early years, campers would travel to camp by street car, horse drawn wagon and hiking. As the popularity of camp grew, the Minnesota site became too small. In 1945, the YMCA bought the current 120-acre site on Lake Wapogasset near Amery, Wisconsin. The special feature of the new site was that 44 acres of the property is an island. The island and mainland property is connected by a narrow land bridge built in 1903 by the Wallace Family. Like most camps of the early 1900s, Icaghowan started as a boy’s camp but welcomed girls in 1970.
Yellow River, Webster, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Yellow River near Webster, Wisconsin. Text on verso (small, faint, partially covered by postmark): Herman the Printer, Minocaua, Wisconsin Date from postmark: 1946; mailed from Webster Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Gus Edwards, 600 Porte Cima Pas., Kansas City, Mo. "We have three beds. Plenty of fish but they are most termpermental. Hope you have hour health back. Minnie."
Yellow Lake Lodge, Webster, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of
Yellow Lake Lodge, Webster, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of four cabins at Yellow Lake Lodge resort in Burnett County near Webster.
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Senior Yearbooks, 1962-1982.
Part of Senior Yearbooks, 1962-1982.
The Wisconsin in Scotland Yearbook was compiled by students in the program as a memento of the semester. Contents include letters and photocopied images of students, program directors, and faculty.
Part of UWRF Subject Files, 1874-Present
Recipe is for Somali Sambusa, Student Involvemnt, Office of International education food flag, program, recipe, handout
Part of UWRF Subject Files, 1874-Present
Music Department schedule, flyers, website prints, activities, flag, handouts
Part of UWRF Subject Files, 1874-Present
UWRF Foundation Year in Review
Part of Hudson Star Observer
Part of Biographical File, circa 1874 -