The Student Voice, January 21, 1957.
- 1957-01-21
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, January 21, 1957.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, April 21, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, April 14, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, April 7, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, March 17, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, February 24, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, February 17, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, February 10, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, February 3, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, January 27, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, April 28, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, January 20, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, January 13, 1978.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, December 16, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, December 9, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, November 11, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, November 4, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, October 26, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, October 21, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, October 14, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, October 7, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, September 30, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, September 23, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
The Student Voice, September 16, 1977.
Part of The Student Voice, 1916-Present
WWII Service Flag in South Hall corridor, 1945.
Student Voice, May 9, 1955. "649 STARS SHINE FOR VICTORY, Ruth Oits Lewis, a sophomore from River Falls looks at the names of River Falls students
and faculty written on the stars of the service flag. The flag was a tribute to the men of the College who served in World War II; 644 blue stars represented men in active service, while five gold
stars represented men either killed in action or missing."
Employees installing the new Wisconsin State University Sign, 1964.
Employees installing the new Wisconsin State University Sign, 1964.
("College" to "University")
Employees installing the new Wisconsin State University Sign, 1964.
Campus banner across Cascade Avenue, 1967.
"Welcome to WSU River Falls Parents and Alumni"
Wisconsin State University River Falls, circa 1964.
painted lettering "Intellectual mecca of the universe." Campus sign located along cascade avenue in front of the Library.
University of Wisconsin River Falls, circa 1971.
Campus sign located along cascade avenue in front of the Library.
partial view of sign "Graduation Good luck and Have a nice summer."
Alumni senior banquet, and commencement times.
University of Wisconsin River Falls exit sign, circa 1971.
Sign attached to a tree, 1970.
"Yes! There is a (illegible) University in River Falls
University of Wisconsin River Falls, circa 1971.
Campus sign located along cascade avenue in front of the Library.
band standing in field in uniform
RF marching band p. 93 of 1942 meletean
pep band and Dr. Rogehnal
pep band and Dr. Rogehnal, meletean
Marching Band on old Ramer Field with Limed 'R" in the background.
Pep Band, Brie Abbott, music department
Phyllis Neass, 1933, Meletean 1933 pg 151
falconettes, meletean, 1956, page 48
falconettes playing instruments
1955 Falconettes, Falcon Features
student voice 10/21/1955 pg 3, "only all-girl college marching band in the state" the River Falls' Falconettes
falconettes, music instrumental