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B. H. Dingman
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Congregational Church, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Congregational Church in Amery, Wisconsin. Date provided by photographer. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Mailed Aug 11, [year missing] from [A]mery [Wis]; green 1¢ Franklin stamp (design A138). Message: Addressed to Miss Silvia Gasish, Stockbridge, Wisconsin "This is the Ce. Church down here. I think It is a nice one. Good bye, write soon, from Margaret."

Copps-Coulee, Prescott, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing a camping tent in a park-like setting. Date from postmark: Sep 30, 1909. Publisher: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Message: Addressed to Miss Ada Sleigel, South Bloomington, Ohio, from Earl Wilson. Includes the sentence, "I had this view taken - It is of our tent at Copps-Coulee where a crowd of us camped for three days."

Main Street south, Prescott, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the southern end of the main street in Prescott, Wisconsin. Shown are businesses, telephone wire, and pedestrians in the street. One business is the City Hotel. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Unknown lake at Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a boathouse on a lake at Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. Also included are some rowboats and another building, probably a house. Date from the photographer. Printed on Azo Paper, all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Bridge, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the bridge in Amery, Wisconsin, and the Apple River. Date provided by photographer. Text on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub, Plymouth Wisconsin Unused.

Train depot scene, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the River Falls, Wisconsin, train depot, railroad tracks, and a steaming engine. Also shown are multiple people, including a man with a bicycle. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Date supplied by the photographer. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Power-House & Dam, St. Croix, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing the electric power house on the St. Croix River at St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, with the dam in the background. Date provided by photographer. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

New Richmond Wisconsin, looking east

Real-photo postcard with image showing a residential area of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking east. The trees are bare and there are patches of snow. Text on verso: B. H. Dingman, Publisher, Plymouth, Wisconsin. Date from message: 6-29-12; postmarked Jun 29 [no year]; mailed from New Richm[ond] W[is.]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Max Koenemann, 650 Barry Ave., Chicago, Ill's. "Dear Sister, I have been on the road for the past 6 months but will go back to St. Paul tonight, it is very Hot out here. Love to all, your brother, Arthur."

Court-house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Pierce County Courthouse in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Date provided by photographer. Printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Postmark: Jan 31, 1910; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. The postcard is addressed to Mr. A. Lundeberg, 2212 Powell Ave., Chicago, Ill., but there is no message.

Wisconsin Avenue, Centuria, Wisconsin

Real-photo view of Wisconsin Avenue in Centuria, Wisconsin, from a cross street. Most prominently seen is the brick State Bank and a wooden store--possibly a hardware store--with a large white awning. Horse-drawn buggies and wagons can be seen parked on both sides of the dirt street. Date provided by photographer. Postmark mostly no longer visible, except for: May; green 1¢ Franklin stamp Message: Addressed to Mr. Harry Metz, Oakland, Nebr., Burt Co. "Hello Harry, how do you like this little Town? - it was covered with snow when I got [?]. remember me to all & Harry, Mrs. H. T. French."

Wolf Creek Roller Mills, Wolf Creek, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Wolf Creek Roller Mills, Englin & Monty, which was located in Wolf Creek, Wisconsin. A man and three boys are on the bridge over the creek. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangle pointing up (used 1907-1918). Unused.