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New Richmond (Wis.) St. Croix County (Wis.)
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Sanborn fire insurance maps

  • US ARC ARC 2023.009
  • collection
  • 1902-1930

The Sanborn Co. was founded in 1867 by D.A. Sanborn, to draw maps of the downtown districts of cities across the U.S. These maps could then be consulted by insurance companies if a building burned to research different characteristics about the business and the physical structure. The company stopped making the fire insurance maps in 1961, due to other sources being used to obtain the needed information. Today, they serve as a wonderful resource for tracing the growth of cities and tracking where businesses were located decades ago. We have these maps on microfilm for the entire state of Wisconsin. We also have copies of the actual maps in paper format for cities in our four-county area. The dates range from approximately the 1880s to the 1920s for our area. The maps were not issued regularly, so do not expect any pattern as to when the maps came out for various cities.

Sanborn Map & Publishing Company Limited

Ruins of Van Meter's Print Shop, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of firemen and other men posing in front of the ruins of Van Meter's Print Shop in New Richmond, Wisconsin. which was destroyed by fire ... Postmark not fully visible; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Message: Addressed to Mr. Tom Martin, ... , Chicago,

Willow River Lumber Company, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Willow River Lumber Company in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Title from verso (handwritten note). Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused as a postcard, however, someone has written information about the company on the verso.

Market day, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Postcard with image the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, on market day. Includes buildings on both sides of Main Street, many horse-and-buggies, many pedestrians, power lines, and a large American flag. Image is hand annotated with "My Bro." and a line pointing to a man driving a buggy. Date from postmark: Apr 30, 1911. Verso stamped: Bannister, Photographer. Message: Addressed to Mr. Geo Trut, Hudson, Wisconsin, U.S.A.; "Sat. Dear G.[?] U. - You don't know how sorry I am - [] - well you know. - I didn't get home until Sat P.M. at 4:00. See that was too late and didn't get [] till 4-30 see. Would have been very much pl[__] to have gone. I am to be in Hudson Sunday on 9- and land at Burkholders at noon. I will be a [the rest has glue over it and is unreadable].

St. Croix County Asylum, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the St. Croix County Asylum in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Text on verso: "7096 -- Published for Grinnell-Rounsavell Co." Also on verso is the Bloom Bros Co. "Scenic" logo. Date from postmark: Jul 9, 1926; mailed from New Richmond [Wis]; red 2¢ Washington stamp (Scott 554). Postcard addressed to Mrs. Claud Edmonds, 876 Main St., Oshkosh, Wisconsin; there is no message.

John Till, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of "Dr." John Till from New Richmond, Wisconsin. Date from postmark Aug. 25, 1908; mailed from Duluth Minn.; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Marie Paulson, 5722 Highland St., West Duluth, Minn. "I am very much satisfied with Dr. Till. Am not feeling well now, I have got a role of cotton on my back. Affectionately yours, [unsigned].

4th of July at John Till's, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a group of eight men, two women, one child, and a dog standing outside of a house. The house has a banner that reads "4th of July at John Till's" and the porch American flags decorate the house and one of the women holds a flag. Most of the men's faces are blacked out due to shade. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used between 1904 and 1918); Till moved to New Richmond in 1908. Unused.

Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of downtown New Richmond with cars parked in front of various stores such as J.C. Penney Company and Keefe's Tea Room. Several adult pedestrians are visible. The postcard has a white border and a divided back. Date from postmark: May 2[-], 1939; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Scotty Kelleher, 412--West--10th St., The Dalles, Oregon. "Dear friend, Just a note to say I am still alive and among the living. Had a pleasant trip over and am enjoying a visit here. We went to Lake Superior last sunday, drove about 400 miles. You don't get as tired as there, for the country is so level, good straight roads. I feel about the same. Hope you are both well. Will tell you a lot when I get back. Your friend, Mrs. Gibson, New Richmond, Wisconsin, Box 331, c/o of J.M. Higgins."

Odd Fellows Hall, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Odd Fellows Hall taken from the front-right corner. A woman pedestrian wearing a long black dress is mostly visible behind a small tree; other trees and portions of several buildings are visible behind. Electric lines and two poles are also visible. The postcard has a white border and a divided back. Printed on Azo paper, with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1918-1930). Unused.

East side Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing a livery in foreground (Dock's Livery) and other businesses along Main Street; a horse and buggy; telephone wires; and children walking down the street so that their movement almost obliterates them. Date from postmark: Oct 7, 1908; mailed from New Richmond Wis; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Black mark along top is on the original (poor printing of the photograph). Message: Addressed to Miss Clara Ritzaur, Turtle Lake, Wiss. "Dear Sweet Clara, I will drope [sic] a few lines to you and lett [sic] you now [know] that I got here arrit [alright] and so good by by [sic], Willie Ziemer."

High school, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard image of the high school building in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Printed on SSSS paper (used 1924-1929). The postcard was not used postally. Message: "Dear Friend: -- "Well how are you all? We are fine. Have been having lovely weather, is like spring again to-day. The snow is melting away fast. But we surely are having March winds. You wanted to know when Melvin's Mother's birthday is, its either the 25th or 26th of June, but I am quite sure that it is the 25th. Melvin is busy as usual it seems there is always to[o] much to do at the factory. Write a line when you can, always are very glad to hear from you. With love, Mrs. M. Wegner."

Street scene, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of downtown New Richmond, Wisconsin, showing businesses, automobiles, street lights, a few pedestrians, and a mailbox. Signs include the Rexall Drug, Sears, Italian & American foods, Chevrolet and Buick, and Loans. Text printed on verso: "New Richmond, Wisconsin, 'The City Beautiful.' A hospitable city with a picturesque setting on the banks of the Willow River." Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Snow on Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

A divided-back postcard that provides a view of Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, showing large snow piles. On January 21 and 22 of 1917, west central Wisconsin received 9" of snow. The postmark is dated Apr 10 1917; mailed from New Richmond; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Text printed on verso: "Made by L. L. Cook, Lake Mills, Wisconsin" and "Sterling Quality" printed as the divider. While L.L. Cook may have "made" the postcard, on closer examination of the hand-written title area on the bottom of the snow pile beneath "Main St. New Richmond," it appears that "Sherman-Catlin Photo" was crossed out. Message: Addressed to Mr. Henry Frisk, Hayward, Wisconsin "4-15-17. Dear Brother, Just a line to let you know we are all well. Write me a card soon. How is this for snow. Love from Myrtle."

Main St., New Richmond Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, showing many pedestrians, wagons, buggies, and horse; electric poles and lines; two American flags; and a single light hanging over the intersection. Business signs are not visible or are too small to read. The photograph was taken in winter judging by some piles of snow and the heavy coats. Hand written on recto: Photo by Winter ~ Sherman. Date from postmark: May 25, 1910; stamp has been removed. Printed on Azo Paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Message: Addressed to Miss Mabel Parker, 2635 Pleasant Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. "Dear Mabel: - How does this town look to you. Pretty good eh! Bob."

Main St., New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main business street in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Date based on the automobiles. Printed on Azo Paper, with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 910-1930). Unused.

Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, showing many pedestrians, automobiles, and at least one horse and buggy, one man riding a horse, and one motorcycle. The street is lined on both sides with ornate 7-globe streetlights similar to ones used in Los Angeles (1909) and New York (1905). Business signs are not visible or are too small to read. The photograph was taken in the summer, based on the women's white hats and dresses, and the fully leafed-out trees. Date based on the automobiles and the women's clothing. Printed on Azo Paper, with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

The home of John Till, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of John Till's house in New Richmond, Wisconsin. The front porch is filled with men. While this is a real-photo, either this was a poor printing job or a photograph was taken of a photograph and then printed. Photographer (original): Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918); Till moved to New Richmond in 1908. Unused.

Construction work on Soo Line, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of railroad construction machinery building the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad -- the Soo Line -- near New Richmond, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Also written on the recto: Winter ~ Sherman Photo. Date from postmark (1910) and message ('10); green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Margaret Spencer, River Falls, Wisconsin. "2/18 '10. Dear Sister. Martha, rec'd your letter yesterday. We didn't get up early enough to go home this morning but are going this afternoon, and if you would just as soon wait until next Friday I would a little rather you would, I'm way behind with the work this week, but if you rather come this week, come ahead. If you shouldn't have school [?]. day you would have that much more time & would see the parade. In haste, Myrtle."

Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image from the middle of Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin. This image looks in the opposite direction as PH 2019.001.045 and features the same sleigh and driver in the center foreground. Based on the sleighs and sleds being pulled by horses it is winter, although there is not much snow visible. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Office of Doughboy Mills Incorporated, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main office building of Doughboy, Inc., located in New Richmond, Wisconsin. The scene looks across a pond at the building. Date based on postmark: Aug 7 1953; mailed from New Richmond Wis; carmine-red 2¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Martha Payne, Coburg, Oregon. "Dear Martha, We are on a few day trip over to Hudson. Now onto Copper Falls. Chas wanted to go by the old farm but no semed [sic] to know the road. Had showers about all morning but good roads. Love, Ethel & Chas. K."

Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin. This image looks in the opposite direction as PH 2019.001.045 and features the same sleigh and driver in the center foreground. Based on the sleighs and sleds being pulled by horses it is winter, although there is not much snow visible. Date based on postmark: Mar 1909; mailed from New Richmond Wis; stamp has been removed. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Message: Addressed to Miss Farrie Peterson, Jamestown, N.D. , Box 026. "Love from Viola Pederson."

Doughboy Mills Incorporated, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Doughboy Mills plant in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Four 1950s-era automobiles are parked on the street. Date from postmark: Jan 16 1956; mailed from New Richmond, Wis; carmine-red 2¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Rose Bording, Centuria, Wisconsin, R.1. "Dear Rose: - How are you. I'm fine. I'm at New Richmond taking care of my aunt. She had another heart spell, was in hospital 10 days. Is home in bed now. She is getting better. Well the Terreau's got home fine. We sure enjoyed our visit and dinner at your place Rose. Thanks. See you when I get back. Love, Esther."

Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin. The street is full of horse-drawn vehicles of various types, pedestrians and people in the vehicles, many of the commercial buildings have awnings, there are globe street lights, and electric poles. Text printed on verso: Pub. for The Fair Store, W. E. Rentfrow, Prop., New Richmond, Wisconsin Message: Addressed to E. Hansen & Family. "I wish to thank you for your Exmas [Christmas] rememberances and wishing you a happy New Year, Carrier." The postcard was not mailed.

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court minutes, 1878-1974.

  • US ARC St. Croix series 132
  • collection
  • 1878-1974

Provides a brief summary of cases heard before the Circuit Court. Includes the names of defendants and plaintiffs as well as the judgment in each particular case.

Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)