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Photographic postcard collection Ellsworth (Wis.) Pierce County (Wis.)
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City views, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
City views, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Main Street looking east, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Main Street looking east, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Firemen's opera house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Firemen's opera house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
H. F. Doolittle, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
H. F. Doolittle, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
City power house and water tower, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
City power house and water tower, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
East street scene, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
East street scene, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Zion Covenant Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Zion Covenant Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Opera house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Opera house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Methodist Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Methodist Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
English Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
English Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
St. Francis Catholic Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
St. Francis Catholic Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Court-house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Court-house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Fair grounds, Pierce County, Wisconsin
Fair grounds, Pierce County, Wisconsin
Car full of Red Cross nurses, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Car full of Red Cross nurses, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
[Looking east along the main street in front of the courthouse in Ellsworth
[Looking east along the main street in front of the courthouse in Ellsworth
Looking up Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Looking up Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Classroom, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Classroom, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
[Pierce County courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin]
[Pierce County courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin]
Air view -- Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Air view -- Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Bottling plant, East Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Bottling plant, East Ellsworth, Wisconsin
The old kettle -- tourist park, East Ellsworth Wisconsin
The old kettle -- tourist park, East Ellsworth Wisconsin
The old oaken bucket, East Ellsworth, Wis, tourist park
The old oaken bucket, East Ellsworth, Wis, tourist park
Pierce County court house -- Ellsworth -- Wis
Pierce County court house -- Ellsworth -- Wis
St. John's Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
St. John's Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin