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Ellsworth (Wis.) Pierce County (Wis.) With digital objects
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City views, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Commercially-printed, in Germany, postcard with images of the High School, the Main Street, and the Pierce County Court House, all located in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. A. Swahn & Co., Importers and Publishers, Ellsworth, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents." Unused.

Main Street looking east, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Postcard of Main Street in Ellsworth, Wisconsin, looking to the east. Signs that can be read are a restaurant and Brookshaw Livery. Text printed on verso: "Bloom Bros., Pub., Minneapolis, Minn." and "Made in Germany." Also printed on the verso is the Bloom Bros. "Quality" logo. There is no address and it appears the card was not mailed. Message: "Dear Mamma, I just come back from a ride from Ellsworth with Herman. We went to have his teeth tended to, that was our excuse, but he said we would stop at the court house on our way for a marriage listner[?] _ forgot it though wants me to stay ... [?]. "He is coming for me where ever I am and take me for a drive, probably not to Boss Lake or our for a good ride. My, I am feeling fine, oh the air is so fresh and nice. Greet papap. I drove right passed his place and crazy went it nyest way back we could find. With love, Inez."

H. F. Doolittle, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo advertising postcard with image of H. F Doolittle, a publisher and musician from Ellsworth, Wisconsin, with his percussion instruments in a photographer's studio setting. The text says: "I find the Wonder drums and traps made by the C.G. Conn Co., of Elkhart, Ind. just what I require in every respect." Postcard printed on Azo paper, with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

City power house and water tower, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Ellsworth, Wisconsin, city power house and water tower. The dome of the Pierce County courthouse can be seen in the distance. Someone on a bicycle is on the dirt road and part of a buggy can be seen on the far right side. Date supplied by photographer: 1908. Photographer likely was D.H. Dingman. Postcard postmarked Aug 17, 1912; mailed from Ellsworth Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message on verso: Addressed to Mrs. Flora Morton, Bay City, Oregon. "Ellsworth, Aug., Dear friend, received you [sic] card, we are well and hope this will find you the same; was out to Effie's yesterday; they all well; we had good time and lots to eat. Eura Rice." (Effie was Flora's sister.)

Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of downtown Ellsworth, Wisconsin, showing businesses, automobiles, and street lights on Main Street. Date from postmark: Jun 28 1946; mailed from Ellsworth, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to The Gang, 238 N. Hyland Ave., Ames, Iowa. "Dear fellows, Having a swell vacation here in Minn. and Wisconsin. Wish all of you were with us. Hope to see you next week. Della & Don."

East street scene, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a street in East Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Some of the shops pictured include a welding shop, Boothe Hardware, and a used car lot. Text printed on verso: "All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Minneapolis, Minn." Printed on EKC paper (this design used in the stamp box 1930-1950). Unused.

Opera house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard of the Firemen's Opera House, built in 1904, located in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis," "Co-Mo Quality" printed as the divider, and "Genuine Photograph" in the stamp box. Unused.

Methodist Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Picture postcard image of the Methodist Church in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The church steeple has a tower, belfry with bells, a lantern area but no openings, and a spire. At least five trees surround the building and there is a small building to the right. Date from postmark; sent from Ellsworth, Wisconsin, Aug 10, 1907. Green 1¢ Benjamin Franklin stamp. Message (on recto): "Dear Olive: How are you enjoying your vacation? Why don't you write? Where are you going next year? I have sewed ever since school was out. I have taken one outing this summer. Had one letter each from Stella and Ellen. Am already packing my grip to go back to Normal. Love to all from Maud." Addressed (on verso) to Miss Olve Moss, Hudson, Wisconsin

Court-house, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Pierce County Courthouse in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Date provided by photographer. Printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Postmark: Jan 31, 1910; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. The postcard is addressed to Mr. A. Lundeberg, 2212 Powell Ave., Chicago, Ill., but there is no message.

Fair grounds, Pierce County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image taken at the Pierce County Fair grounds. Shown are two individual horses being led by men, several teams of horses pulling wagons, the grandstand with viewers, and several male viewers close to the camera. Large deciduous trees are in the background, fences can be seen alongside the grandstand on both sides, and another building (barn?) is behind the grandstand. Title and date taken from handwriting on the verso. Printed on Azo paper with the two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1918-1930). Unused.

Car full of Red Cross nurses, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an image of nine Red Cross volunteers in an open automobile draped with fabric and flags as if for a parade, with three soldiers dressed in World War I uniforms, in front of the Pierce County Courthouse in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: 31 Aug 1917; mailed in Ellsworth Wisconsin; stamp has been removed. Printed on NOKO paper (this stamp box design used 1907-1920s). Message: Addressed to Mrs. Ed. Dahle, R.F.D. I, Kasson Minn. "Dear H: Say Pa wants to know if you can spare 5 lb. of smear and send it up with the boys when they come eh? How's the 'floater'? I'm going to send you some cute pictures next week. Yours as B4, H.C.L."

[Looking east along the main street in front of the courthouse in Ellsworth

Real-photo postcard looking east along Main Street (Highway 10) in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Parked along the street in front of the Pierce County Courthouse are numerous 1920s automobiles. Signs that can be seen include Dodge Brothers Service Station, Larson-Quinn Company, and Hotel Lane. Electric power poles and lines are numerous on one side of the street; the courthouse on the other side of the street can barely be seen, but the lawn's numerous deciduous trees can be seen. Printed on Azo Paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

Looking up Main Street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Main Street in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. An automobile and several horse-drawn vehicles can be seen on the dirt street, which is lined with electrical poles. Text printed on verso: Pub. by Photo Advertising Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Unused.

Classroom, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of children in a 1900-era classroom; the seller indicated it was in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The children are sitting at wooden desks with metal scrollwork on the sides, and wooden seats. Many of the boys have jackets on, some with ties; many of the girls have hats on. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up. Unused, although "Ed Boothe" is handwritten in pencil on the verso.

[Pierce County courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin]

Real-photo postcard with image of the county courthouse for Pierce County, Wisconsin, located in Ellsworth. Date from postmark and message: May 9 1939; mailed from East Ellsworth Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Emma __, 1516 N. State Prkw., Chicago, Ill. "Ellsworth Wisconsin 9/5 1939. Dear Emma! How are you? Hope fine. Arrived here O.K. Everything looks fine. The weather is perfect. O 'my' I have to tell so much fr. . They all so anxious to hear. I wrote home a letter, a card to Louise, to Frieda. Hope you better. Write soon. I have no addr. A. invited me, I saw him yesterday. Love, ___. Best regards to all the girls."

St. John's Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of St. John's Church in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The brick church has a bell tower and stained glass windows. There are several deciduous trees nearby and a little bit of another building can be seen next door. Date from postmark: Jul 10, 1954; mailed from Ellsworth, Wisconsin; carmine 2¢ John Adams stamp (design A278). Message: Addressed to Miss Emma Schumacher, Lakeside, Berrien County, Mich., c/o H.H. Swift. "Ellsworth, Wisconsin Dear Emma! Will write you a few lines before we leave for Elmwood. We're invited to the Schmidts for the Evening & had a surprise party this afternoon. A belated birthday party - they all brought lovely present[s] and we had a delicious lunch. I was really dumbfounded, had no idea, when all of a sudden a big bunch started to sing happy birthday. I happen[ed] to be in the little room writing. Everything looked lovely & everybody seems to be fine. Too bad you can't be here. Oh the fourth Helen & a girlfriend were here. Sunday we're going to have a surprise party on Berlyn their wedding. Everybody sends their best love, Fanise."

Courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Pierce County, Wisconsin, courthouse in Ellsworth. The view of the building is partially covered by trees. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangle pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.