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Burnett County (Wis.) Resorts With digital objects
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E. R. Ross Resort on Clam Lake, Siren, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard image of cabins at the E.R. Ross Resort on Clam Lake in Burnett County, near Siren, Wisconsin. Sitting outside the cabins are two Adirondack chairs. Date from postmark: Aug 11 1948; mailed from Siren, Wisconsin; green 1¢ George Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Don Todd, Caledonia Ills. "Dear Marge & Don, We went fishing at 10 today and fished till 6 and got about 16 lbs. of fish. Just pan fish. Went to a show last nite, as it had rained all day yesterday. Hope everyone is ok. Love, Evelyn."

Shramek's Resort, Clam Lake, Siren, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a cabin in the woods at Shramek's Resort on Clam Lake near Siren, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Printed by The Fox Company, San Antonio, Texas ("World's Largest Kodak Finishes"). Date from postmark: Jun 17, 1947; mailed from Siren, Wis; 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. James Hosek, 2411 So. 20th St., Omaha, Nebr. "Dear Claire: - We arrived Saturday & are leaving here Thursday which doesn't give us much time. Fishing isn't so good. Dad got 4 this morning. That's all. Love, May."

Main house at Frederick's Yellow Cabins Resort on the Yellow River, Danbury, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main house at Frederick's Yellow Cabins resort on the Yellow River near Danbury, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Oct 24, 1958; mailed from Danbury, Wis; gray 3¢ Religious Freedom in America stamp (Scott 1099). Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Jensen, Markville, Minn., R.F.D. "Danbury, Wisconsin 10/23/58. Dear friends Wilbur & Irma, We want to thank you for the nice card & gift on our 50th wedding anniversary. We received over a hundred & forty cards & packages, so our friends, neighbors, & relatives were surely wonderful to us & we sure do appreciate it. Fleete & Harry."

Boy Blue cabin at Brookside Resort, Little Yellow Lake, Webster, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Boy Blue Cabin at Brookside Resort on Little Yellow Lake, near Webster, in Burnett County, Wisconsin. The exterior view shows the front door of the cabin and one side, with a metal lawn chair sitting next to the door. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved -- The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Date from postmark: Jul 1958; mailed from Danbury, Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ Jefferson stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. William H. Fritzemeier, 141 East Walters St., Port Washington, Wisconsin. "Hi Bill, do you remember this cottage when we where [sic] last year. All the cottages are filled. Emma and grama are out fishing. I made a fire it is cold. Wounder [sic] if your Mother is still home or in the hospital. Soon we will be home again. Hope to see you real soon. Love granma and granpa."

Ortman's Brookside Resort, Little Yellow Lake, Webster, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of a small brown cabin in a wooden area with Little Yellow Lake in the background. A small portion of a 1950s-era automobile can be seen on the left side. Message: Addressed to Master Henry Clhs. Fritzemeier, 141 East Walters St., Port Washington, Wisconsin. "Hi honey how are you. Remember this last little cottage? That is the one we have, is not bad. Am having chicken for our dinner, come and have some. Granpa is out fishing, hope he will get some. There are any children here at all. Big cottage is empty. Love granma and granpa."

Edgewater Inn near Siren, Burnett County, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Edgewater Inn near Siren, in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Herman the Printer, Minocqua, Wisconsin Date from postmark: July 20, 1951; mailed from Siren Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Yvonne Van, Mandle Bros. Dept., 1 No. State Street, Chicago, Ill. c/o Signshop 14th Flr. "Hi Yvonne -- This sleeping, eating, and doing nothing is just spoiling me. The peace and quite [sic] is so restful. I flew up here on Wisconsin Central Airlines. Mom and I are really enjoying this. Say hello to everyone. Jan."

Cottage no. 13, Howland's Resort, Falk Lake, Danbury, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a resort cabin in Burnett County, Wisconsin. The cabin is surrounded by trees and bushes and Falk Lake can be seen in the background. Date from postmark and message: Jul 20, 1960. Mailed in Danbury, Wisconsin; 3¢ purple Liberty stamp. Message addressed to Mrs. W.S. Long, 697 No. Ohio St. Aurora, Ill. "7/20/1960, Hi--: Arived [sic] O.K. Just 477 miles. Fish not biting too good. Have a few in freezer. Going to minesota [sic] one of these days. Scotty."

Birch Haven Resort on Big Sand lake, Hertel, Burnett County, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of a lake shore with a dock, two people sitting on chairs at the end of the dock, a boy in the water on a float devise, a boat with a motor, a slide into the lake, four cottages line the shore, and numerous trees. Title from verso; the rest of the text reads "located 2? miles north of Hertle, Wisconsin on Hwy. 70, half way between Spooner & Siren, Wisconsin in the heart of the fish bowl area. 10 strictly modern housekeeping cottages. Sandy beach, children's playground, recreation room. Orv and Delene Brue, Prop., Phone 3143, Webster, Wisconsin, P.O. address, Star Route, Webster, Wisconsin" Natural Color by Mike Roberts, Berkeley 2, Calif. G. R. Brown Co. Dist. -- 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin Unused.

Cottage 9, Rustic Lodge on Clear Lake, Siren, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image showing exterior of a resort cottage with a screened porch and a bench outside the cottage door. Date from postmark: Jul 31, 1955, St. Paul, Minn.; 3¢ purple Liberty stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Young, 1431 So. Ridgeland Ave., Berwyn, Ill. "Hi Folks, Arrived safe & sound. This is the cottage we have. Good swimming, hot during the day, cool at night. Bob & family."

Namakagon Lodge

Postcard with image of "Namakagon Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nutt, proprietors, Weblake [sic], Wisconsin." The lodge is partially covered by trees and shrubs. Date from postmark: Jul 22 1941; mailed from Webb Lake, Wisconsin; green 1¢ commemorative Liberty stamp (Scott 899). Message: Addressed to Miss Anna May Price, Lake Pelican, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota. "7/20/41. Thank you for your nice letter and invitation. This lovely spot where I am vacationing turns out to be in Wisconsin, near the Minnesota line, so I won't be able to come to see you. It's a wonderful place which my friends in Chicago knew about -- delicious meals, beautiful country and everything for enjoyment. -- Love, Bea." And at the top of the postcard, "Will go out to California next week."

Oaks Cabin, Birch Haven Resort, Big Sand Lake, Hertel, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a log cabin at the Birch Haven Resort, located on Big Sand Lake in Burnett County, near Hertel. Date from automobiles parked to the right. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Handwritten on verso: "Oaks Cottage -- Available Aug. 6-13. 2 bedrooms -- 2 double beds, extra sleeping facilities in living room. Inside toilet. $47.50 with utilities, bed linens and a furnished. $10.00 deposit necessary to hold your reservation. Write or call for reservations. Thanks!!"

Cottages at Atlasta Resort on Yellow Lake, Webster, Wisconsin

Real-photo of several cottages in the woods, with a 1930s era automobile parked between two of them. There is an X on one of the cottages, presumably where "Mav" stayed. Date from postmark: Jun 30 1938; mailed from Webster Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss M. OGrady, c/o Std. Oil Co., Omaha, Nebr. "Hello : Girls -- Having a nice time. Fishing fair. Cool here. -- Mav."

Main lodge at Howland's Resort on Falk and Love lakes, Danbury, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the lodge at Howland's Resort near Danbury in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Two 1940s era automobiles can be seen parked by the lodge. Text printed on verso: Excel Post Card Co., 2123 E. Rusk Ave., Milwaukee 7, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Sep 18 1948; mailed from Danbury Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Hilmer Bark, 2706 High St., Des Moines, Iowa. "Fri. nite :-- Dear Folks :-- Weather has been so grand, but they say rain tonight and good fishing next couple of days & so have decided to stay a few more days so look for us when you see us coming. Middle of week perhaps. If clears may have evern tomorrow -- sort of an undecided gang tonight but surely would like to stay a few more days. Arlene & F.H."

Playground at Clam Lake

Real-photo postcard with image of a swing set and see-saw on the lawn in front of several log buildings. Also in the picture are a dog and a lawn chair. Unused.

Cottage no. 4 at Welcome Inn Resort, Webster, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing a cottage in the woods at the Welcome Inn Resort near Webster in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: 1958; mailed from Wisconsin; purple 3¢ Lady Liberty stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Unangst, 1633 First Ave. SE., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Dear friends:-- This is where we are fishing. Hope Mrs. Unangst you are home & feelings real good. The Nickolases.

Wood Lake Resort cabins from hill on Wood Lake, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of several cottages in the trees on Wood Lake, in Burnett County, near Frederic, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 15 1953; mailed from Frederic, Wisconsin; carmine-red 2¢ John Adams stamp. Message: Addressed to: Mr. Herb Link, Pearl City, Illinois. "Dear Bro, Greetings from Wisconsin & a Happy Birthday to you. Eat an extra dish of ice cream for me. Carrie [?], Pete, Jack."