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UWRF River Falls (Wis.) Pierce County (Wis.) With digital objects
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The new Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of what is now called North Hall, on the campus in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Bloom Bros. Co. "scenic" logo. Date from postmark: Jul 14 1915; mailed from River F[alls] Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Anna Christenson, Prairie Farm, Wisconsin "I suppose you are working as hard as ever. You had better take a rest. I am enjoing mine first rate. Do you still get rain every day? Ada."

North Hall, University of Wisconsin, River Falls

Reproduction postcard with image of North Hall, "built in 1914, east-wing added 1927" on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School in Wisconsin. The original image dates from the 1920s, when there were awnings and ivy on the outside of the brick building. On verso is a color image of the building from 2009. Published by the Pierce County Historical Association, Ursula Peterson and A. Smith. Unused.

North Hall, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of North Hall on the campus of River Falls State Teachers College (RFSTC) in River Falls, Wisconsin. The brick building was built in 1914. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Date range from time period RFSTC name was used (1927-1951). Printed on Kadak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Housing for men at Wisconsin State College at River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation on verso: "Housing for men at Wisconsin State College at River Falls is provided in Stratton Hall (left) and Prucha Hall (right). Each dormitory houses 200 students." Text on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Date from time period "Wisconsin State College" was used (between 1951 and 1964). Postmark: Jul 8, 1975; mailed from River Falls Wis; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Grandma H & S, R# 1 Box 154, Palmyra Wisconsin 53156. Hi, We had a nice trip here. The farther North we got the hotter it got. Our dorm rooms are very warm. We will have to buy a fan. Did Dave get to the lake. Howie, Evie, Rob."

H.T. Hagestad Student Center at the Wisconsin State College, River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation from verso: The H.T. Hagestad Student Center of the Wisconsin State College at River Falls is the 'lving room' of the campus. A portion of the lounge area with the main dining room is seen here. Text on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Date from time period "Wisconsin State College" was used. Unused.

H.T. Hagestad Student Center at Wisconsin State University, River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation on verso: The H.T. Hagestad Student Center is seen in this view of a portion of the south campus of Wisconsin State University at River Falls. Text printed on verso: Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Date from time period "Wisconsin State University-River Falls" was used. Unused.

New North Hall, State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of North Hall in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Pub. by Photo Advertising Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from the message: Feb. 15, '17.; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Marcellus Tozer, Amery, Wisconsin, Box 272. "River Falls, Feb. 15, '17. Dear Mother, This is one of the Normal buildings where I recite 3 subjects. I have 5 classes in all. This is a fine school. Hope to hear from you soon. With love, Herbert."

State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with colorized image of North Hall and South Hall of the River Falls State Normal School in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Hermann Post Card Co., Chicago, Ill. Dates from the opening of North Hall in 1914 and the change of the college's name in 1927. Unused.

North Hall State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of North Hall, on the campus of the State Normal School in River Falls, Wisconsin. The name "State Normal School" was used up to 1927, and the Co-Mo Company operated between 1919 and 1928. From the ivy and awnings on the building, this image is from the mid-1920s. The message on the verso, however, is from 1939 or 1940, based on when the writer was attending the school. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Message: Addressed to Charlotte Arians, Dancy, Wisconsin. "Dear Charlotte and Marie, Hope you are having lots of fun. Have been at school since last Monday. Lovingly, Miss Fandry. Write a letter soon, Charlotte. Address: 421 Walnut St., River Falls, Wisconsin"

State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of what was then the only building on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School, now known as South Hall. The postcard has not been postally used, but is addressed on the verso to Paul Gibson, Niles, California. The message on the recto says simply, "This is my school work shop. Uncle Bud."

State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main building, River Falls State Normal School, now called South Hall. Date based on postmark: Jul 1927; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; carmine-red 2¢ Washington stamp. Text printed in green on verso: Plate 5335. Message: Addressed to Miss Mae Francis, 581 Jackson St., Milwaukee Wisconsin "Sat. nite, Hudson, Wisconsin, From: Olive. Dear Mae, I am up north now, having a wonderful time. We are 300 miles from home. We started from home after 30 [3:00?] a.m. Fri and traveled all P.m. and all night and got here at 4:30 this morning. Of course we had a little ear trouble. This P.M. I was to River Falls and to-morrow we are going on a picnic to St. Croix Falls. Then the latter part of the week we are going to Cumberland and then back home again. I hope that there will be a letter waiting for me from you when I get home. XX."

State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the main building, River Falls State Normal School, now called South Hall. Date based on postmark: Sep 19 1905; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin, second postmark Madison Wisconsin on Sep 20; postage stamp was removed. Addressed to Mr. L. F. Miller, Madison, Wisconsin. 421 Lake St. Message on recto: "Normal is far ahead of U. but perhaps I would think different were I there. Peggy."

Normal School building, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of what is now called North Hall on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School (1874-1927). Some of South Hall can be seen to the right. North Hall is covered with ivy and has awnings on the second floor windows. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Date from postmark: Jun 16, 1919; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. R. R. Lightner, 129 W. Brookdale Pl., Fullerton, California. "River Falls, Saturday, Dear Sulles: This is a lovely little city and the country around it is so pretty and rolling. Had a long drive this P.M. and enjoyed it. Leave tomorrow night for Chicago. Karl arrived home Fri. P.M. Love to all, Maude. Enjoyed your letter. More later."

North Hall, State Normal School, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of what is now called North Hall on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School (1874-1927). North Hall, built in 1914, is covered with ivy and has awnings on the second floor windows. Date from message: 5-26-23; mailed May 26 [1923] from River Falls [Wisconsin]; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Agness St. Martin, Arkansaw, Wisc. "Sat. 5-26-23. My Dear Mother. Just a few lines to let you no [sic] we are all well, and would dearly like to no [sic] how you are, cant [sic] you get someone to write a few lines for you to me. Hope you are well. With love, Josie."