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River Falls (Wis.) Pierce County (Wis.) With digital objects
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Scenes, River Falls, Wisconsin

Composed image of eight postcard scenes from River Falls, Wisconsin. Included are: River Falls High School, Main Street, the Normal School (now South Hall), and Glen Park. Date from postmark: Jul 22, 1907; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Addressed to Miss Edna Mears, Osceola, Wisconsin

Scenes, River Falls, Wisconsin

Composed image of eight postcard scenes from River Falls, Wisconsin. Included are: Main St., High School, State Normal School, Junction Falls, Depot, Lower Falls, the Monument, and Cascade Falls. Hand-written on front: Published by Taggart. Printed on Karbo paper. Unused postally.

Rocky Branch Glen, River Falls, Wisconsin

Photo image of the Rocky Branch Glen in River Falls Wisconsin Date from postmark: Aug 26 1912; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Nettie Andrus, Spring Valley, Wisconsin, R.F.D. #3. "Dear cousin, I received your card and glad you are coming to school. I went out in the country Sat. night to an icecream social with the kid with the foxy horse and buggy. Some kiddo. Gee I can't wate [sic] for the week topass [sic]. What day are you coming, let me know. Love and good by, Leora."

Glen Park, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with an image of birch trees in Glen Park in River Falls, Wisconsin. Image is surrounded by artwork giving the appearance of being framed. Text on verso: "No. 4218, Published for Taggart's 'Rexall' Drug Story., Bloom Bros. Co., Pub., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed in Germany." Number in postage square: 24299. Unused.

Gladstone Hotel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Gladstone Hotel in River Falls Wisconsin Embossed flowers surround the image. Date from postmark: Apr 22, 1908; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Vera Stevens, Maiden Rock, Wisconsin "Dear Vera, I thot I would send you a picture of our house. Why don't you ans. my letter, tell Ro. C. to ans. to[o] ... From chum Glady [?]."

Mercantile store, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a mercantile store in River Falls, Wisconsin, decorated for Christmas. Part of the tin ceiling can be seen. Three men stand behind the counter, one with a top hat, one with a bowler or derby hat, and one with a cap. Text printed on verso in the stamp box: One Cent Stamp Here, Badger. Unused.

Methodist church, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Methodist church building in River Falls, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Oct. 10, 1910; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Nettie Andrews, R.F.D., Spring Valley, Wisconsin "Dear Nettie, I received your letter and was glad to hear from you. We are all well excepting me. I haven't been feeling very well to day [sic]. Ma has not come home yet but I gess [sic] she will come some time this week. Pa went hunting yesterday and got 5 squirrels, so we had a good dinner to day [sic]. Well I ges [sic] this is all so good by [sic]. Leora."

Water scene, River Falls, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the Kinnickinnic River, famous for trout ("speckled beauties") flowing through River Falls, Wisconsin. A portion of a building can be seen along the right-hand edge. Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. Taggart's Drug Store, Importers & Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin" Probably printed by C. E. Wheelock, Peoria, Ill. Date based on postmark: Aug 13 1908; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Eleanor Burnett, Ilwaco Springs, Wisconsin "Dear Eleanor, Does this picture remind you of fishing? I spose you can go fishing any day now. I hope you are having a good time and are getting stronger every day. I can [---] now trying to get ready to go to school. With love from Mona Lovell."

Glen Park, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of a portion of Glen Park in River Falls, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Mar 24, 1908; mailed from River Falls Wis; green 1c "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Eleanor Burnett, St. Luke's Hospital, St. Paul, Minn. "I hope that all the coming news may be brighter than the last. R.U.C."

Lover's lane at Glen Park, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of a path known as Lover's Lane in Glen Park, River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on: Taggart's Drug Store, Importers and Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Made in Germany. Printed in the stamp box: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents (used 1905-1909). Unused.

Employee of post office, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard image of men and two women posing in the River Falls, Wisconsin, post office. Left to right: Row 1 (seated): William Chinnock, Earl Hunter Row 2 (seated): Addie Hunter, Gertrude Browell Row 3 (standing): Bill Hawkind, Caesar Speilke, Dennis Collins, Ernest Chinnpck, Bill Davidson, John Haddow. Date from hand-written note on verso. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointed up (used 1904-1918). Postally unused.

Post office, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard image of men and two women posing in the River Falls post office, seated around a table set with a meal. Left to right: Cliff Winchell, Will Chinnock, Earl Hunter, Addie Hunter, Gertrude Browell Bill Hawkins, Caesar Speilke, Dennis Collins, Ernie Chinnock, Bill Davidson, John Haddow. Date from hand-written note on verso. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointed up (used 1904-1918). Postally unused.

You are invited ... Taggart's Drug Store, River Falls, Wisconsin

Full title: "YOU are invited. 'Come in the evening or come in the morning. Come when you're looked for or come without warning. A thousand welcomes you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come here, the more we'll adore you.' And if you can't come, Phone 157. Taggart's Drug Store, River Falls, Wisconsin" Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. Taggart's Drug Store, Importers & Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp box: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents (used 1905-1909). Unused.

Main St. from Cascade Ave.

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in River Falls, Wisconsin, looking north from Cascade Avenue. There is a horse-drawn vehicle on the street, downtown commercial buildings can be seen faintly in the distance, and the dirt street is flanked by large deciduous trees. A small stamp on the verso reads: Sanderson's Studio, River Falls, Wisconsin Printed on Sailboat paper (used 1905-1908). Unused.

Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Skycrest Motel in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Title continuation on verso: "Skycrest Motel-River Falls, Wisconsin. 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free T.V. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your Host," Text printed on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused postally, although appears to have been removed from a scrapbook.

City hall and library, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the city hall and public library in River Falls, Wisconsin. Two 1950s cars are parked, including a police vehicle. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved -- L.L. Cook Company, Milwaukee. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Hotel Gladstone, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Hotel Gladstone and the A. C. Laue Merchant Tailor Dry Cleaning business, on Main Street in River Falls, Wisconsin. There is a man seated on a bench outside the front door and a man standing next to the driver's side door of his car parked in front of the hotel. The Gladstone Hotel was located at 123 S. Main Street. Date from time period Merton owned the hotel (1920-1928). Postcard was not mailed, but was pasted in a scrapbook.

Street scene, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a portion of Main Street in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved. A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Text on verso: "Skycrest Motel- River Falls, Wisconsin- 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free TV. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your host." Published by G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Improvement League, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the women in the River Falls, Wisconsin, Improvement League. There is an ink X on one of the women, but no explanation. The group of women are posing outside. Text printed on verso: Published by Taggart's 'Rexall Drug Store,' River Falls, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Oct 23 1912; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message on verso: Addressed to Constance Norseng Thorsen, Kenmare, North Dakota. "Dear Tutte, Did you get my letter. Plaese write me a letter. Plaese [sic] write me a letter. I got a now [new?] 11¢t doll and I play with her. I like my school so well. I have got a now [new?] kloslin and some klospins [clothespins] I from Margrethe. She and mother went to the city that day. I went to [name] house. I was sick that night. From your little Pauline."

In the Glen, River Falls, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the footbridge Text printed on verso: Published for Taggert's 'Rexall' Drug Store, [by] Bloom Bros. Co. Printed in Germany. Also printed on verso is the Bloom Bros. Co., America, Scenic logo. Message: Addressed to Miss Mabelle Rochester, Minneapolis, Minn. "Dear Mabelle, Cullen and I are in Wisconsin for a few weeks. Cullen had his tonsils and adenoids taken out so brought him here to get fat. He is so skinny. Love to all you ???, Allie M. Higgins, Duluth, Minn."

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