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Hudson (Wis.) St. Croix County (Wis.)
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Bicycle Club, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a bicycle club in Hudson, Wisconsin. The members of the club are lined across a dirt street in the business district of Hudson. Date of image from typed paper attached to the postcard. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Bird's eye view, Hudson, Wisconsin

Postcard with aerial view of Hudson, Wisconsin, with the St. Croix River in the background. Text printed on recto: Hand Colored. E. C. Kropp, Milwaukee. Date from postmark: Nov 10, 1914; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. A Ristan, 304 Kenalworth Ave., Oak Park, Ills. "Am well. With best of [?], From Bill.

City power plant, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the power plant in Hudson, Wisconsin. Text printed on recto: J. E. Corbally. Text printed on verso: Pearson-Ullberg Co., Minneapolis. Date from postmark (May 28, 1907), and message (5/25/07); mailed from Hudson Wis Message: Addressed to Miss Minnie Nagel, Bryant, Clinton Co., Iowa. "5/25/07. You have been here I suppose you will recognize it. E.H.N." [E.H.N. was Emil H. Nagel, Minnie's older brother.]

Court house, Hudson Wis

Real-photo postcard with image of the Romanesque Revival style St. Croix County courthouse in Hudson, Wisconsin. Several other buildings can be seen next to it. Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.

Court house, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the St. Croix County Courthouse in Hudson, Wisconsin. Showing the exterior, front entrance archway. This building is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Four men posing in suits and hats, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of four men posing for the camera in front of a photography studio backdrop. Title supplied by cataloger. The names are handwritten on the verso: B.G. B__sler, William Fleming, G.F. Trieb, and standing, E.H. Nagel. Text printed on verso: The Kregel Photo Parlors, St. Paul, Minn. and Minneapolis, Minn. The date handwritten on the verso--Jan. 14, 1911--is probably the date the photograph was taken in a photography studio. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).

Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the three-story brick hotel located in Hudson, Wisconsin. The hotel has a corner sign, a covered entrance, and a barber shop. Outside the hotel is a street lamp and fire hydrant. Printed on DOPS paper (used 1925-1942). Unused.

Hudson High School basketball team, 1912

Real-photo postcard with image of Hudson High School's 1912 basketball team. Team members (left to right) Standing: Sam Slaughter, Coach J.W. Burholder, and Carl Anderson; seated: Henry Bleier, Harry "Bat" Nelson (with the ball), and G. Barter Bell. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).

Hudson House Inn

Picture postcard with three images of the Hudson House Inn in Hudson, Wisconsin. Title from verso: "Hudson House Inn, Hudson, Wisconsin 54016. On Freeway I-94, 15 miles east of St. Paul, Minn. Hotel-Motel -- Restaurant -- Nite Club. Open every day, Ideal facilities for seminars, conventions, parties of all kinds. 105 hotel rooms, Continental menu. Meeting Rooms for 5 to 500. Beauty Parlor, Enclosed Heated Pool, Health Club, etc. Phones: Hudson -- 715-386-2394, St. Paul, 612-436-5263." Text printed on verso: Pub. by R. Meline, 19 So. 1st St., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401. Also printed on verso: Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York. Unused.

Hudson House Inn Motor Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with three images of the Hudson House Inn in Hudson, Wisconsin. Title from verso: "Hudson House Inn, Hudson, Wisconsin 54016. On Freeway I-94, 15 miles east of St. Paul, Minn. Hotel-Motel -- Restaurant -- Nite Club -- Entertainment. Open every day, Ideal facilities for seminars, conventions, parties of all kinds. 61 hotel rooms. Continental menu. Meeting Rooms for 5 to 500. Beauty Parlor, Mini-Golf, Game Room, Etc. Phones, Hudson -- 715-386-2394, St. Paul, 612-224-1325." Text printed on verso: Pub. by R. Meline, 19 So. 1st St., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401. Also printed on verso: Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York. Unused.

Hudson Public Library records, 1903-1974.

  • US ARC St. Croix series 63
  • collection
  • 1903-1974

Minutes of the board of trustees, 1903-1963; circulation records, 1918-1941; financial records, 1930-1967; and accessions and withdrawals records, 1966-1974.

Hudson (Wis.). Public Library

Hudson, Wisconsin, The Sanatorium

Text printed on verso: "The Sanatorium, Hudson, Wisconsin 18 miles east of St. Paul. A private institution established in 1886. Located in a beautiful park of stately elms and oaks, on the bluffs of Lake Mallalien. With all modern equipments necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Nervous disease a specialty. It combines the perfect quiet of country life with the luxuries of a first-class hotel and the best of medical skill and nursing. For illustrated booklet and further information address E.B. Bradford M.S.M.D., medical director." Publication text printed on verso: "Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Series No. 2459, 'Hudson Wisconsin' Art publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen. Printed in Germany." Also, printed in the stamp block: "RTS" and "Artistic Series". Date based on postmark on PH 1996.033.011. Unused.

Indian mounds, Hudson, Wisconsin

Postcard from the white-border period with an image of Indian mounds in Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jul 12 1934; mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1c Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Clara Bryan, Madison, Wisconsin "Dear Mrs. Bryan, Rec'd your letter. Can't explain my feelings, am writing soon and having a lovely time. Love, Kathryn."

Interstate bridge, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the interstate bridge at Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Feb 21 1943; mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Industry-Agriculture for Defense "Lady Liberty" stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Ernest Lang, 924 Fountain NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Sat. 5 pm. ??? came there ok. Found plenty of work here & have been busy at it all day. Here's one for Jeanie's book. Sorry to have missed Jeanie & Russell. Love, Ruth."

Lake Mallalieu, Hudson, Wisconsin

Postcard with an image of Mallalieu Lake, near Hudson, Wisconsin, with a rowboat tied up along a tree-filled shoreline. Text printed on recto: J. E. Corbally. Text printed on verso: Pearson-Ullberg Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark: Jun 8, 1907; mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Minnie Nagel, Bryant, Clinton, Iowa. "6/8/07. E.H.N." [E.H.N. was Emil H. Nagel, Minnie's older brother.]

Main Street in Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Signs that can be seen include a barbershop, drug store, clothing store, bakery, two hotels, a restaurant (Meals), and the BPOE upstairs. Pennants are strung across the street and plenty to 1920s era automobiles can be seen on the street. Date from the automobiles. Unused.

Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Signs that can be seen include Zarske Bros., a meat market, and the Commercial Hotel. Pennants are strung across the street and plenty to 1920s era automobiles can be seen on the street. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Date from postmark: Jul 11 1924; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. [Henry? Clepper?], c/o Mose Landree, Ingalls, Mich. "Weather awful hot - Roads bad & dirty. With love, Henry."

Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Main Street in Hudson, Wisconsin. The street is lined with automobiles and several pedestrians are visible on the sidewalks. Store signs visible include Mickelsen Drugs, the Tick Tock Cafe, Wiener Clothing, a beer sign, another cafe, and on the other side of the street National Tea Co., a Hamm's beer sign, a cafe, and a hotel. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Methodist church, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the Methodist Church in Hudson, Wisconsin. The church building has a steeple with belfry, lantern, and cutoff spire; lancet windows plus one small round window; and wide front steps. A streetlight hanging from a wire can also be seen. Text printed on verso: Pub. for F. R. Crane, Hudson, Wisconsin, by North-Western Post Card Co., St. Paul, Minn. Date from postmark: Dec 3 1914; mailed from Hudson Wis; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Erma Jean Bird, 2217 Third St., Menomonie, Wisconsin "Dear Sister, I went sleding yesterday & I had a fine time. Don't you wish you were here? I will have to go & mail this card. Wanda."

Municipal building, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the municipal building in Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from note on verso: "July 3, '50, S., H. & M." Printed on EKC paper; this stamp box design was used from 1930-1950. Unused except for the notation.

On 2nd St. -- Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of 2nd Street in downtown Hudson, Wisconsin. Included in the photograph are buildings, pedestrians, electric poles and lines, automobiles, several parked bicycles, one tree, and signs for a bowling alley, a restaurant, a meat market, a lunch car (in a railroad car), and a smoke shop with pool and billiards. Date from postmark: Jun 11, 1917; green 1¢ Washington stamp (design A140). Additional handstamp: "Do your [bit!], A Liberty Loan Bond, Inquire at any bank or post office." This hand stamped wording was used during the First Liberty Loan, May 21 through June 15, 1917. Message: Addressed to Mr. Geo. W. Bickford, Livingston, Wisc. "Dear folks - This is Monday morning and it is raining so we are all sitting by the fire. The caught one 5½ lb. fish it was fine. We sure have all the fish we want to eat. Don't know when we will start home. We will write again when we get to Madison. Love to all from Nelson, Harold and Lil."

Post office, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Hudson, Wisconsin, post office. Includes the two story brink building, a flag pole, and three 1930s-40s era cars in the parking lot. The photograph possibly was taken when the post office opened in 1939. Unused.

Post Office, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Hudson, Wisconsin, post office. Includes the two story brink building, a flag pole, and three 1930s-40s era cars in the parking lot. The photograph possibly was taken when the post office opened in 1939. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Sanatorium, Lake Mallolieu, Hudson, Wisconsin

Collotype postcard image of the Sanatorium above Mallalieu Lake--misspelled Mallelien--in Hudson, Wisconsin. Published for F. R. Crane, Hudson, Wisconsin (no. 1). Logo indicates it was printed by the H. Hagemeister Co. (no. 8293); printed in Germany. Date span from the working life of the H. Hagemeister Co. Unused.

Sanitorium, Hudson, Wisconsin

A Raphael Tuck & Sons postcard with a tinted image of the Sanatorium in Hudson, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "The Sanatorium, Hudson, Wisconsin 18 miles east of St. Paul. A private institution established in 1886. Located in a beautiful park of stately elms and oaks, on the bluffs of Lake Mallalieu. With all modern equipments necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Nervous diseases a specialty. It combines the perfect quiet of country life with the luxuries of a first-class hotel and the best of medical skill and nursing. For illustrated booklet and further information address E.B. Bradford M.S.M.D., medical director." Text printed on verso: "Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Series No. 2459, 'Hudson, Wisconsin' Art Publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen. Printed in Germany." Date from postmark: Mar 28, 1908; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Master Russel Fletcher, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; "March 27, '08, Hello Bub, this is where we will go next summer and go fishing and swimming, boating & tings [sic]. Doesn't it look pretty, good enough to eat. Are the kiddies out on the lawn. Lovingly, Sis."

Scene in Lake Front Park - Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Lake Front Park along the St. Croix River in Hudson, Wisconsin. Shown are a rock fireplace, two picnic tables, and a bench, with several trees and the interstate bridge in the background. Date from postmark: Jun 16, 1945, mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mary T. Sarich, U.S.C.G. Air Station, Port Angeles, Washington. "Hello Mary, We're up home for our vacation. Its a beautiful day but it sure rains plenty. Are you going to get home this year. We didn't get to see Grace when she was home. The kids are o.k. again now. Wish I could stay up here all summer. Love, Lois & family."

Second Street commercial district, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Second Street commercial district in Hudson Wisconsin. Shops that can be seen include a pharmacy, two hotels, and the Buffet. The District is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Text on verso: "The Cook-Montgomery Co. Post Cards, Minneapolis", "Sterling Quality", and "Genuine Photograph". Unused.

South Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the south portion of Hudson Main Street, located in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Date from the 1950s era automobiles parked along the street. Stamp on verso: James T. King (UWRF history professor). Unused.

St. Croix County Courthouse, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the St. Croix County, Wisconsin, court house. Text printed on recto: E. A. Harding, Hudson, Wisconsin Text printed on verso: "Tuck's Post Card," and "Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Series No. 0169, 'Hudson, Wisconsin' Art publishers to their Majesties the King & Queen," and "Phototyped in Berlin." Date from postmark: Sep 1907; mailed from [Hud]son Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. J. A. Rees, 2658 Aldrich Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. "The Court House and County Jail are the first things I look at in the A.M. It is a gentle reminder. G.M.R."

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court minutes, 1878-1974.

  • US ARC St. Croix series 132
  • collection
  • 1878-1974

Provides a brief summary of cases heard before the Circuit Court. Includes the names of defendants and plaintiffs as well as the judgment in each particular case.

Wisconsin. Circuit Court (St. Croix County)

St. Croix Meadows greyhound racing

Postcard with image of art work showing the proposed St. Croix Meadows Greyhound Racing Park near Hudson, Wisconsin. Text on the verso explains: St. Croix Meadows Greyhouse Racing Park brings exciting racing action to Hudson, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso as the divider: Art by Randy Penner, Hudson, WI. Unused.

St. Croix River, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an image of the St. Croix River and in the distance the toll bridge at Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Sep 21, 1917; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruister, Box 32 Crichton Sta., Mobile, Ala. "This is the cheapest tall bridge I've ever gone over in a car - 5¢. Uncle, Sep. 21."

Street scene -- Hudson -- Wis

Real-photo postcard with image showing a commercial street in Hudson, Wisconsin, lined on both sides with automobiles. Visible store signs include Farm & Electric Supply (Cargill Feeds), Walter's, Otto's Shoe store, and a liquor store. Unused. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ).

Street scene, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing a commercial street in Hudson, Wisconsin, lined on both sides with automobiles. Visible store signs include Farm & Electric Supply (Cargill Feeds), Walter's, Otto's Shoe, and a liquor store. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Street scenes around the city, Hudson, Wisconsin

Postcard with black and white images of buildings in Hudson, including the public library, Hudson high school, St. Croix County court house, the Willow River water falls, and the Hudson sanatorium. Text printed on recto: J. E. Corbally. Text printed on verso: Pearson-Ullberg Co., Minneapolis. Date from postmark: May 12, 1908; mailed from St. Paul, Minn.; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Julia Adling, Vancouver, Wash. "May - 11 - 1908. Well, we have come [...] The trees are just getting green. We expect Adolf by next Sunday. Had a card from him today and he is having a good time. I haven't been any where yet. We are so many here we never get there and my other sister is here too. Hope you are well. Think I will get fat here. Love to all the folks. Many XX, Maria."

Third Street, Hudson, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with an image of Third Street in Hudson, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Dec 2, 1907; mailed from Stillwater, Minn.; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Text printed on verso: E. A. Hardinig [sic], Hudson, Wisconsin No. 1. Made in Hermany [sic: Germany]. Message: Addressed to Mr. A. F. Ostendorf, St. Paul, Minn., School of Agriculture; "Holo Ale - I received your most welcome letter and will ans[wer] today. We got confirmed sunday [sic] and I am glad to [sic] for it is getting so cold. My - I was to a party last night, we had a fine time - came home at three o'clock. [??]s. Elsie M. Marty."

United States Post Office, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Hudson, Wisconsin, post office. Includes the two story brink building, a flag pole, and three 1930s-40s era cars in the parking lot. The photograph possibly was taken when the post office opened in 1939. Unused.

View on 2nd Street looking south, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main business district on Second Street in Hudson, Wisconsin. Signs that can be seen include a law office, market, variety store, restaurant, bar, and hotel. Several buggies and horses and pedestrians can also be seen Written on recto: Pub. for F.R. Crane. Date from on postmark: Aug 24 1915; mailed from Hudson, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Balboa commemorative stamp. Printed on Azo paper, with all four triangles point up (used 1904-1918). Message: Addressed to Mrs. J.P. Havens, 4524 Ewing Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. "Am tied up here for a few days but will try to get there last of the week. E.R.R."