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Polk County (Wis.) Resorts With digital objects
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Cottages at Dellwood, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of an automobile parked in front of a cottage at Dellwood Resort on Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. The postcard has a small, irregular white border. Text printed on recto: Excel P.C. Co., Milw. Printed on ECK paper (used between1930-1950). Unused.

Hickory Point Resort, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the lodge at Hickory Point Resort on Lake Wapogasset near Amery, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 3, 1930; mailed from Amery, Wis; carmine red 2¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. L. J. Stark, 909 E. Eldorado, Appleton, Wisconsin "Down to St. Croix Falls Sunday. They have an amusement park there and we took a ride on a boat and saw scenery similar to the (Wisconsin) Dells. This is about 25 miles from Amery. Ella."

Hickory Point, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a resort hotel at Hickory Point Resort on Lake Wapogassett near Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. The wooden building is two-stories with a porch and a brick chimney. Multiple deciduous trees surround the hotel. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved -- A. Pearson Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on EKC paper (stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Hunky Dory Farm near Clara Lake, Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of cottages at the Hunky Dory Farm near Clara Lake in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin (the closest post office is in Balsam Lake). Two wooden benches can be seen among a multitude of deciduous trees surrounding the cabins. Date from postmark: Aug 11, 1934; mailed from [Balsam Lake, Wisconsin]; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Herhes, 3841 N. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, Illinois. "Sat. Aug. 11. Dear Friends. Just a line to let you know we are having a fine vacation. Hope everything at home is all right. We will be home by the middle of next week. Kindest regards, The Galloway's."

Dining hall and rest room at Hunky Dory Farm, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Postcard image of the dining hall and rest rooms at the Hunky Dory Farm. There is a large group of people standing on the porch of the pictured building. Handwritten note on front of card: "Lake right down in front." Text printed on verso: Photographic Appliances Corporation, Minneapolis, Minn., Manufacturing Photographers. Date from postmark: Jul 8 1918; mailed from Balsam Lake, Wisconsin; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Master Robert Nolan, Hastings, Minn. "Dear Robert, We had a dandy trip up, but the automobile acted badly half the way up. We had such good honey for supper. Lovingly, your mama. Be a good boy and mind Nutters[?]."

Rear of Dixie Lodge at Dixie Resort, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of the rear of the "Dixie" Lodge on Balsam Lake, in Polk County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Pub. by Andrew E. Hohn, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Jul 19 1938; mailed from Balsam Lake Wis; green 1¢ stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. V.M. Henney, Des Moines, Iowa, 1429 20th. "Tuesday - July 19th. Very cool here after hard rain storm. Stayed at Mae's till Monday morning - came up here yesterday. Very quiet here & cold this morning. May stay here for several days. The address is under the picture. East what is in ice box if you stay at house. Very hot driving yesterday. Didn't want to stay at Mae's longer as she was tired and nervous over Velma. Her baby arrives soon. Hope you are cool. -Virgie."

Kozy Nook, Hunky Dory Farm, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of several cottages at the Hunky Dory Farm resort. The cottage that is prominently featured may be named "Kozy-Nook." The location of the Hunky Dory Farm on the recto of the postcard has been crossed out in ink, but probably said "Balsam Lake." Hunky Dory Farm is located in the Town of Georgetown, Polk County, Wisconsin.

Lawn, Perry Mound Resort, Balsam Lake

Real-photo postcard with image of five Adirondack chairs on the lawn overlooking Balsam lake at Perry Mound Resort in Polk County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jun 18 1957; mailed from Balsam Lake Wisconsin; stamp has been removed. Message: Addressed to Mr. John Lucius, 1522 Jefferson St. N.E., Mpls. 3, Minn. "Dear Bro: Well 2 days are gone, it has rained each day, its at it now. John did get out in the sun today. Our cottage is nice and the food very good. I gave you the wrong time, I gave you standard time, so the train gets there at 6:30 P.M. Take care of yourself, John & Frances."

Fair Oaks, wayside, Hunky Dory, Hunky Dory Farms Resort, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of three resort cabins among trees at the Hunky Dory Resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Aug 23 1947; mailed from Balsam Lake Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Seitz, 4988 Glenway Ave., Price Hill, Cincinnati 5 Ohio, "Sat. Aug. 23. Weather here has been very warm. We don't need our winter clothes this trip. Fishing is pretty good. Everyone ok. They have a large crowd here. Love, Carrie, Ed, & Carol."

'Birchwood' cottage, Hunkydory Farm, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the "Birchwood" cottage at the Hunky Dory Farms resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Date from message (7/11/16) and postmark (Jul 12, 1916); mailed from St. Paul, Minn.; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. J.A. Homquist, Hastings, Minn. "7/11/16, This is our cottage. Nice and cool in the evening. Right on the lake shore. Having a dandy good time, Karl."

Fridley's Resort, Half Moon Lake, Milltown, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard highlighting an ivy-covered cottage at Fridley's Resort on Half Moon Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin. Outside the cabin are two metal lawn chairs; portions of two other cabins can be seen, plus lots of deciduous trees. Printed on EKC paper; this stamp box design was used from 1930-1950. Unused, but judging by the glue in the corners on the verso this postcard was removed from a scrapbook.

Rainy Day, Dixie Lodge, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the cabin named 'Rainy Day' at the Dixie Lodge Resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Several chairs sit outside the cottage and wagon wheels are used as outdoor decor. Printed on EKC paper (used 1930-1950). Unused.

Tennis court, Hunky Dory Farm, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the tennis court and two men playing tennis at Hunky Dory Farm Resort near Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Date from postmark: Jul 24 1928; mailed from Milltown Wisconsin; carmine red 2¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Netie Freer, Warsaw, N.Y. "Dear Aunt, Hilo. How are you. We are fine. How is Mrs. K. ___ let me know her address. Gn. Wyo C."

Lol' Kantuck Cottage Balsam, Wis

Real-photo postcard with image looking downhill in the woods at a log cabin with a porch. Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard. Date from postmark: 1948 Message: Addressed to Lucille Ann Davis, 5116 Walnut St., Omaha, Nebr. "Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. This is a very beautiful spot with