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Street scene -- Centuria -- Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main business street of Centuria, Wisconsin, with 1940s automobiles angle parked along the street. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Baldwin Hospital and Clinic, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Baldwin, Wisconsin, hospital and clinic, both brick buildings. Date from postmark: May 6, 1963; mailed from the Twin City Airport, Minn.; stamp has been removed. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Message: Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Carlson, % Mrs. H. Dahlen, 2701 Ewing Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. "Dear Esther and Helmer, Just to let you know I'm in Wisconsin. Had one eye operated on, but no glasses yet, will go back to my apt. soon, will call you then. Excuse poor writing. Love to all, Helma."

Hudson, Wisconsin, The Sanatorium

Text printed on verso: "The Sanatorium, Hudson, Wisconsin 18 miles east of St. Paul. A private institution established in 1886. Located in a beautiful park of stately elms and oaks, on the bluffs of Lake Mallalien. With all modern equipments necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Nervous disease a specialty. It combines the perfect quiet of country life with the luxuries of a first-class hotel and the best of medical skill and nursing. For illustrated booklet and further information address E.B. Bradford M.S.M.D., medical director." Publication text printed on verso: "Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Series No. 2459, 'Hudson Wisconsin' Art publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen. Printed in Germany." Also, printed in the stamp block: "RTS" and "Artistic Series". Date based on postmark on PH 1996.033.011. Unused.

[Trimbelle tornado damage : where the church used to be]

Real-photo postcard with image showing tornado destruction in the Town of Trimbelle, in Pierce County, Wisconsin. This postcard shows where a church used to be, electric poles being set up, and at least seven men and two automobiles. Date of tornado: Printed on Azo Paper, with top two triangles pointing up and bottom two pointing down. Hand-written on verso: "Not much money oh but sunney school."

[Trimbelle tornado damage : rebuilding the church]

Real-photo postcard with image showing tornado destruction in Town of Trimbelle, Wisconsin. This postcard shows a large group of men rebuilding the church from PH 2018.005.001. Date of tornado: Printed on Azo Paper, with top two triangles pointing up and bottom two pointing down.

Warren St. looking west, Roberts Wisconsin

Date from postmark: Feb 7, 1910; mailed from Hudson; green 1¢ Benjamin Franklin stamp (A138). Message on verso: Addressed to Phoebe Heritage, Elk City, Kan. The message itself is difficult to read and not a typical letter-type message.

General view, Inter-state Park, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin

Aerial view of the St. Croix River Valley looking upriver from below the bridge crossing at St. Croix Falls-Taylors Falls. Beyond the bridge can be seen the dam and power house. Text printed on verso: Pub for M.A.Tangen, Druggist, Taylors Falls, Minn. Date from postmark: Dec 21 1910; mailed from St. Paul, Minn.; stamp was removed. Message: Addressed to Miss Eunice Jerger, 10310 Empire Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. "A Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year to all the Jerger family. Yours lovingly, Jennie."

[Farmyard with pig pen]

Real-photo postcard with image of a farm barnyard filled with pigs, plus five men, three boys, and a dog. The pigs are fenced in and have a galvanized steel water trough in the pen. Behind them are a large barn with one cupola, a smaller building, and a large haystack with a woman on the building side and some sort of vehicle on the other side. Hand-written on the verso: Ralph E. Sparks, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin" It is unclear if the postcard is addressed to Mr. Sparks or if the writing is indicating that the farm belongs to Mr. Sparks. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used between 1918 and 1930).

Half Moon Lake, Centuria, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a shore of Half Moon Lake with a dock and several boats, a longer shoreline, and many deciduous trees. Date from postmark and message: Sep 27, 1938; mailed from Centuria, Wisconsin; purple 3¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Frl. Emma Mader, Hothingeran Ne 97, Innsbruk, Tirol, Germany. Original in German; translation: "Centuria, Wisconsin, 27 Sept. 1938.

Bass Lake Cheese Factory, Somerset, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial image of the Bass Lake Cheese Factory. Also on the recto: "4 miles so. of Somerset, Wisconsin, wide selection of cheeses, retail open daily 9-5, wholesale, phone 715-247-3586, area Somerset, Wisconsin." Printed on verso: "All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Unused.

Land O' Lakes Creamery, Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Land O'Lakes Creamery in Frederic, Wisconsin. The creamery is a brick building, built in the 1920s by the Frederic Cooperative Creamery. Outside the creamery is a 1936 or '37 Chevrolet Master car on the left and a 1936 Chevrolet stake truck on the right. The truck is used, and has what looks to be an NRA Blue Eagle in the front windshield, showing support for the New Deal's National Recovery Administration. Multiple young men of military age who have not gone off to war, indicate the image is pre-1942. Printed on verso: "All Rights Reserved.--A. Pearson Co., Minneapolis, Minn." Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Main Street, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the main street in Glenwood City, Wisconsin, showing a faked electric trolley running on the dirt street. Also shown are several automobiles, electric poles and lines, and numerous businesses--many of them in brick buildings--including a hardware store and a bar. Decade from the automobiles and from the Osceola fake trolley postcard. Text printed on verso: The Co Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Eddie Kjer, Carlisle, Minnesota. "Hello There Leona. How'r the girls? We arrived home O.K. Had a very nice trip. It seems as tho it does nothing but rain. With Love, "Cel" Melby. Write. "Tell your folks Hello." [Leona's parents were Lewis and Edith Bluhm.]

Catholic church, Osceola, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Catholic church building in Osceola, Wisconsin. The church has a steeple with a visible bell. Showing in the photo are a chimney, lancet windows, a stone basement, electric lines, and trees and bushes around the building. Unused.

Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the First Presbyterian Church building in Ellsworth, Pierce County, Wisconsin. The building has a steeple with lantern, belfry, and spire; stained glass windows; and Victorian Gingerbread trim on the portico, with fretwork spandrels around the belfry. Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

[Pierce County courthouse, Ellsworth, Wisconsin]

Real-photo postcard with image of the county courthouse for Pierce County, Wisconsin, located in Ellsworth. Date from postmark and message: May 9 1939; mailed from East Ellsworth Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Emma __, 1516 N. State Prkw., Chicago, Ill. "Ellsworth Wisconsin 9/5 1939. Dear Emma! How are you? Hope fine. Arrived here O.K. Everything looks fine. The weather is perfect. O 'my' I have to tell so much fr. . They all so anxious to hear. I wrote home a letter, a card to Louise, to Frieda. Hope you better. Write soon. I have no addr. A. invited me, I saw him yesterday. Love, ___. Best regards to all the girls."

First National Bank, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the First National Bank, located on Main Street in Baldwin, Wisconsin. The photo was taken from across the intersection, and shows four 1960s automobiles and the tops of various grain elevators behind the bank building. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak Paper. Unused.

Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Dedicated July 19xx-1964, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the new Gethsemane Lutheran Church buildings in Baldwin, Wisconsin. The building has a modern, decorative steeple. Three 1960s cars are parked in front of the church. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved. A. Pearson Co., Inc. 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Street scene, Milltown, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard of the main business street of Milltown, Wisconsin. Two horse-drawn wagons with men driving are coming down the street toward the camera, an automobile is parked to the left, in the distance on the right is a two horse-drawn wagon parked at a store, and two male pedestrians can be seen talking to a third who is so blurry only his legs can be identified. Large electric poles can be seen down the right side of the street. Printed on Kruxo paper (name as the divider used 1911-1922). Date from postmark: Jun 9, 1914; mailed from Milltown, Wisconsin; green 1¢ cent Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. E.B. Eliason, Helena, Mont. "5-9-14, Dear cousins: Suppose you thot I'd dropped off the earth. Just got here Sat. eve. Stayed with Martha untill [sic] Thur. eve. Weather has been awful hot these last days. Hello to the boys. Lovingly Clarice, Centuria, Wisconsin"

Welding shop, trucks, and men, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a welding shop on Main Street in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The concrete rock face block building has two trucks parked outside that say R.A. ----- on the side. Six men stand along the side of the building. A street light and a fire hydrant are on the corner. Date from height of rock face block. Printed on Azo paper with squares in the stamp box (used 1924-1949). Unused.

Holy Family Hospital, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the hospital in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jul 12, 1955; mailed from New Richmond Wisconsin; carmine-rose 2¢ Jefferson stamp. Message: Addressed to Alice & Edna Graff, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. "Monday eve. Hello - We are spending our vacation with Willard & Connie. This is beautiful country up here. Willard's church is about the size of Prairie's Presbyterian church. A-- Fuch's used to live here - also Dr. Trautman. The parsonage is next door to the church. Hope everything is fine with you. Love, Sara."

New Richmond, Wisconsin

A bird's eye view photograph of New Richmond, looking toward the north. Multiple houses can be seen, and in the far background a factory. Date from postmark: Aug 27, 1915; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; carmine-rose 2¢ Washington stamp (design A-140). Addressed to: Mrs. Alstad, 1523 4 St. So., Minneapolis, Minn.; no message.

'Birchwood' cottage, Hunkydory Farm, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the "Birchwood" cottage at the Hunky Dory Farms resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Date from message (7/11/16) and postmark (Jul 12, 1916); mailed from St. Paul, Minn.; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. J.A. Homquist, Hastings, Minn. "7/11/16, This is our cottage. Nice and cool in the evening. Right on the lake shore. Having a dandy good time, Karl."

The Terrace, Somerset, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Terrace Nite Club near Somerset, Wisconsin. The image show the outside of the club (with awnings), the neon lighted sign, and four 1940s cars. On recto: Excel P.C. Co., Milw. Date based on the automobiles. Printed on EKC paper (stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

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