Advanced Social Research, Theories of American Society, 1966-1968.
- UWRF Series 216-24.F.4.1
- 1966-1968.
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Advanced Social Research, Theories of American Society, 1966-1968.
Advising Committee on Undergrad Transfer Policy, 1980
Part of Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs - Subject Files, 1966-present
Part of Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs - Subject Files, 1966-present
Advisory Council for Vocational Agriculture in Wisconsin, n.d.
Advisory Group for Institution of Rural Development and Education, 1988
Advisory Planning Task Force, 1975,
Part of UWRF Administrative subject and correspondence files, 1896-ongoing.
comments and feedback on various system reports, on budgets, economic impact, academic programs
Advocacy Position Paper, 1985.
Part of West Central Wisconsin Consortium Records, 1973-2001.
Aerial view looking South, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image showing the city of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking toward the southwest. The post office and opera house are labeled. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Date from postmark: Jul 2[1], 1909; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. G.A. ???, Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, Co. A 10th Batt. "We are going out to ???? to ??? ???. I have her looking for a 'nasty' card to pay you and Mr. B- back but I haven't been able to find one. We are having a fairly good time. Had a card from Jess ??? ???. You get busy and write a letter when you get home and tell up everything. Sara."
Aerial View of Ames Teacher Education Building, 1972
Aerial view of Athletics Buildings, circa 1980's
Aerial view of Athletics Buildings, circa 1980's
Aerial view of Balsam Lake, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with aerial image of the village of Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin.
Aerial view of campus Agriculutrual Science Building, no date
Aerial view of campus and athletic fields, circa 1970's
Aerial view of campus and River Falls, 1964.
Wendell A. Peterson Photography.
Aerial view of campus facing South, circa 1965.
Construction of Agriculture Science Building.
Aerial view of campus looking East.
Aerial view of campus looking East, 1971.
Aerial view of campus looking east, circa 1960's
Aerial view of campus looking East, circa 1960's
Aerial view of campus looking East, circa 1964.
Johnson Hall is being constructed. Wendell A. Peterson Photography.
Aerial View of campus looking East, circa 1965.
Wendell A. Peterson Photography. Before Ag building, Fine Arts and Centennial.
Aerial view of campus looking East, circa 1974.
Aerial view of campus looking North, 1970.
Aerial view of campus looking Northeast, 1970.
New Ag Science Building
Aerial view of campus looking Northeast, circa 1968.
Aerial view of campus looking Northwest, 1968.
Constructing the addition to the Chalmer Davee Library.
Aerial view of campus looking Northwest, 1969.
Aerial view of campus looking South, 1972.
Construction of Fine Arts Building
Aerial view of campus looking South, circa 1976.
Aerial view of campus looking Southeast, circa 1972.
Construction of Kleinpell Fine Arts.
Aerial view of campus looking Southwest, circa 1975.
Aerial view of campus looking West, 1968.
Aerial view of campus looking West, 1969.
Aerial view of campus looking West, 1972
Kleinpell Fine Arts under construction.
Aerial view of campus looking West, circa 1968.
Aerial view of campus looking West, circa 1980's
Aerial view of campus looking West, no date
Aerial view of campus property looking West, circa 1974.
Aerial view of campus, circa 1955.
Aerial view of campus, no date.
Aerial view of city on postcard with poem, Elmwood, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with an image from an overlook showing Elmwood, Wisconsin. Rhyme printed on recto: This town is first rate the scenery's great, And I'm certainly feeling fine, So I won't take you to task but just simply ask Why don't you drop me a line?" Date from postmark: May 29, 191-; mailed from Elmwood, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Florence Gehring, Juneau, Dodge Co., Wisconsin
Aerial view of construction of Centennial Science Building, 1977.
Aerial view of construction of Kleinpell Fine Arts,1972
Aerial view of downtown, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with an aerial view of downtown Balsam Lake, Wisconsin.
Aerial view of East campus Residence Halls, 1969.
Aerial view of east campus Residence Halls, no date.
Aerial view of east campus, no date.