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Photographic postcard collection With digital objects
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Main cabin at Camp Northland Resort on Clam Lake,Town of Meenon, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Main cabin at Camp Northland Resort on Clam Lake,Town of Meenon, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Street scene, Amery, Wisconsin
Street scene, Amery, Wisconsin
Country Dam on Apple River, North of Amery, Wisconsin
Country Dam on Apple River, North of Amery, Wisconsin
Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin
Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin
Lutheran Church, River Falls, Wisconsin
Lutheran Church, River Falls, Wisconsin
Greetings from St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Greetings from St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Methodist Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Methodist Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Big Butternut Lake, Luck, Wisconsin
Big Butternut Lake, Luck, Wisconsin
Steele's Hearts Desire Resort on Twentysix Lake, Danbury, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Steele's Hearts Desire Resort on Twentysix Lake, Danbury, Burnett County, Wisconsin
East side Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin
East side Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin
St. Ann's [sic] Church, Somerset, Wisconsin
St. Ann's [sic] Church, Somerset, Wisconsin
Postcard from Maiden Rock, Wisconsin
Postcard from Maiden Rock, Wisconsin
Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Main Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Plum City school, Plum City, Wisconsin
Plum City school, Plum City, Wisconsin
Steamer Boat "President" under the lift bridge, Prescott, Wisconsin
Steamer Boat "President" under the lift bridge, Prescott, Wisconsin
St. Croix River and Echo Rock near St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
St. Croix River and Echo Rock near St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Moe and Flo's Resort on Clam Lake, Siren, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Moe and Flo's Resort on Clam Lake, Siren, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Swedish Baptist Church, Trade Lake, Wisconsin
Swedish Baptist Church, Trade Lake, Wisconsin
Odd Fellows Hall, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Odd Fellows Hall, New Richmond, Wisconsin
The Palms, pioneer of the frog leg dinners in the Northwest, Somerset, Wisconsin
The Palms, pioneer of the frog leg dinners in the Northwest, Somerset, Wisconsin
Cabin #2, Cedar Cabins, Fish Lake, P. O. Webb Lake, Wisconsin
Cabin #2, Cedar Cabins, Fish Lake, P. O. Webb Lake, Wisconsin
1st Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
1st Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
Unidentified family on steps of 508 St. Croix Street home, Hudson, Wisconsin
Unidentified family on steps of 508 St. Croix Street home, Hudson, Wisconsin
Bethel Lutheran Church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Bethel Lutheran Church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Catholic Church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Catholic Church, Hudson, Wisconsin
History Of The St. Croix River sign, Hudson, Wisconsin
History Of The St. Croix River sign, Hudson, Wisconsin
Hudson House Inn Motor Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin
Hudson House Inn Motor Hotel, Hudson, Wisconsin
St. Croix River bridge crossing between Hudson, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
St. Croix River bridge crossing between Hudson, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
Park Scene, Hudson, Wisconsin
Park Scene, Hudson, Wisconsin
Scene In Lake Front Park, Hudson, Wisconsin
Scene In Lake Front Park, Hudson, Wisconsin
Octagon House, Hudson, Wisconsin
Octagon House, Hudson, Wisconsin
Toll Bridge over St. Croix River, Hudson, Wisconsin
Toll Bridge over St. Croix River, Hudson, Wisconsin
Yellow Lake Lodge, Webster, Wisconsin
Yellow Lake Lodge, Webster, Wisconsin
Bathing beach at Luther Point Bible Camp at Big Wood Lake, Frederic, Wisconsin
Bathing beach at Luther Point Bible Camp at Big Wood Lake, Frederic, Wisconsin
Clam Lake narrows, Frederic, Wisconsin
Clam Lake narrows, Frederic, Wisconsin
Congregational church, Prescott, Wisconsin
Congregational church, Prescott, Wisconsin
Interstate toll bridge, Hudson, Wisconsin
Interstate toll bridge, Hudson, Wisconsin
Baptist church, Milltown, Wisconsin
Baptist church, Milltown, Wisconsin
Methodist church, Centuria, Wisconsin
Methodist church, Centuria, Wisconsin
Street scene, Luck, Wisconsin
Street scene, Luck, Wisconsin
Main lodge at Lutheran bible camp, Amery, Wisconsin
Main lodge at Lutheran bible camp, Amery, Wisconsin
Pilgrims Lutheran Church, Frederic, Wisconsin
Pilgrims Lutheran Church, Frederic, Wisconsin
Episcopal church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Episcopal church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Aerial view, Glenwood City, Wisconsin
Aerial view, Glenwood City, Wisconsin
Oak Street East, Glenwood, Wisconsin
Oak Street East, Glenwood, Wisconsin
High school, Hammond, Wisconsin
High school, Hammond, Wisconsin
Powerhouse and dam, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Powerhouse and dam, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
North Hall, State Teachers College, River Falls, Wisconsin
North Hall, State Teachers College, River Falls, Wisconsin
English Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
English Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Toll house, Hudson, Wisconsin
Toll house, Hudson, Wisconsin
Results 201 to 250 of 1440