River Falls: Public services, telephone, Mrs. J.F. Mack, 1904
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Public services, telephone, Mrs. J.F. Mack, 1904
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Public services, parks, Glen Park, playground, kid on slide, 1977
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Public services, fire department, training, Baptist parsonage, 30 August 1977
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Public services, fire department, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Public services, fire department, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Events, miscellaneous, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Boys baseball team in River Falls, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Christmas tree shoppers on main Street in River Falls, December 1976
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Fortune, George and his dog in his famous Ford car, circa 1910
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
1 image of George Fortune inside Ford car with dog in back. Back of image states "River Falls".
Fortune family
River Falls: People, identified, Howard Porter, Steve Vorwald, 1973-74
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: People, identified, Florence Rudd, Lora Lovell, Lloyd Byrne, Mona Lovell, 1900
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Includes signs and store fronts for Holiday, University Square Business Center, Citgo, First National bank, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street builsings in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls Motel on Main Street, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Signs on reverse of business on North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Girl Scouts in River Falls, circa 1955
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Girlks Scouts in River Falls, circa 1952
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls Boy Scouts, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Left to right: Lorin Albert, son of Dorothy and Earl, unknown, ____ Davee
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Boy Scouts Klondike Derby in Rievr Falls, circa 1976
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Health, clinics, Medical Clinic, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Health, clinics, Medical Clinic, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: Health, The Lutheran Home, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: events, parades, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: events, parades, Dorothy Killian, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls: events, parades, Patriotic Parade, 27 April 1917
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard image of Martell, Wisconsin, from Thompson Hill. Date from postmark:
Downtown main street, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo "POST CARD" with image of the buildings that lined downtown main street Ellsworth in 1908. Date taken by photographer: 1908. Unused postcard. Printed on Azo paper with four triangles, all pointing up.
Mollie Jenson's decorative folk art fireplace, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
White-border postcard with an image of Mollie Jenson's decorative folk art fireplace, rural River Falls. Unused postcard. Printed on Kodak paper.
Movie Theater, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard image of the River Falls Movie Theater on main street built in 1927 (Wisconsin)
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Modern reprint of a historical image of the "original River Falls depot built in 1868," located in River Falls, Wisconsin. A modern color photograph of the depot in 2009 is printed on the verso. Text printed on verso: PCHA [Pierce County Historical Association] -- U. Peterson/A. Smith -- Postcard 1003. Unused.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Modern reprint of a historical image of the original railroad depot in River Falls, Wisconsin, built in 1868. View of the depot in 2009 on verso. Printed on verso: PCHA [Pierce County Historical Association] - U. Peterson/A. Smith - Postcard 1003.
View down St. Croix River, high point - Taylors Falls
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with view of the St. Croix River, looking up-river and across to Wisconsin from a high point on the Minnesota side near Taylors Falls. Text printed in stamp box: Pub. by Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Co., St. Paul, Minn. Printed on Azo paper with 4 solid squares (used 1927-1940). Unused.
Equity Elevator & Warehouse Co.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with real-photo image of horses and loaded sleighs, and men milling around the Equity Elevator and Warehouse Company in River Falls, Wisconsin, on a snowy January day in 1916. Title is stamped on with purple ink, which has come through some on the back side. In postage square is the NOKO logo for their silver chloride paper--with preprinted backs--used for specifically creating real photo postcards.
View from Reservoir Hill, River Falls
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with a pastoral image of the countryside by the Kinnickinnic River near River Falls, Wisconsin, including fields and several barns and houses. A hand-written note on the verso says the image is looking north from Mound Park. The image is "framed" in a wood-looking frame and the "matte" has a raised texture. On verso: Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis, logo and the text: No. 4220 Published for Taggart's 'Rexall' Drug Store. Bloom Bros. Co., Pub., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed in Germany.
Greetings from Siren, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
"Post Card" showing the main street in Siren with various parked cars and two pedestrians outside of a car. Various business signs are present but unreadable except for one BAR sign. Text on verso: "SIREN, Wisconsin, is located on Hwy. 35 in the heart of the fishbowl area. This friendly town is visited by many vacationers who find the many lakes in the area most beckening." Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Company, 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Cottage 9, Rustic Lodge on Clear Lake, Siren, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Picture postcard with image showing exterior of a resort cottage with a screened porch and a bench outside the cottage door. Date from postmark: Jul 31, 1955, St. Paul, Minn.; 3¢ purple Liberty stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Young, 1431 So. Ridgeland Ave., Berwyn, Ill. "Hi Folks, Arrived safe & sound. This is the cottage we have. Good swimming, hot during the day, cool at night. Bob & family."
Camp Northland on Big Clam Lake, Siren, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Hand-tinted and then commercially-printed color postcard showing Camp Northland, along the shore of Big Clam Lake, from the pier where 8 motor boats are moored, several with people in them. Date from postmark and message: Jul 22, 1970; mailed from Siren, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Jefferson stamp, plus 4¢ black (gray) Lincoln stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Alvina Mankey, 608 Lake St., Hobart, Indiana. "Camp Northland Wisconsin 7/22/70. Hi: Will be coming home soon. My sister [?] was home one week then taken back to the hospital. Is doing fine. Have been calling hospital. Fishing very good. Owen [?] & family are fine. Love, Al & Elena [?]"
Oak Street, Frederic, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of several businesses on Oak Street, a main business street in Frederic, Wisconsin. Also shown are two wagons with teams; one wagon has two men and a boy on it; one team of horses has fly nets on. Businesses shown include Soderberg & Anderson (Wines, Liquors, Cigars), L O Harness Shop/Lunch Room, and the Ackmann House, with a Motion Pictures sign on it. Date from postmark on another copy of this same postcard (PH2016.001.156b): May 25, 1912, Frederic, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up.
Trout fish hatchery, Star Prairie, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of buildings and a pond at the trout fish hatchery in Star Prairie, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Photographer's initials hand-written on front: O.A.O. Printed on Defender paper (this stamp box design used 1920-1945). Unused.
Diamond Bluff School picnic, 1912
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Diamond Bluff school district's picnic in 1912 showing the adult women around a wooden table with table cloth, a chair, and pews. Printed on Cyko paper (this design used between 1903 and 1905, on commercial silver chloride papers; presumably old stock paper used in 1912 for these school photographs). Unused; removed from scrapbook by unknown person.
Air-view of Frederic - Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard showing Frederic, Wisconsin, from the air, with a lake in the upper right. Date from postmark: Feb 12, 1915; mailed from Baldwin, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.
Assembly, public school, Osceola Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
The cascade, Osceola, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Cascade Falls in Osceola, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: C. W. Staples, Osceola, Wisconsin, [printed in] Germany. Also printed on the verso is the PCK Series peacock logo (Paul C. Koeber Company). Unused.
Power-House & Dam, St. Croix, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard showing the electric power house on the St. Croix River at St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, with the dam in the background. Date provided by photographer. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.
Wisconsin, Indian Head country vacationland
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Linen postcard with image of Wisconsin's Indian Head Country shown as an actual Indian's head over a map of the area, with main roads and main cities/villages imposed over the image; man in canoe is fishing at the bottom. Printed on verso: "Genuine Curteich - Chicago 'C.T. Art-Colortone' Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.)"; and "Distribution by Northern Post Card Company, Eau Claire, Wisconsin." Unused.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the high school in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Box added on top of image: Bannister, Photographer, New Richmond, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Sep 19 1906; mailed from New Richmond Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp (1902 series). Message: Addressed to Mrs. E. L. Bunker, Dawson, N. Dak. "Dear Anna -- Well don't you think I'm a great one for not writing but really it keeps me busy with my school work. I'll write next Saturday or some time around there. This is the New Richmond high school which Harry and I go every day. With lots of love from all to all, Willard." [Willard and his older brother Harry Irle.]
State Normal School, River Falls Wis
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of South Hall on the campus of the River Falls State Normal School. Date from postmark: Aug 20, 1908, mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin Message on verso signed by River Falls professor Rudolph Karges: Addressed to Mr. Mike Krause, Ripon, Wisconsin "Dear Mr. Krause: Here is where I work this year; it is a fine place. Wish we could have our Ripon friends here. The people from whom I had rented went back on us and we had to do it over again; but we have a comfortable house, its too large. Your friend, Rudolph Karges."